Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Moress

  1. TerraFirma+ : Botany & Food

    I thought cake was already added, but I guess not. I'll add more to the food section in time, I just want to finish what I have on Episode 3 before I add to the others
  2. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Draft horses would be the war horse, along with the western saddle (I know that's not what they're for, but I think 3 types is enough lol) As for Lances, I have about 3-4 more episodes of this series already starting to be planned out on my computer, one includes weapons and combat changes, so be patient
  3. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Just need some insight, Should I add Llamas? They would really be nothing more than another farm animal, maybe a pack animal.. But you know, they llamas, which are.. awesome -In other news- Added horseback riding section, check it out!
  4. Well, Magic to me is quite the tricky subject. This is because what is defined as magic in one culture and at one time is completely different to the fireballs and lightning bolts we think of today.Take Greek Fire as an example. This is nothing more than Ancient napalm, but at the time it was seen as magic, something that only someone with magic could achieve.Also take alchemy, although its ultimate goal was the philosophers stone, which would be considered "magic" even today, it was nothing more than early Chemistry and Physics.So, do I think we should be able to cast lighting from a wand, no. Should we be able to toss a bottle of Greek Fire at a spider, yes. ---------------- This will be discussed in later episodes of my TerraFirma+ series. For now, check out the ones in my signature
  5. TerraFirma+ : Storage & Furniture

    Nice Idea HM! I added it and put you into the credits ------------ The furniture plays a role in a later episode, just wait and see
  6. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    I like that idea, but I think I'll stick to what I posted this time. As always, I enjoy everyone's feedback! -In other News- Started episode 3! Check it out here
  7. TerraFirma+ : Botany & Food

    -------- 1. I like the idea of plants further into their cycle being more resistant, but TFC already has something like this 2. That was the general idea of the plant domestication, before I knew it had already existed. 3. I like this, possibly be able to over-hydrate a plant and kill it, like maybe have a water meter? -In other News- Started episode 3! Check it out here
  8. TerraFirma+ : Botany & Food

    ---------- 1. I'm speaking more or less about the time period between planting and harvesting 2. I wasn't aware, I started TFC around 76 or so. I'll keep it there just for reference 3.Perhaps a un-tilled farmland block? store the data but cannot be planted on 4. Great minds think alike I wasn't aware though 5. I didn't know that they were full size bushes, I guess I was thinking of the berry bushes from the Magic Farm modpack.
  9. redstone generator

    The point of Redstone is that it produces the power, think of it being almost radioactive
  10. TerraFirma+ : Botany & Food

    --------- That would be the point of making insecticide for your fields, it would prevent them from doing too much damage. Besides have a pest infestation wouldn't be an over common thing.
  11. Animals, becoming mini?

    From my experiences that isn't a mini animal, it is actually a regular one that in sunken into the ground. It is a bug with - Build 77.22
  12. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    1. Wild goats/ibex are not very friendly, and would not actively follow someone. Also they would be able to jump high because goats live in mountainous regions. They can jump vertically about 4-5 feet and land on ledges about 3-4 inches across. Trust me, I've seen them clear a fence that came up to my chest (and I'm 6') 2. Wild horses are rather shy animals, and often view humans are threats, but will come close if you don't pose a threat to them, mostly out of curiosity. Thats why I said for them to act like ocelots.3. Boars can be very aggressive, and very dangerous too. Most of the time they will flee, but during mating season males will openly challenge humans, and a female boar will attack when it has piglets. Either way, they would not stand around and let a human approach. 4. Please check out Episode 2, it touches on farming a bit Please research animals a little, you'll be surprised how animals act and what they can do-In other news- Finished the bee-keeping part, check it out!
  13. TerraFirma+ : Botany & Food

    I planned on a few of these already, I just hadn't taken the time to type it all out yet. I'll be sure to credit you for your ideas that I add though
  14. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    I actually really like this idea, maybe be able to put a metal shoe on the wheels to increase the durability? I added the wheel/axle idea in. Credited you in the post notes
  15. I love this idea, I've played TFC twice now, and I would love to see more inter-active processes like blacksmithing is.
  16. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    I've moved it, and more or less restructured my suggestions. Be sure to check out all the TerraFirma+ Episodes! Added some more animals, also started the Apiculture (bee-keeping, counting it as an animal) ideas, but I'm still researching it so its mediocre right now.
  17. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    I'll take that to heart, I changed the name just to avoid any more immature comments for the time. In Other News Changed the post name to TerraFirma+ because it's going beyond the original post now.Added some food/storage ideas
  18. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    --------------------------------------------------------- I guess I assumed that the TFC community wasn't this immature. An Ass is the name for a undomesticated donkey. In fact the term "Wild Ass" refers to the African Wild Ass, being the common ancestor to all domesticated donkeys.Also, the term Saddle Horse refers to a horse bred to be rode. Also, calling it a "Rideable Horse" would be inaccurate because you can ride a draft horse given the right saddle. This goes to all the people who have made a comment about the name of the Wild Ass, please grow up, and if you can't manage that, just stay off of my threads. -In other news- Added more about a new crop system, leave any constructive comments
  19. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    -------------------------------------- Color means almost nothing in the means of horses.. (As far as it would matter in the time period that TFC takes place) If you try to make a Thoroughbred pull a cart you minds well walk, and if you try to win a race on a Clydesdale you should bet on the others. In fact, most people couldn't ride a draft horse because your legs can't spread far enough, and you can actually kill a saddle horse if you try to make them pull too big of a load. So overall its really 2 MAIN kinds, a large draft horse, and a fast Saddle horse. Really I think it would be important to have the different breeds because to just throw in a single type of horse and say "good enough" is almost offensive to someone who knows anything about horses. ----------- Hundreds.. I'm talking about 2.
  20. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    ------------------------------------------------ No problem Added the Wagon/Plow details, post thoughts
  21. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So what your saying is that you already have a version (more in-depth than even I suggested) of this planned.That being said ill alter it to just say to show a defined difference between a Strong/Hardy horse and a fast/agile one (even though Agility and speed weren't mentioned) Ive been working on ideas for the botany/crop progression system and ill find time to post them soon
  22. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I understand that much of this has been suggested, but the general nature of the other suggestions weren't what I planned with this post.As for the mutations, the breeding would be a little more outright compared to that of real-life breeding. Without mutation or disease for the time, although that would be an interesting way to improve difficulty if this was to be added. As for the postGiven the newly found interest in this I will start updating it more often.
  23. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    A. Zolitar has a dedicated host. B. He can do what he wishes, he owns the server. C. He banned you for the exact thing your doing here. Now stop flaming on the public forum. Bring it up in a private message
  24. One Single Giant Server

    I think a vanilla "official" server would be cool, have the IP posted on the front of the website. But merging all of the servers would never work.As for large towns, my town on Zandrov's server currently holds about 20 players, of which about 10 are active. Depending on what you call large, you may count this.Yes, I agree that it would be awesome to see a server with 50+ players average, but its almost impossible.
  25. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    Retracted, Servers up.