Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by SilvaDreams

  1. Sticks Vs Handles/Rods

    Not to mention metal handles also would impart the entire force of an impact up the length of the tool, so when you hit that pickax against that hard rock it is going to go "PIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGG!!!" And your going to feel this lovely numbing/painful shock in your hands/arms. Trust me I tried it once wit ha sledgehammer .. the handle broke so I go the brilliant idea to use a iron pipe... I quickly changed my mind.
  2. Chest size fix.

    Honestly I don't see anything wrong with the chests, I'm actually waiting for Bioxx to make the player inventories smaller to match the decrease in chest size.. Heaven forbid you'll have to make a dedicated storage area or work with other people on SMP.... Though honestly I can't say I've ever had anyone mess with my things on a SMP server without asking first, generally the communities I join or are part of we won't try to screw one another over.
  3. Ya Javalins also break far too easily in melee combat and you might as well be punching a zombie with the damage they do. If I'm spelunking the last thing I want to do is get in a poke fight with something that goes BOOM in the night and only have one on me.
  4. Whats planed for minecarts and such?

    Yes but we don't have hundreds of tons rolling over our rails at one time either really =p But there is a discussion over in the suggestions part of the forums for this exact what is brought up here
  5. Total Ranged Overhaul

    Concerning the cross bow... Wood(Or Horn) was actually quite commonly used for the longest time in their creation then they eventually moved up to Iron and Steel (Depends on how rich you were and once they could make it pure enough that it didn't shatter). BUt those Crossbows made the modern ones look like a bad joke..They could have upwards of a 700-1000lb draw on them while the average long bow is only 80-110lbs. As for the Mechanisms well those are very very simple things and were commonly made from bronze (Or iron later on) and only really require a 4-5 pieces (This is including pins and the like that hold them inside) So in reality crossbows aren't "complex" by any means Hell think the Chinese were making them as far back as 400-200BC http://www.computers...on/crossbow.htm <--One source I managed to find
  6. Mineshafts and mining

    Well instead of Engraved rails why not just go for wooden rails that would have a lower top end speed and more virtual friction which would slow it down faster (Think I had already said this earlier on) Because wooden tracks were generally used in mines because under the dank conditions where you might loose your haul.. Why spend precious metal? Wooden rails would suck for use over long distance because it was slow and won't keep a lot of inertia but that is where the perk of upgrading to Iron rails would be useful letting you go long distances. Though instead of just using Coal like in Railcraft ,which honestly makes no sense seeing as the main source for Creosote is actually Trees... Pinetrees being one of the best (There are some swamp trees too that are even better but.. ya slow growers and hard to get). But there is also other way to get it. Though honestly Creosote Oil might be a LITTLE too new since it came into discovery and use 1832
  7. automatic bellows

    I wouldn't mind if on the GUI for the Bloomery that is there was a way to activate the Bellows attached so you could pump them from within that so you don't have to close then open the menu every time you want to start pumping the bellows. And Just_Another_Guy I do believe you can use the bellows with the forge (never tried it myself but I haven't been playing lately)
  8. automatic bellows

    Well the funny thing is generally bellows aren't put on the side of a Forge or Bloomery, they are put under the coal so you are pumping air directly under/into the coals so you supply more oxygen (More Oxygen, richer fire, Richer fire, More heat) So even back in the ancient days of Egypt and copper tools they had foot bellows
  9. Upcoming changes in pre46

    Yup I never got the point of building a Forge high up, since higher up you would have less dense air meaning less oxygen so the fire would burn cooler.. Not hotter.But Also for the same reason you don't want to build a forge underground... That hot fire is sucking up a ton of oxygen, so you'd have to be pumping more air down into the cave/tunnel just so the fire can breath.. and so can you!
  10. Realistic chicken drops and arrow crafting

    Ya normally you don't pluck chickens until after you kill them , mostly because their feathers do have blood vessels connected to them and that would makea bloody mess (and likely kill the poor thing) But like all birds Chickens do drop feathers year round much like we shed old hair
  11. Rotten Meat vs Raw Meat

    Or Bioxx could toss in a silly achievement for when you eat so much rotten flesh and name it "The worms crawl in. The worms crawl out, Up your nose and out your mouth!"
  12. Rotten Meat vs Raw Meat

    Why does rotten meat fill more then normal meat... That is simple! All the extra protein from all the maggots!
  13. Nerfed chest size

    I don't have a problem with people being able to crawl through a small single block hole, but I do find the unlimited sprinting of Smart Movement that bypasses the hunger restrictions to be cheating.It's like using a backpack mod along with TFC, it defeats the point of Bioxx limiting what a player can carry at once.
  14. Realistic chicken drops and arrow crafting

    I'm well aware, like I had stated Flint use to be the limiting factor on making a large stock pile of arrows, and now it is feathers being the limiting factor.Because when you are making arrows not just any feather will work if you are putting the fletching on them, they normally have to be the larger feathers that are nice and stiff (AKA flight feathers)
  15. Realistic chicken drops and arrow crafting

    Well arrows were fairly scare as it was because they used flint, and flint was a very, very limited thing before so not much has changed in that matter other then you could hunt skeletons for a source of arrows. But in all honestly you don't really Need feathers to make an arrow, it just helps make them more stable in long flights so they were more accurate.
  16. Differing Generation Between SSP and SMP

    Huh well that is strange but that explains why when using a Seed on single player had Peat near our planned settling spot, but when I put it on our server and it was just named "world" some ores had disappeared, and all that Peat was gone from the area as well as some Clay moving about. Well I'll have to remember that for later on when we set up a new world.
  17. Workers

    For as "simple" as the AI code is for Milleinaire, it certainly has an ability to eat even high end computers alive so I wouldn't even suggest using it.
  18. Where is the Flint?

    Yup, or at least till Bioxx decides if or what he's going to do with the nether
  19. Vertical Support beams dont work?

    Yes you do need the vertical support beams as well, if the horizontal beams aren't supported every within 5 blocks then you just have a useless piece of wood on the ceiling So from a side view your mines should look something like this |==========| This leaves you with a max of 10 horizontal supports between vertical supports.. But mining past that 5th horizontal support you are risking a collapse so a safer way would simply be this |=====|=====| Edit: And yes vertical beams need to touch the ground or be supported themselves, they can't float in the air
  20. Butchering

    Ha, people are thinking a little too modern for long term storage of meats.Ice Boxes are fairly new, the only people who had them were the very rich who could afford to have ice brought down from mountains Every Day, it was quite a luxury and a good way to show off by having ice in drinks or.. shaved ice!(Greek shaved Ice, Italian my ass!). It wasn't till basically in this past century that we got electric coolers/freezers that could effectively store raw meats. To keep meats fresh for long periods of time we have always Smoked, Salted or dehydrated our meats, this did two things 1) It partially cooked it and for those that don't know cooked food takes longer to spoil then raw food. 2) It made for a hostile/poor environment for bacteria I know in a few select places they froze their meat simply because of where they were.. But that is just a stupid argument
  21. Small fix that adds ton of realism

    For simplicity sake we generally leave Tinder out of the equation when making a fire, otherwise we're likely use a ton of sticks to start a fire. Just think of it this way.. You(Steve or Stevette in my case) just gather up a bunch of dry grass and plant material or tiny sticks laying about to use as tinder.
  22. Total Ranged Overhaul

    Hmm, not bad but if you want decent spread of bows you might want to alter the Composite bow a bit and add a Long bow as well. Composite bows would have a shorter range but have a faster draw (We'll ignore that in reality getting a Composite bow wet or bringing it to a humid climate would ruin it) Long bows would have a much longer range but a much longer draw When armor comes into play a Composite bow would actually do better at punching into armor then a Long bow... But of course a Crossbow beats them hands down, as they were designed just to punch through armor, but they have a fairly short range and make for a horrid hunting weapon.
  23. Additional Mods

    MultiMC was the first one I actually tried (I've always done manual installs with their own folders) and it didn't like to work, it either wouldn't launch Minecraft or if it did manage to Minecraft itself would crash at the main screen.No clue why but I've just gone back to the tried and true method which ends up being faster anyways.
  24. Water Barrel - metallurgy

    Actually oil is used because it does pull heat away faster then water, plus it has the added benefit of adding more carbon to the metal unlike a water quenching would.
  25. If construction is implemented

    Funny but true story.. Most modern homes are built out of pine wood, it just helps to know how to built a proper load barring frame that will support the weight of the floor above or instead of using planks you simply use Logs as the main supports. One of my old house in Massachusetts you could go into the basement and see all the wood logs that made up the first floor supports and in the few places we opened up the walls to fix things the main supports were logs as well and this was a 3 story home.