Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by XelNigma

  1. I need Dynamite!

    Is TnT disabled, the recipe changed or does it just not work with all sand types yet? I really need it to blow the crap out of this area that has traces of some ore.
  2. Question of Time.

    What is the default number of days in a month? Is each month the same size? Iv seen in a few topics that explain how to go-in and change the length of the year, but now that I'm interested in that I cant find any of them topics. Is there a particular year length that most people usually end up using that different than default? Will making the year longer/shorter directly cause the crops to grow faster/slower? (I know that temperature affects growth rate, and seasons can affect the temperature. So that would be an indirect way longer/shorter years would affect growth.)
  3. I first noticed this when I used a creeper to help me dig out a hill side of Basalt. When he blew, the rocks he left behind was of Diorite and Rhyolite, I found this odd seeing as this area only has Basalt. I created a creative game, made a floating platform and tested it again using a creeper (from the white egg that I assume is the one TFCraft uses) and once again I got Diorite and Rhyolite stones from it instead of Basalt stones. I reset the test with basalt cobblestone, basalt bricks and smoothed basalt, but its only the natural Basalt that gives the wrong stones. I switched to TnT and it still happened, so from there on I used TnT and a wooden presser plate to do the tests. next was to see if it happened with any other stone and here is what I got; Granite, Diorite and Gabbro gave Granite stone and cobblestone of there type (so Gabbro gave Granite stone and Gabbro cobblestone) Siltstone, Mudstone, Shale, Claystone, Rock Salt, Limestone, Conglomerate, Dolomite, Chert, and Chalk all gave Siltstone rocks and cobblestone of there own type. Quartzite, Slate, Phyllite, Schist, Gneiss and Marble gave Quartzite stone and cobblestone of there own type. The last 4 are kinda special. Rhyolite gave Rhyolite stone and Granite stone Basalt gave Rhyolite stone and Diorite stone Andesite gave Rhyolite stone and Gabbro stone Dacite gave Rhyolite stone and Siltstone stone These are special because unlike the others they dont drop cobblestone blocks, just 2 stone types. I want to make clear that when I say "<name> stone" Im talking about the item you gather by breaking surface rocks or mining with a pick axe, that when placed create a cobblestone block. When I say you get a cobblestone I mean you actually get the cobblestone version of that rock type, that you can't get normally get as an item. I only tested the cobblestone, smoothed and brick version of basalt, seeing as it didn't yield any oddities I didn't test any of the other stone types this way.
  4. I need Dynamite!

    Hmm if I was to cheat some in I'm going to have to use a really balanced and TFcraft feel exchange. I'm thinking something like 2 gun powders, 2 papers and a string to craft a Stick of TNT, And you need 4 sticks to craft the TnT block. So for me to cheat in a tnt block I would want to exchange 8 gunpowder, 8 paper and 4 strings. My thinking is Bioxx would probably have us craft each stick then tie them together. I dont know much about this kind of thing irl so if any one has a better, more realistic recipe for this I would gladly use it for my cheat exchange. Also, where does sand come into play in this? I dont get why the van tnt has you use sand.
  5. I need Dynamite!

    bah, thanks. its hard for me to ignore digging out some ore once I detect it, but I think its best if I do.
  6. eggs

    a single egg isnt all that filling irl. and for balance sake eggs are overly abundant. Another way to go about this is that chickens irl dont usually just poop out an egg where ever they are. At least, my grandma's never did. They preferred the nests we had made for them, (with a golf ball in each one). They did some times however lay eggs under there roosting spot. But never do I recall them laying eggs out in the yard. my point is, it takes alot more than simple putting a fence around a chicken to keep chickens. You need a safe place for them to stay at night so other animals (like raccoons and possoms being the main threat), and chickens need access to sand and stuff to eat so they can breakdown there feed. I know there is a point where if you make things in a game too realistic it takes away from the game rather than adding to it. But I think if we had to craft a nesting box to get eggs from our chickens it would help regulate and balance the egg as a food item. TL;DR: Add nesting boxes to get eggs from chickens.
  7. Planks first toughts

    Iv thought for a long time now that van minecraft should do away with the crafting bench and replace it with more specific work blocks. Eventually theres going to be so many craftable items that there going to have to make a second crafting table block. I can see TFcraft doing away with it, I would rather it look like a actual table or bench my self. or even have it function like the food prep area where it is a transparent block on a surface of your choosing. (probably using the hammer to create it) — back to planks. Right now if I want to make a wall of planks, its better to fuse 4 planks into a block, then chisel that block flat. But I would never do that because I like having my chests and stuff right up against the wall on both sides of my house. Having a thin wall doesnt actually save me any room and makes things look funky. Seems like planks are mainly just for added decor, something I dont tend to focus on much in TFcraft. But I still think its good. The more features the better!
  8. Question of Time.

    So 8 day long months, that fits about how long I thought it was. That feels like its too short for me. Is there a reason its 8 days rather than 7? And if I extend mine to two weeks per month should I make it so each is 15 days rather than 14?
  9. You cant skip the night

    I use to use the mod Somnia with TFCraft. Its been a while sense Iv used it but iirc you could sleep any where you wanted (on a bed), but instead of just skipping the night it rapidly simulated it. This would allow for crops to grow, metals to cook and most importantly monsters to spawn, roam around and even attack you if you where left exposed. That means even creepers could explode on you if one found you. Making it unwise to sleep out in the open. And when you did wake up in the morning (or if you wanted, earlier) there would be monsters still out and about as if you stayed up all night. Unlike now if you go to bed soon enough none get a chance to even spawn. It felt like a perfect fit. I dont know how compatible they are now how ever.
  10. Iv looked around and read the wiki but im still a little confused. The wiki says the Hoe has 3 modes. Mine has 4 (Counting the blank mode) Clearly the outline of a water drop is the water mode that tells me if the farmland has access to water. And the large "H" lets me know if the crop is ready to be harvested. But my problem lies with the Nutrient mode. I assume its the one that looks like a mutated Tetris brick, how ever I don't see any thing when I hold it over a farmland with or without crops on it. Same holds true for the blank mode. Am I using it wrong? Unrelated Note: I would suggest using just Letters or Symbols for the modes, not both. Seeing as we are limited on space, I think "N", "W", and "H" would probably be the best option.
  11. Question about the Hoe and it's modes.

    If they still grow even with no nutrients what causes the plant to die and drop the seeds? I have some farmland squares that refuses to allow crops to stay on it despite having some (albeit low) levels of nutrients. Annoyingly it takes a few days before it rejects the plant so I usually lose the bag of seeds, but not always. I had this great plot, my hoe said i had really high levels of nutrients. That is until I planted stuff there then it dropped and dropped hard. I assume it was just a graphical bug that said it was great farmland and I had to plant something before it would reflect the real levels.
  12. Question about the Hoe and it's modes.

    So far pretty simple, the crops are divided into 3 groups, plant which ever crop likes which color in an area with a high amount of that color. Thats about all the wiki tells me. But what If I place a plant that likes the red bar on a square will it eat up some of the red on that spot? And by doing that will it increase the amount of the other 2 bars? The specifics are very important!
  13. Question about the Hoe and it's modes.

    Got my tin hoe, I see now why its the shape of a mutated tetris brick. Saddly I have no idea what the 3 bars mean, off to study the wiki. Any tips or info the wiki might lack would be welcome.
  14. Iv made the bloomery several different ways, but I dont really like any of them all that well. Iv done the standard bloomer with a ladder or stairs, the forge/bloomery combo, even an inground bloomery so the top is surface side with stairs leading down to the bloomery block. But... there all meh. It would seem for the best results the bloomery block needs to be near the anvil. Which removed the inground bloomery option. My main issue with the standard bloomery is making nice looking stairs leading to the top gets rather bulky and that make it not look good. Any one have any creative suggestions or better yet, pics of how you built your bloomery?
  15. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    Using google translator I think he (Gorni) said to hold down the shift key to make a new hospital... that cant be right... Then to delete the config and try again. If still nothing delete TFCraft, API and the Forge and reinstall them to try again. And dont use any other mods in the prossess.
  16. Looking for a better way to build my Bloomery.

    Iv tried a stone ladder before, Doesnt get along with smart move very well. I love the piston set up, very nice indeed. I had never even considered having the way up to the top of the bloomery to not be right next to it. You all have shown me there are several way to do this that I havent even thought of. I need to start thinking outside the box, get my creativity a-flow'n. Thanks peps.
  17. Potentially helpful smithing stuff (spoilers)

    It would appear to be unanimous. Winner is "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Taken from wika, "The meaning of the phrase is that individuals may do bad things even though they intend the results to be good." worded like that it seems so clear.
  18. Some Questions about Smithing.

    Iv made several metal tools and some armors. but there are some things that I would like to know more about. such as, does the type of anvil and/or hammer affect the end-point¹ when smithing items or the amount the arrow moves? Will the same pattern² for smithing a tool work for all metals? Does the season affect the end-point when smithing? Is the end-point on smithing random each time you load the map to prevent people from memorizing the pattern for perfect tools? and if it is the same each time then why did the patter I figured out in creative mode for a perfect pick ax not even get close when I tried it on my survival map? Even when I went back to creative it was still way off the mark, and I tested it several times to make sure it was 100% correct when I wrote it down. I noticed my forge was incomplete and my hammer wasnt in my anvil, as if the map rolled-back to just before I started testing out smithing patterns. very odd that. ¹; by end-point i mean the red arrow that you have to get your green arrow to line up with in the anvil window. ²; by pattern I mean the order in which you hit the ingot in the anvil window to move the green arrow.
  19. Potentially helpful smithing stuff (spoilers)

    I cant tell if this is a "No good deed goes unpunished." or a "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." kind of situation. On one hand, he tried to share his knowledge to others (the good deed) and was banned for it (the punishment) but on the other hand he but broke a rule to do it (the hell part). Guess its both.
  20. Greetings, I havent played this in a while and I see alot was added, very awesome! So far most of my new questions I can find on either the patch notes or the wiki. But I cant find anything about this white grid that previews on the ground when im holding planks. At first I thought I was able to place planks, kinda like a reverse chisel effect. And this grid was to help show me just where I would be placing the plank. But so far I dont seem to beable to do that. Is it for a function not yet added or am I just doing something wrong?
  21. Question about the Hoe and it's modes.

    Ah thanks, yes Im using a stone hoe. While were on this topic, Is there a way to untill a dirt block? Iv noticed I dont get a dirt block if i break a tilled dirt block. I'm hesitant to report any thing as a bug seeing as I know so little about any of it, for all I know (like the stone hoe problem) it could be a legitimate part of the mod.
  22. Stone Anvil

    works for me as well as soon as I realized I had to make sure I clicked the top and not the sides. I think I read it also has to be a native stone of the area.
  23. Complete Noob Questions

    gravel is back, and with it the chance for flint. and last I checked zombies still have a chance to drop a van iron ingot.
  24. foot holds

    I like the idea, I would probably never use it my self, (sense I have smart move Iv never even bother making ladders for any thing but attic or basement access) but having the option would be great. Instead of the pickaxe making the holes, maybe that power should be given to a new tool, maybe something that resembles a climbing pick? After all, being able to climb up from any where you are with just a pick is alot of power when before you needed alot of sticks and a crafting bench before. And with it being its own item you can lose durability from it and still feel right. what about the rules of this ability? like, can it be used on ores? when you mine a block with foot holds do you still get the normal item drop? Will it work on 'loose' blocks like dirt, cobblestone, sand and gravel? will it work on wooden blocks like trees, logs, and planks? This seems like it would be best for climbing up, if ladders where changed to somehow unroll downward when you place them then these 2 climbing methods would be like yin to the others yang. One designed for climbing up the other for climbing down.
  25. build nice looking house with(out) woodlogs

    Thats one sweet looking house! Im totally going to steal that! *Note; in your rei's map options window at the bottem is a button for waypoints, you can enable and disable them from being viewed when you dont need them.