Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ryuugumo

  1. Tamable Bear Mount

    Throw in some Red Steel Armor and it's EPIC!!!
  2. Your chisel creations!!

    The secret handshake of the TFCMasons is ... (>'_')># I was gonna give you this waffle... #<('_'<) But then I was like, (>'#'<) "I'm hungry." (>'-'<) So I ate it. (>^-^<) No but maybe TFCMGMELB Terra Firma Craft's Mason Guild Makes Everything Look Better Or ... TFMG for short
  3. New Wood Type: Blue Mahoe

    Looks very good. It's suppose to be semi-tropical and found mainly in the Caribbean. If they use your textures and add it in jungle and swamp, then it shouldn't be too common; but still able to be found.
  4. New Wood Type: Blue Mahoe

    I think that would look great. Slate should be more of a dull cyan with a hint of green. I think Blue Mahoe should be kinda a dark blue kinda like purple but more blue gray than purple. Perhaps if they don't decide to change the texture we could edit slate and make it more the way we like it. I still would like to see a new tree type with blueish hue next time they do a big world gen patch.
  5. Nerfed chest size

    I also agree. I go on two or three expeditions to gather "exotic" tree saplings and I find it to be fun. I don't wait on those expeditions though I build with what ever is on hand. My tree farms do grow wood for me but I don't harvest a tree type if I don't need it. Yes I limit the size of my farm. I find it makes you stop and think before you build. "Do I have enough wood for this with what I can harvest? Do I need to use local wood to finish it faster? Should I build this in sections because I really like that wood color but don't have enough?" These questions and foreplanning make building very enjoyable to me. Also I play around with not having any resources coming in from my farms during the winter months. It makes me want to build some buildings I normally wouldn't consider I.E. silo, smokehouse, lumberyard, stoneyard. I don't mass collect these resources but it's nice to have a place to put scrap or look for what would look nice. I exclusively use open-air-quarry mining technics and it's fun to go around and find new stone types I can use in my buildings. If I get too much stone to hold I just think of a use. It can be challenging but it's very fun. You could complain about the chest nerf or anything else, but to me it's another challenge to work to my fun or favor.
  6. Built Minecraft.jar file download

    Let's please keep in mind that this mod is either in Alpha or at the most Beta. It's not stable enough or developed enough to consider putting it in any form of pack. This is aside from my personal bais against packs, which stems from their lack of support of the modders who take the time to write them so that we don't have to. That being said, if they were to make a "technic pack" sometimes it might go a week or two without changing or it might change three to four times a day. Would you like to update it with every patch. No? I didn't think so. Please be patient this mod will eventually be finished at which point these talks might or might not be fruitful. Until then it is unreasonable to ask or expect such a pack to come out. I'm glad we all can test, play, and enjoy Bioxx's mod, but keep in mind it's still very much undeveloped and will change alot until he finishes with it.
  7. Built Minecraft.jar file download

    Do you have ModLoader installed? If so remove it. The new version of MCForge includes it's own copy and will conflict if you install ModLoader as well.
  8. Built Minecraft.jar file download

    I agree that putting people down doesn't help anything. I also understand that there is no good way to make installing these mods any easier. If you are having trouble then I suggest , if on the other hand you just want it to be faster then I suggest . I understand that we all don't speak the same language and translations do from time to time get confusing and for that I recomend .
  9. Built Minecraft.jar file download

    I don't understand. How hard could they be finding it to install a mod (which to my knowledge all mods do the same thing) that provides a step by step list of baby steps that they need to do to install and play the mod. Other mods are harder, but still did they never even try to install it. Is the big bad process looming over them like a ten ton anvil waiting to fall? Encourage them that it is easy and that they can do it. After they do it once or twice I think you will find they think it's easy too. If they are just lazy like me, then I recomend MultiMC. It's the same process, but faster and easier.
  10. New Wood Type: Blue Mahoe

    I'm not really interested in blue wool unless we can get indigo as an option. Dyes do sound good. Maybe we could dye wood different colors or get a form of whitewash that we could dye.
  11. Nerfed chest size

    So if I'm understanding what you're saying we need more uses for dirt and a better way to handle the varied quantities of metal that we need to gather. Good for you Sir. I tip my hat to you.
  12. Nerfed chest size

    Another option that would work great with this mods theme might be crates or barrels. They wouldn't be able to connect with each other. Each crate / barrel would still only have one row of storage; however, they could be placed much like woodpiles. This way we could fill an entire room with them. We've never been able to do that with chests and I (at least) end up with a headache trying to get the storage I need in a design that doesn't look like !@#$. For this reason I go with more of a town design, where I can simply add more buildings if I need more space.
  13. Nerfed chest size

    I'm not saying that that's a bad idea just that you are short changing yourself the fun of finding neat and interesting ways of storing your items. If you're still trying to put everything into one building then this probally isn't the mod for you. Regular Minecraft allows you to do that; however this is a mod not regular Minecraft.
  14. Your chisel creations!!

    I recently found out how to upload pictures so here are my chisel works. I finished them last night. I love this feature. My only complaint is it's not for wood yet. Well hopefully it will be but ... anyhow enjoy.
  15. Nerfed chest size

    Yep here they are. BTW I'm only doing close-ups on the storage I'm using; however, I have plenty more available in the houses I've built for each profession. I'm nowhere near running out of space. Just cann't find enough uses for all the sticks I have. I've thought about throwing them out but that seems like a waste to me. Anyhow enjoy the pics.
  16. Nerfed chest size

    My setup isn't really effected by this change. I've been setting my buildings up for each thing that I wanted. I.E. a farm with silo, ranch with barn complete with loft, lumbermill with a lumberyard nearby, masonry with a nearby stoneyard, I collect the metals I need and mark the ones I don't with towers or other ways of finding them, blacksmith doesn't need to work on ten things at a time, jewelry shop for non-chipped or flawed gems only, schoolhouse for ink feathers paper and books, docks with a wharf, barracks for weapons and armor, and at this point I have no store problems and still have more buildings I could fill if I wished it. My only complaint is I have way too many sticks.
  17. Sticks

    The inability to bend is the ability to break. Doesn't matter if your talking about metal, wood, or food. It's just a fact. P.S. Just because you cann't see it bend doesn't mean it didn't. I.E. fiberglass is very flexable but retains enough rigidness to deliver to sturdy blow without destroying the individual tensils
  18. Sticks

    Have you ever tried chopping wood with an axe that doesn't flex? You understand then that with no flex in an axe handle it breaks on the first swing. As far as it being the weakest, wrong it has two to four times the tensile strength due to how many layers it has. Heartwood is great and all but it has little to no place in making tools. Now maybe if you added in a way to treat the wood maybe I could see it. Even that has too many problems though, it would be more expensive and time consuming then just going and clicking once on a tree with your scythe.
  19. Sticks

    No there isn't and no there shouldn't.
  20. Dwarves

    What's wrong with that?
  21. Arrow Heads: Stone and Beyond

    Then why not leave arrows the way they are and simply add new ways to get them. Have wood, stone, flint, and metal all allow you to make arrows. Just have them produce different amounts. I.E. wood - 1, stone - 2, flint - 4, metal (of various types) 10-40 (depending on the type of metal used.) These are figurative numbers so don't complain about them, I'm just using them to explain my idea. No need to do anything more than the crafting table for any of these except metal and you could easily put plans in for those. When you use any of those matierals in the crafting table the recipe you use would translate it into numbers. So wood is the regular recipe without the tip, stone, flint, and metal are still the same recipe shape, but metal is the only thing you have to work with before you tie them together on the crafting table.
  22. A topic of concern

    Grats on finding sink holes. They are hard to find, fun to fill, and can contain secrets if you look in them.