Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Toboo

  1. Tents.

    In actuality if you were in the middle of nowhere with literally nothing, no tools, no food, nothings, you would not knap a stone axe, cut down a tree, cut said tree into planks with your stone axe, and build a small house, you would probably instead A. Find a cave, or B. make some sort of makeshift shelter out of sticks, leaves, animal hides or whatever else you could find. My proposal is this: you could place leather as a thin wall that would have to held up by supports made of sticks, this would make a good temporary shelter, another option would be just having the ability to craft an item which could just be plopped down, but that's just boring in my opinion.
  2. Tents.

    Oops I seem to have broken a sacred law of the internet, well time to go live in exile.
  3. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    I haven't played some Terra Firma in a long time, but I had just the same thoughts of a harsher death penalty when I played it, I had an idea for multiplayer that would make death feel punishing, but not too boring or rage inducing, simply put when you die you become a ghost, obviously as a ghost you can't die, you would probably be invisible for the most part yet would be able to show your self in some ways, in order to get you back to life, other players have to create a grave or memorial of some sort to commemorate you, nothing to complicated, or if you waited long enough you would automatically come back, as a ghost you would be able to have minimal interactions with other players, you could perhaps occasionally damage or push other players or do things that will scare them, all you abilities could serve as persuasion tools to give you a proper burial.
  4. Tents.

    Well this thread went to hell while I was gone.
  5. Tents.

    I meant stone axe I'm assuming that if whatever steve is, is intelligent enought to cut a wooden log into planks and make a building out of it, then he can drape the skins of animals over some sticks, the point of this is to make an easy constructable and desconstructible house that wouldn't last over time but would be better for surviving the first few nights so instead of having a little 2x2 hut which you will have to remove to make room for the mansion you plan to build, you can instead build a tent out of sticks and leather that can easily be disembled and picked up, this would also allow for more exploration, having shelter that can easily be deployed, and since bioxx plans for biomes to be like real life were you have to move long distances to find diffrent ones, exploration may be in some peoples intrests
  6. This seems like a feature that would be packed with optifine, not terra fima.
  7. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    Like this idea, it would be cool if the bees were mobs that spawned in like any other, then they would come togheter with other mobs and build from any overhanging block(meaning you could get a bee infestation inside a building if you left it unattended) you could transfer bee's to an artificial hive and harvest honey an stuff. Also
  8. Just a couple quick bugs ive found with stalagmite/stalactites 1. Mobs have a dispositions to them similar how they were to trees before the AI was updated promptly hugging the stone spike if it is between the player and the mob (they can't path around it) 2. when bottom sections are broken out they just hover, which is less of a bug more of something that hasn't been implemented yet.
  9. Since this mod takes inspiration from Dwarf Fortress I thought i would make another DF like suggestion. In Dwarf Fortress the first night doesn't have you fighting tons of monsters (unless you choose an Evil biome but thats your fault), the only thing that will fight you is carnivorous animals, maybe animal men and Armok forbid...Elephants *shudders*, you find monsters most of the time when you dig into caverns or they stumble upon your fortress, In Minecraft you see monsters each night and maybe even before then if you wander into a cave, It doesn't make sense to me that every night the Dead rise and green penis monsters and spiders come out of no where. When monsters are a daily routine they lose some of their threat, when you see something like a giant spider you should be thinking "Holy crap a giant spider" instead you think "oh, another spider, guess ill kill it". I have a few ideas that could make Terra Firma craft has the monster pacing be more like DF. First and foremost I think that monsters should be a bit more tough, currently in Terra firma i have a stone knife and leather armor and thats enough for me to not have to worry about almost any threat and I don't think pumping the difficulty up one level will change that too much, when I see monsters I want to have something to be afraid of, thats what monsters should be SCARY, the threat that the current monsters offer should be more along the line of an angry wild animal which leads me to my next point. Wild animals should roam freely and repopulate like any peaceful mob, but when they get hungry they will go after a peaceful mob, they may even go after a player, when very hungry they will attack anything on sight including the player, this would obviously need to be well balanced so predators don't extinct prey. Wild animals also may or may not attack the player if provoked, something like a coyote would only fight if it had more coyotes around it, but running away if not, a bear may attack a player no matter how many other bears are around, and something like a mandrill may be unpredictable, stealing shiny things and randomly attacking the player. Next up monsters, monsters would show up in many different places, in caves, in the depth of the oceans, and sometimes maybe even on the surface, how they would spawn and repopulate would vary from creature to creature, while the Undead may come from anything from necromancers, to evil artifacts or just an evil "biome", while something like an ogre or giant cave worm may still work like animals, repopulating and such, but instead of killing out of hunger they may just be killing thing for fun, or possibly hunger at which point the only difference between them and animals is their level of aggression and how common they are. I like this idea, mobs actually seeming like their doing something, skeletons patrolling routes, ogres huddled around a makeshift campfire, and wolves stalking there prey are things that come to mind.There could be other thing like forgotten beasts or something like that but, I'll just leave it at this for now, tell me if you like the idea and any other ideas you have for it.
  10. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    -Log blocks take shorter/longer to break depending on how many log blocks are above them
  11. Dwarf Fortress Like Enemy Pacing

    This is exactly what I want, I'm really hoping that TerraFirma will really make minecraft feel alive, the same way dwarf fortress feels really alive, thats why i refer to Dwarf Fortress a lot when it comes to making suggestions.
  12. Dwarves

    In real life building giant castles and massive stone winkies is indefeasible all by your self, and TFcraft sticks to its roots in realism by making it pretty hard too, but what else do you do in minecraft besides build giant castles and massive stone winkies, well survive for one thing but TFcraft has got that covered, so what would be a solution to make building large structures more realistic, well since this mod is Dwarf fortress inspired why not Dwarves, but we dont want slaves that would do all you wanted and asked for nothing in return that wouldn't be fun enough, Dwarves would need food,booze(or water if forced to) and other necessities less they decide to kill you and all your Dwarves. It could be a separate game mode/option, survival(in the truest sense of the word thanks to TFcraft), and Fortress mode were your dwarves would dig build and craft and you have to help them survive. I made a model for a Dwarf awhile back along with a cruddy texture for them, i dont know anything about animations but I could give it a go. https://dl.dropbox.c...ess%20Dwarf.tcn
  13. Dwarves

    Do you know Java, cause when I said work on it with my friend I meant have my friend do it and I would give minimal contribution, I'm currently learning C++ and well similar to Java I still doubt I'd be able to do much with modding, my friend on the other hand knows Java pretty well.
  14. Dwarf Fortress Like Enemy Pacing

    I do know the inspiration comes from multiple sources, but Dwarf Fortress has a similar format to Minecraft: random generation and the ability to dig through the earth, so a spawning system that worked in DF would more or less work in minecraft, I also know about the changes to mob spawns, these are mostly interesting ideas to tack on.
  15. Dwarves

    Oh well I may have to work on an add-on for Terra Firma with a friend that add the DF style of Fortress management, after thinking about it I know view Terra Firma as you being like the dwarves that have to build their fortress from the ground up through many difficulties, it just needs some more Dwarf Fortress style Fun.
  16. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    So with all the talk of NPC's , I thought I would bring up an Idea I've suggested, make NPC like Dwarf Fortress were sometimes you wonder if you would be better off without them, you would have to keep citizens happy by giving them proper housing, good food, and generally good living conditions, unhappy NPC's may refuse to work, break buildings, or start massacring other citizens. Since Bioxx said he took inspiration from Dwarf Fortress on this I can't think of a better way to do it, add some other players to the mix and the amount of Fun to be had would be limitless. Also Nobles should be as "helpful" as they are in Dwarf Fortress.
  17. Sticks

    Is there a way to get sticks besides breaking leaves, if not there should be.
  18. Kill mobs, get corpse

    Guess it's time to make a refuse stockpile.
  19. A gun...

    This isn't a half bad idea, in a world were phallic green creatures produce explosive it wouldn't be indefeasible that guns would be invented quite early, but it seems that it would be a whole lot easier to make a compatibility patch with Balkons Weapon mod then reinvent the wheel.
  20. RE: realism

    I was gonna make a post and this but it seems now I don't have to, Realism and Fantasy can mix just because something doesn't exist on earth doesn't mean it couldn't exist in another world, is a giant spider not simply a big version of a bug that exists in this world, who says that its impossible for a spider to have evolved to be big instead of small, but then there's magic, magic is where it becomes complicated its not realistic but its great for filling in the gaps in between that what impossible, like how a corpse is running around attacking you, black magic of course, some settings even make it so magic seems believable making a complete science that goes behind how magic works. So long as it feels real is some way shape or form, then it can be realistic.
  21. Sticks

    Well at the very least some sticks should come off the tree when its chopped down, In fact it should probably produce saplings too, that was one thing that annoyed me that if i wanted to get saplings id have to individually punch the leaves before chopping the tree, but a lower drop rate then if they were punched would be good.
  22. Sticks

    This mod is going for realistic, i don't think that its very realistic that you would only use branches instead of carving handles out of wood for tools once you have any sort of tool with a cutting edge.
  23. Dwarves

    Something like this would be good going off the way Dwarf Fortress does it, in Dwarf Fortress there's a list of certain skills, you assign dwarves what skills you want them to use and any job thats been designated to get done will get done by a dwarf with that skill enabled and Dwarves will gain a title and slightly diffrent appearance based on what job they do the most, the skills also level up but that may be going to in depth. Here's a reference to the skills in DF
  24. Dwarves

    Just to be clear, the Dwarves arn't meant to make things easier, its more meant to shift the players goal from keeping themselves alive to keeping there civilization from falling to pieces, this would completely change the play style thus making it a different game mode, if you've had the patience to sit down and figure out Dwarf Fortress then you know the feeling of this and how with the more Dwarves you get the more problems occur, if you haven't played Dwarf Fortress, give it a try, its free but possibly one of the most complicated games ever made.