Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by JDCollie

  1. Username: JDCollie

    Age: 28

    Location: USA

    What are your plans on the server? I generally like to focus on food production, making a decent side farms, tree farms, and orchards, along with some animal husbandry.

    Why do you like to play TFC? TFC brings back the danger. Proper preparation has real value, because you will die without it.

    Why do you want to join? I much prefer playing with others to playing alone.

    What will you add to the server? Well, obviously food, since I usually produce vastly more than I can use myself. I also enjoy helping people with mining and construction when they need it.


  2. Some time ago I made a thread dedicated to updating the wiki. That thread is dead and gone, but I'm back, and the wiki is still in shambles :P While not necessarily an expert in TFC, I'm certainly a veteran, and it is difficult for me to recognize which parts are most important to fix first. To rectify this, let me introduce. . .

    The Wiki Update Request Thread

    How this works

    You, as concerned and/or confused TFC players, post questions that are not currently (or accurately) answered on the wiki. I will do my best to fix the offending pages, correct inaccurate information, and create those pages that don't currently exist.

    What to ask and how to ask it

    There are a number of things you can do that can help make this process faster:

    • Post clear and specific questions - asking "i don get howtrees work" not only makes my eyes bleed, but it is maddeningly obscure. Asking "What is the maturation time for fruit trees, specifically Red Apple?" is much better.
    • Be patient - It might take me some time to find the answer to your question.
    • Before you ask, CHECK THE WIKI - Seriously, I'm making this thread to update the wiki so that you don't have to ask in the first place. If you ask something that is already provided on the wiki, you're just wasting both of our time.
    Feel free to provide constructive criticism

    If I make a mistake on the wiki, or if you find something that needs changing, let me know. There are plenty of you who know more about TFC than I do, and your (polite) help would be greatly appreciated.

    I will keep a list of answered questions and links to their respective pages here in the original post.


  3. perhaps add a config to route spawn mechanics through the old system instead

    this new one would play hell on slower computers

    Agreed. If the optimization could be done however, I really like this idea. The current mob system is extremely dated, and though the increased health and such do add some tension in TFC, this promises to make mobs actually interesting, rather than just a nuisance.

    I especially like the idea that a player's actions can influence a 'region'. The concept that deforesting an area could change the mobs I encounter is just cool. A like for you, good sir!


  4. When considering techology limits, remember that what is technically possible given the materials we are given in TFC doesn't necessarily represent what is possible for a single individual or small group with those materials.

    The industrial progress of the Western world was the product of millions, not of a couple of dudes with stone picks stranded in the wilderness. I'm all for higher technology, but only with the intermediate infrastructure included. I.E., building a steam engine is going to require a lot more than some ingots, an anvil, and a overabundance of enthusiasm.


  5. Nice idea (I too would love a way to improve my soil quality)

    As for the guidelines for submitting suggestions, don't let us trollish forumgoers put you off. We actually really love to see well thought out ideas, but without some of the suggestions dukejuke mentioned, it become difficult to tell the genuinenely compelling suggestions from the "oh hai guys, I just had a idea!"

    So yeah, welcome to the TFC forums! May you have many ideas to share in the future :D


  6. Picture time!

    Just some stuff I built since joining the server; it's been a lot of fun so far. :D/>/>/>

    The front of my WIP house (with Bob the Spider)

    Posted Image

    Second story:

    Posted Image

    My tree farm (sucks that it was raining, but oh well).

    Posted Image

    My sluice house.

    Posted Image

    There's a copper vein near my house, but I'm too busy building to be bothered with mining it at the moment, so I built this place with four sluices in it to 'mine' the copper for me while I'm working :P/>/>/>

    My wood shed

    Posted Image

    I got tired of stacking wood in my house, so I built a woodshed to store it instead.<p></p>


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    It's a lot more full now, but this was right after I had built it.<p></p>

    The Cave

    There is a massive, terrifying cave system under my house. I found this copper (separate vein from the one the sluice is tapping) while I was splunking. I got about ten full stacks total. :)/>/>/>

    Posted Image


  7. Just a bit of a tangent: how do we feel about killing fifty spiders actually adding an enchantment versus spiders to your sword?

    Hmmm, very split feeling. On the one hand, the idea that your use of a tool could actively improve its abilities is neat. On the other, it encourages grinding, which isn't really the point of the weapons in my eyes.

  8. I'm with Eternal on this. Research really fits in well in some mods, but TFC limits your capabilities through material accessibility, not knowledge accessibility (You can know everything about crafting Bluesteel, but a damned lot of good it will do you when all you've got is a javalin, a loincloth, and your masculine pride.)

    In Thaumcraft you are unraveling the mysteries of the eldrich and arcane. That isn't the kind of shit you learn on the Discovery channel, and it totally makes sense that Steve can't pull a Thaumic Condenser out of his ass without a bit of research first. In TFC however, any idiot who finds a tomato knows how to stick a seed in the ground; it isn't rocket science ( or mystic science, for that matter ).

    Now granted, if TFC included the kind of steam-power systems that have been at least casually suggested for TFC2, then research may have more of a place, but in normal TFC there really isn't any reason to include such a system, or at least not in my opinion :)


  9. I'd love to impart more value into items, but I don't think making every weapon last forever does it very well alone, Why would you risk recovering an item in a dangerous situation when it would be literally worth exactly the same as a newly crafted one, and you have ore to spare?

    If it needs to hold value we need to be able to invest more than the initial construction into it. The items need to be unique, not identical.

    To be honest, I agree with you; the problem is in the nature of suggestions: nest too many together in one post and faces start to melt. (moderately simple suggestions are a lot less likely to be rejected wholesale than those that package together several ideas) :D

    I'd love an upgrade system where the player was able to improve their weapons and/or armor over time, and that would obviously improve a player's pragmatic and emotional attachment to their weapons -- permanent weaponry is the cornerstone to such an idea; however, such a system would also contain enough content to constitute an entirely new suggestion, and isn't within the scope of this topic. (Though I might make a new one :D )*

    *And yes, I know there are already tons of similar topics :P


  10. While your post is obviously lacking in content, I very much agree with the core motivation: TFC's metallurgy system is a techmod in disguise.

    This is frustrating because so many of the other features (prospecting, proper mining, smithy construction, fuel production, and the metalworking itself) all feel so interesting and unique, but the movement from different tiers of metal is basically the same concept of vanilla minecraft's. (Moving from iron tools to successively better tiers of diamond)

    Rather than simply being incremental improvements on previous tiers of metal, it would be nice if higher metals allowed for production of new items that were impossible with lower tier metals. (essentially the same idea as moving from the stone age into the iron; a wealth of new possibilities and activities open before you. It would be cool if that widening of possibilities continued later into the game.)

    Note: I'm not suggesting that we restrict existing abilities to specific metals, that's limiting and frustrating. Rather, I'd like to see new technologies and pursuits made possible through the higher metals. (I recognize this is a pretty tall order; I'll have to think about it for awhile.)


  11. I think that there's a need for a new kind of 'bottle' in the form of a water skin. Instead of being 'empty' or 'full' it would have a durability bar that is drained by drinking and restored by holding right click when pointing at water. Filling an empty one drains 1 bucket's worth of finite water, and obviously doesn't affect generated water. Would hold enough water to fill your thirst bar twice over.

    Necessary when living near a nice lake-side forest? hardly. But you'd damn well better have one if you plan on visiting a desert

    This would work nicely with some of the proposed brewing ideas as well, and it makes a lot more sense than walking around with glass bottles too. (At least in my mind)

  12. Ah good to see you again

    Glad to see your absence hasn't reduced your post quality

    Thanks! I'm still in your signature too :D

    Eh, there's a lot of room now to make a small change add up in combat I don't know what we have for health now but it's a lot more than vanilla, so balancing for long term would be easy and wouldn't require more than a few points of damage to tip the scales in a longer fight.

    This is why I wanted some weapon permanence; in vanilla, you weapon and armor can be replaced so easily that they essentially have no relevance.

    "Oh dear, I fell lava and lost my full set of diamond armor and tools, woe is me! I guess I better go craft some more from my double chest of diamond. *sigh*"

    Hell, in vanilla, you can pummel the enderdragon to death with snowballs. Seriously, you can kill an ancient extra-dimensional wyrm of doom with a item that cannot even hurt the player. In truth, you never actually need weapons/armor in vanilla, though they are nice to have.

    In TFC, your weapons and armor are expensive, difficult to acquire, and difficult to manufacture (especially if you're solo), and they make a difference. Even leather armor can often spell the difference between some annoying health loss and a smoking crater with a long walk from spawn. Sure, maybe you can survive on the surface without armor and weapons, but you'll spend a lot of time running and hiding. And Bioxx help you if you should ever wander into a cave like that...

    Still, regardless of the difficulties imposed by TFC, there comes a point where you have the resources where replacing a weapon is inconvenient, nothing more. Once you have a decent stock of ore, your weapon loses that 'special' quality it once had when it was all that was standing between you and becoming spider-food. After that point, metallurgy in TFC is a tech mod with a complicated crafting system.

    This suggestion aims to rectify that. With these changes, I could easily see a guy in redsteel armor who still has the zinc sword he made because he killed fifty spiders with it back in the day, named it Sting, and now has it framed above his mantle in his four story fortress. That is a sword that would not be easily replaced; that is a sword he cares about.

    And come-on, how cool would it be to make a sword you only use for livestock slaughter just so you can name it 'Pigsticker'? :P

    TLDR: Weapons really are important in TFC, but their current implementation doesn't reflect that importance any better than your average tech mod. I would like to see that changed.


  13. Yeah, I'm on the fence, I do like your mace idea. And yeah, they obviously need to have consequences. Aside from that, it's hard to balance, since either swords need to be REALLY good to compete with red/blue steel maces, or you have to nerf the high end maces. With your system, a blunt object is a blunt object, which makes it a lot easier to balance.

    That is kinda the idea right there. As I am envisioning this, a red/blue steel mace would not be significantly more effective than a bismuth one. (Yes, it would be more effective, but the return on the material improvement would be much much less than the difference between a bismuth sword and one made from red/blue steel.) So yes, this suggestion does essentially constitute a nerf to high-end maces.

    Additionally, if people are really in love with maces, flanged maces could bridge the gap nicely. They would still require maintenance, (as they are edged) but they would retain the look and feel of a mace. I didn't include them in the original suggestion because I felt the post was complicated enough as it was, but I still like the idea of them.


  14. I'll admit, I looked at this title and then the top of the suggestion and thought "OMG NO" then read on and then I was like "OMG YES"

    I have a chronic fear of reposting old suggestions, and it's been a long time since I've been here, so I'm not sure which titles currently will bring out the pitchforks and melt faces :

  15. Application

    IGN: JDCollie

    Age: 28 (By Bioxx, I'm so old :( )

    Experience: I've played TFC since right before the introduction of using chisels to make stairs (not that long ago, I know). I've been playing Minecraft since early Indev. (I bought the game back when Notch first made purchasing available.) I also have a number of posts here on the forums if you need an idea of what I am like/how I communicate.

    I'm a pretty casual player right now, and am basically looking for a friendly community to chat with while I play TFC.


  16. Before you all rage at me, yes, I did my obligatory forum search and did not come up with anything that matched the idea I wanted to propose.

    Also, please read the post before you criticize. Thanks ;)

    No Durability for Weapons


    In the days of yor, when men were men (at fourteen) and women were wenches, a sword was an excessively valuable commodity. A good steel sword could be passed down for generations. It seems odd to me then that our TFC swords break after pummeling an irritated corpses or two, or beating a few hug-obsessed shrubs.


    My aim with this suggestion is to increase the player's investment in their weaponry, in how they use their weapons, how they make their weapons, and the attachment they feel toward them.


    My suggestion has four parts:

    • Durability
    • Production
    • Maintenance
    • The-really-critical-secret-part

    I. Durability

    Weapons, specifically swords and maces, would not have durability like normal tools. How this is implemented is different for swords and maces.

    NOTE: this only applies to metal weapons; items like axes, scythes, and picks would not be changed.


    In place of normal durability, swords would have sharpened durability.

    • At 0 durability, the sword is 'dull' and only inflicts as much damage as stone tools (such as a stone axe) It's still better than your fists though.
    • Swords would start at 0 durability when first forged.
    • To restore durability, a grindstone or whetstone must be used (see below)

    Maces would be without durability in any form.

    • A mace is a big chunk of metal and as such does not require sharpening.
    • Because they cannot be dulled, a mace is capable of inflicting its maximum damage from the moment it is forged.

    At first glance, maces seem to be a far better option than swords. The following balance this out:

    • Sharpened swords inflict more damage than maces.
    • Maces weight significantly more than swords, and as such drain your hunger/thirst bars faster when being used.
    • Sharpened sword damage scales well with material quality; mace damage should not. (if possible, material density should be the factor that improves mace damage, but the scaling should still be poor) This means that sharpened high-metal-tier swords would inflict significantly more damage than maces.
    Essentially this means that maces are a solid option for adventurers with only low tier metals, but as the available materials improve, the sword should become more and more attractive.

    II. Production

    These unbreakable weapons are not your run-of-the-mill bismuth pickaxe; their forging requires effort and materials far beyond your mundane tools.


    The plans for sword blades and mace heads remain the same. Both weapons now require a secondary component, with a plan for each.


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    While the plans remain unchanged, the materials used in those plans have not. Additionally, the process to create a weapon has increased in complexity.


    The Blade:

    Materials Required:

    • 1x [metal sheet 2x]
    • 1x [Plan: Sword Blade]
    • Begin by working the [metal sheet 2x] on an anvil with the [Plan: Sword Blade]. This produces a [Rough Sword Blade].
    • A [Rough Sword Blade] must be heated to workable temperature, and then exposed to water while still workable, (any conditions that refill the player's thirst bar will count for this) producing a [Quenched Sword Blade].*
    • A [Quenched Sword Blade] must be heated again to workable level, producing a [Tempered Sword Blade].
    * If the blade cools below workable temperature before being exposed to water, nothing will happen; the blade must be reheated.

    The Hilt:

    Materials Required:

    • 1x [metal ingot]
    • 1x [Plan: Hilt]
    • 1x [Leather]
    • 1x [Gem] (the kind of gem doesn't matter, you just need one)
    For ease of programming, the hilt and blade must be of the same metal.


    • Work the [metal ingot] on an anvil with the [Plan: Hilt]. This produces [unfinished Hilt]
    • On a crafting table, combine the [Leather] with the [unfinished Hilt] and [Gem], produces [balanced Hilt].
    Posted Image

    Final Construction:

    Combine the [Tempered Sword Blade] with your [balanced Hilt] on a crafting table. Produces [Dull (metal) Sword], where (metal) is the type of metal used to make the sword. (I.E., a tin sword would be [Dull Tin Sword])

    Posted Image


    The Head:

    Materials Required:

    • 2x [double ingot]
    • 1x [Plan: Mace Head]
    • Weld the two [double ingot] together. Produces [unshaped Mace Head]
    • Work [unshaped Mace Head] on an anvil with [Plan: Mace Head]. Produces [Mace Head]

    The Haft:

    Materials Required:

    • 1x [metal ingot]
    • 1x [Plan:Haft]
    For ease of programming, the [Haft] and [Mace Head] must be made of the same metal.


    • Work the [metal ingot] on an anvil with [Plan: Haft]. Produces [Haft].

    Final Construction:

    Weld the [Haft] and [Mace Head] together on an anvil. Produces [(metal] Mace], where (metal) is the type of metal used. (I.E., [iron Mace])

    III. Maintenance

    (only applies to swords)


    Sharpening swords can be done with two tools: Grindstones and Whetstones.


    Various proposals for how to make a grindstone have been scattered all over the forum; I'm not going to waste your time by making another. (Choose your favorite design and imagine that here)


    Right clicking on the top of an exposed sedimentary stone (mudstone, claystone, sandstone, etc) will convert it into a whetstone.(essentially the same process as creating a stone anvil or food preparation surface)

    Posted Image

    Operating the whetstone requires a bucket of water. Clicking the "Sharpen" button incrimentally fills the arrow. When the arrow is full, the [Dull (metal) Sword] will move to the output slot with full 'durability' as a [(metal) Sword]. The water is consumed by this process (though obviously not the bucket.)

    Using a whetstone is laborious and slow, and consumes a significant amount of hunger, making the use of a grindstone preferable when one is available.

    NOTE: Sharpening restores a sword's ability to inflict its normal damage; it does not make the sword do more damage than it normally could.

    IV. Naming Your Weapons

    I think we should be able to name our weapons. I mean, come on, if you took all the time, effort, and materials to make your [steel Sword], and then you go and kill fifteen creepers with it, wouldn't it be awesome if you could name it [Creepersbane, Steel Sword]? :wub:

    I would prefer is this could be done at a point after forging and assembling, but I don't have any specific ideas as to how this should be implemented. (Having the weaponsmith's name permanently affixed to the weapon would be cool too, like a second line on the tooltip: Forged by JDCollie, or whatever)

    Part of my stated goal with this suggestion is increasing the player's investment in their weapons; being able to give your prized weapon a name would go a long way towards that end.


    That's my proposal; feel free to criticize, shred, and generally complain this-has-already-been-suggested-and-you-should-learn-to-use-the-search-feature-moron. :lol:


  17. What about a grinding stone for sharpening bladed tools and such? The effect could be time based; as you held the blade to the stone, the remaining durability would improve, but the total durability would decrease, eventually rendering the tool irreparable, but extending the overall life of the tool.

    Obviously this wouldn't work on stone tools, but the way I'm currently envisioning it, you would have moved out of stone tools long before you build a grindstone anyway.

    (Sorry if this has already been suggested; I've been gone awhile)

    The reason I bring this up here, is this seems like a great use for a water/wind powered device.


  18. Hey, i only started playing again TFC last week, and i entered this forum and started helping with stuff before that. You only need to keep up reading the changelog, and you will be fine :3

    But I can't experiment. Reading the changelog helps, but its a poor substitute for a hands-on experience. Oh well. Once finals are over, I can probably get things up and running again :D
