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TERRAFIRMA+ Be sure to Follow this post for updates! Episode 4: Medicine & Health Redone 5-16-2014 Other Episodes Episode 1: Animals and Carts Episode 2: Botany & Food Episode 3: Storage & Furniture http://terrafirmacra...rage-furniture/ -Medicine- -Respawning- *The quality of your health before you died will affect your skills when respawning *If you died of a fall or damage with perfect health prior, you will lose no skills, and start mostly well-fed and healthy *The worse your condition, health or otherwise, prior to death, the more you lose *If you had a 100% trauma/wound, and a major disease, and decide to simply hop into lava to re-set, you can lose as much as 50% of your skills in one or more areas. -Medical Skill- *New level chart, like the others *Leveled by creating both medicines/bandages, as well as using them >Much faster by making them *Higher levels increase both the effectiveness and quantity made for the material used. -Physical Health- *The body has a number of ways to be hurt, and a number of cures *Health meters, in the same way that nutrition and XP will increase health, injuries will decrease them *If both meters are full, the player will lose a total of 300 health from his/her max -Injury Meters- *All physical damage the player incurs will cause a % increase in this meter *Arrows at max charge will cause a 3% increase >Swords 1-6% to wounds chart, depending on tier >Maces 2-5% to trauma chart, depending on tier >Fire 5%/15% per second, caused by fire/lava *Various healing techniques to each chart *Each tier of injury comes with different debuffs (Feel free to post your own chart!) (Note: Wound/Trauma/Burn >00-20% no debuff, slight loss of health >20-40% Mining and damage is lessened >40-60% Slowness I / Bleeding I / Weakness I >60-80% Slowness II / Bleeding II / Weakness II >80-100% Slowness III / Bleeding III / Weakness III *Below 50% will lessen over time, anything above will need medicine/bandages -Illness Meters- *Different illness' will cause a % increase based on the severity * the amount of time you have it. (The debuff chart is universal between the charts) >00-20% no debuff, slight loss of health >20-40% Nausea and slowness I on and off >40-60% Nausea and slowness I often, Nausea and slowness II periodically. >60-80% Nausea and slowness I constant, II often and III occasionally >80-100% Nausea and slowness II always, III often. Wither can occur at 80 and will occur at 100, this will kill the player if not treated promptly. *Below 40% will decrease over time if the player has no active infections and is out of the rain/cold *Above 40% will increase without treatment, with medicine the player will suffer no effects and can do most anything *Above 70% will be deadly without treatment, and the player must stay inside and warm to make the medicine work -Wounds Chart- *Caused by slashing damage *Cause bleeding >Fixed with bandages -Burns Chart- *Caused by lava and fire *Anything above 30% can become infected, causing an increase to the infection chart in illness *The more severe the burn, the better lotion needed to counter-act it -Trauma Chart- *Caused by blunt damage and falling *Falling damage to the trauma chart is increase by 7% per block fallen past 3 -Infections- *Caused by untreated wounds or trauma *Have the same effects as a bacterial disease, but cannot be treated until the wound/trauma causing it is healed >Treated by antibiotics and rest -Bacteria- *Caused by eating rotten food, or drinking dirty water. *Same effects as an infection, but can be treated immediately. >Requires more/better antibiotics than an infection -Virus- *Most dangerous of the diseases *Caused from being in bad air (mining), or out in the rain for extended periods of time *Can only be treated with rest and warmth *A balanced diet will cause the illness to fade more quickly >Note: If the player logs out near a fire, or laying/sitting the illness will fade while they are not online, but much slower. (1/2 speed) -Bandages- *Basic *Advanced -Salves- *Aloe Lotion *Numbing Lotion -Splints- *Wood *Metal -Noobrtoast's Post- simple bugs( you will get over it eventually): the common cold: can be contracted when in cold temperatures character will cough and have a slight slowness debuff over the duration of it, no rememdies but your character will eventually get over it, barking cough: not sure about the technical name but a barking cough which drastically affects the characters stamina but eventually goes away can be managed by drinking tea (explained later), contracted from drinking dirty water, spoiled food, and cold temps just a runny nose: pretty self explanatory, can be managed the same way as a barking cough, contracted solely from cold temps like c.c. harmful if not treated: pneumonia: what I have right now can kill the player by suppressing the ability to breathe can be treated with mint tea, low activity and antibiotics (gone over later in the post) influenza: killed over half the population in a large pandemic back during ww1 you can treat it by taking menthol (obtained by processing mint plants In a quern), drinking lots of tea, and lowering the amount of activity your player is doing as well as making sure he stays warm you would have a very very very low chance of contracting this don't worry. can be managed but not cured (your chance of contracting one of these is extremely low like 1/500000 chance against): malaria: give the player a permenant "wither" debuff which you can get rid of by taking antibiotics every day or so if you miss a day you will have the wither debuff until you take antibiotics again contracted from dirty water, and spoiled food, and zombie encounters parasite infection: random virus that takes away 1 heart every 2 minutes, can be managed by taking antibiotics, menthol and drinking tea incurable viruses that insure death to your player(1/ 1 million chance of contracting) black death: everyone knows what this is can be slowed by antibiotics but will eventually kill your player, contracted from mobs, spoiled food and some animals h1n1 deadly variant: everyone also knows this one, can be slowed but will eventually kill you contracted the same way as black death zombie infection: it wouldn't be me not to opt for something that will eventually zombify your character resulting in you having to respawn and fight your former self for you stuff, this is the only virus with no cure plus nothing that slows its advance, contracted from zombies of course even lower chance of contracting than other incurable viruses remedies(gets rid of most things):tea( boil some water than add some fruits, veggies, mint plant, or menthol to it and boom you have the most effective cold remedy around) antibiotics(weak antibiotics made by grinding up 2 fruits or veggies in a quern add 2 more fruits/veggies to make strong antibiotics) menthol or straight mint: menthol made by grinding mint leaf in a quern, mint leaf obtained by finding mint plants around the world which yield 0-4 mint leafs when broken, can be turned into seeds and grown. pandemics: have a 1/400000 chance of happening during a pandemic your chance of contracting incurable but manageable or incurable/insures death diseases drastically increases so watch out! infections: infections which can kill the player if not bandaged and given antibiotics( bandages made from wool) can be contracted via wounds from combat. -Credits- Noobrtoast for his post
TERRAFIRMA+ Be sure to Follow this post for updates! Episode 1: Animals and Carts Other Episodes Episode 2: Botany & Food 3: Storage & Furniture Episode 4: Medicine & Health Tools/Nutrition -Animals no longer follow grains -Although build 78 has rope, it doesn't do things like i describe here, so Ill keep this -Rope- *Braided string or jute reeds *Most basic tool for animal husbandry *Moves animals, and tie them to posts, but nothing else *Equatable to a stone hoe -Lead- *Advanced Animal husbandry tool *Can move animals, as well as other modes *Lead Mode: Default, move and tie animals *Info Mode: Tells gender, nutrition, health, and other info -Nutrition- -Even at 0, animals will not die *Now measured in visible meters *0 will stop the animal from growing and breeding *Below 50 will cause the animal to be weaker and slow *Below 75 will cause animals to produce milk and wool slower -Feed Trough- *Animals will feed on natural grasses, but at a far more noticeable and faster rate *If you do not have the room for large herds, you will need to feed via a trough *Cows and Horses will only eat grains *Most other farm animals will eat any vegetable *Pigs eat anything, including rotten flesh -Water Trough- *Animals need water *They will drink out of both flowing and source blocks *If none are available, you will need to fill a trough with water from buckets *Depending on the size of the herd, a trough can last a long time Equines -NOTE: A system of the following has been mentioned, so read for entertainment only - -Wild Horses- * Found around plains in semi-temperate climates, will flee from players similarly to vanilla ocelots *Tamed via two methods -Aggressive- Place a saddle, mount and hang on. Can take a number of tries, and can injure the player if he/she is tossed too hard, can take some time and can severely injure the player. - Friendly- Draw the horse near with any grain, will flee slightly after its fed, less and less per time. After enough time, it will stop fleeing. Place a saddle and continue to feed. Attempt to mount, if it is too early you will be bucked off and have to re-try. Time and food intensive. -Saddle- * Bred from slender mid-sized horses inside a temperate climates *Breed mid-sized (about player height) slender horses for 2-5 generations inside a temperate climate *The saddle horse will have a longer mane and tail than wild horses *Right clicking on a horse will tell the breed, for verification * Faster and more agile than wild and draft horses -Draft- *Bred from large horses in cold environments *Breed large (Taller than the player) broad horses for 2-5 generations inside a cold climate *The draft horse will have a short tail, mane, and hair around its feet *Right clicking on a horse will tell the breed, for verification *Stronger than other horses, and can pull wagons/plows -Wild Donkey- *Found is plains biomes near the equator *Tamed similarly to horses, but are far more stubborn and take much longer to tame -Donkey- *Created by simply breeding tamed wild asses for 3-6 generations *About 2/3 as strong as a draft horse, but takes only 1/2 the food -Mule- *Created by breeding donkeys and horses *Infertile, need a stock of both horses and donkeys to make new mules Horseback Riding/Towing -Harness- *Needed for carts/plows *Fits on all horses -Horse Shoes- *Made from Iron or better materials *Allows horses to move faster *Wear down over time, need to be replaced -Standard Saddle- *Lighter saddle *Fits any ride-able animal, other than a Draft horse *Cheaper to make, requires less leather *Worse weight distribution, so armor will affect a horse's speed *Meant for lightly armored/unarmored riders who need to be fast *Scouting/Deliveries -Western Saddle- *Heavier saddle, needs a saddle blanket *Can fit on a draft horse *More expensive to make, more leather *Good weight distribution, allows an armored rider *Built for draft horses *Combat saddle -Ornate Saddle- *Expensive to make, Uses silk, gold, and gems *Western saddle properties, but with bling *Meant to show off wealth -Saddle Blanket- *Needed for a western saddle *Shift click to put on before the saddle -Saddle Bags- *Small storage, 4 spots *Meant to keep food and some supplies for extended trips -Saddle Irritation- *You must take a saddle off of a horse after done using *Extended periods can cause damage to a horse *Slows them, can make them buck you off the next time you try to ride -Packs- *Takes the place of a saddle *Requires a saddle blanket *Single chest worth of storage Other Animals -Wild Goat/Ibex- *Found in tall hills/mountains *Large Horns *Can jump 2 blocks high -Goat- *Domesticated after 2-3 generations *Can jump 1.5 blocks *Produce goat milk and mutton -Boars- *Feral Pig, very hostile *Must forcibly capture a young piglet in order to domesticate *Quickly domesticated, lose fur (color) and tusks within 1-2 generations -Pigs- *Simply domesticated, no other changes -Camels- *Desert animal *Loses water and hunger the slowest *Able to be rode, pull carts and use packs -Llamas- *Mountainous animal *Cannot be rode, or pull carts, can carry packs. *Produces wool -Elephants- *Huge animals *Need large, expensive versions of vehicles *Strongest animal, but eat a lot of grain Bees/Apiculture -Wild Bees- *Bees nest spawn under large trees in semi-warm climates *Breaking a hive will release honey, and bees wax but cause the bees to attack *Making a bonfire beneath a hive will "smoke" them, causing no bees to attack *Breaking a hive that has been smoked will drop dazed bees, collect in a mason jar*** -Skeps- *Mobile hives, created with sticks and straw *Place down, then right click with a mason jar with bees in it *Smoke to calm bees *Collect wax by right clicking with a knife, honey by right clicking with a mason jar *Breaking a skep will let you move it, if it has been long enough, it may drop more bees, allowing you to expand -Domesticated Bees- *The longer bees live in a skep, the more tamed they become *Produce more honey, and more wax Silk Worms/SeriCulture -Wild Silk Worms- *Spawn on natural Mulberry trees *Spawn in or with silk cocoons *Shift click with a mason jar to capture silk worms *Break cocoon to collect natural silk cocoon -Silk Farming- *Grow a Mulberry tree *Place captured silk worms on the leaves *Wait for them to make cocoons *Break cocoon and collect *Worms only produce cocoons about once per month -Seri Box- *Wooden box that replaces the mulberry tree *Place up to 10 silk worms as well as mulberry leaves *The worms will make their cocoons *Right click on the box to open a GUI to collect the cocoons -Silk Processing- *Boil silk cocoons in cauldron *This exposes long silk threads *Use spindle to make Silk thread Fishing/Aquaculture -Crabs- *Crawl around on beaches *Can be smacked and grabbed *See the food post for the rest -Clams- *Spawn inside of sand blocks, visible *most often under-water but some can be on beaches *Shift click with a shovel to dig them from the sand without breaking it -Fish- *Different type, by biome (temperature really) *Bass, salmon, perch, ect. *Each one has its own values -Fish Net- *Made from rope *Place in water, collect fish from it later *Also will catch crabs -Lobster- *Needs a special lobster cage to catch *Hard to catch, delicacy Wagons/Carts/Plows -Vary from hand carts to large wagons that need multiple horses to pull. -Hand Cart- *Smallest vehicle, pulled behind a player *Chest Version: 1 Small chest worth of storage *Cage Version: 1 Medium (Pig, Goat*) or 3 Small (Chicken) animals -Hand Plow- *Small plow, tills a 3x1 section *Pushed by the player *Needs a blade -Plow Blade: Metal double-sheet + Plow Blade plan -Plow- *Large Plow, tills a 5x1 section *Pulled by 1 draft animal *Needs a blade -Cart- *Medium vehicle, 1 draft animal *Chest Version: 1 double chest *Cage version: 3 Medium animals or, 6 Small animals. *Needs 2 wheels *Shift clicking with a hammer in hand will bring up a GUI with slots for 2 wheels and an axle -Wagon- *Large vehicle, 2 draft animals *Chest version: 2 double chests *Cage version: 1 Large animal (Cow, horse), 5 Medium animals, 10 small animals *Needs 4 wheels *Shift clicking with a hammer in hand will bring up a GUI with slots for 4 wheels and an axle -Covered Wagon- *Large Vehicle, 2 draft animals *One version, mobile base: Small chest, bed. *Needs 4 wheels *Shift clicking with a hammer in hand will bring up a GUI with slots for 4 wheels and an axle -Elephant Platform- *Used to ride an elephant *Can hold a double chest as well as 3 passengers -Elephant Packs- *Holds a total of 3 double chests of items *Requires steel and a lot of leather to create ------Post Notes------ Thank you AllenWL for the wheel/axle idea, and horseshoes (which spurred the horseback riding section) ChangeLog: 1-22-2014: Added Horseback Riding 1-21-2014: Added Silk 1-20-2014: Started ChangeLogs/Added Beeskeeping 1-19-2014: Changed setup, Started TFC+ 1-17-2014: Reopened thread
TERRAFIRMA+ Be sure to Follow this post for updates! Episode 3: Storage & Furniture Other Episodes Episode 1: Animals & Carts Episode 2: Botany & Food 4: Medicine & Health Storage -Overall, my goal is to make Chests useful is very rare occasions, long live the ingot pile! -Item Rot/Damage- *Log piles and straw bales will grow mold or mushrooms on them if left in the rain *Straw bales can mold within 2-3 rains *Log piles will grow mushrooms, that will be used to craft medicine, if left for too long, logs will rot *Covering with a roof will not allow any damage or mushroom growth -Burlap- *Created by weaving dried jute reeds together *Used for Burlap bags, bee smoker fuel, and cheap curtains -Burlap Bag- *Can store 320 oz of grain per bag *Shift click to place on the ground, like ingots, 3 layers of 2 bags *1920 oz of grain per block -Wicker- *Woven from Dried Sugar Cane *Rather expensive material -Wicker Basket- *4 Slot container *Used to store fruit *Stack like Ingots, 4 to a square *16 total slots -Fruit Storage- *No longer able to be placed into chests *Have to be put into Wicker baskets -Grain Storage- *Can no longer be placed inside of chests *Must be put into pots or burlap bags *Pots hold 1280 oz per block, compared to burlap bag's 1920 -Crate- *8 slots per crate *All touching crates create one inventory, up to 8 consecutive crates -Weapon Rack- *Weapons no longer fit on tool racks *6 Slot, on the floor -Stone/Stick Pile- *New way to store sticks and stones. Works exactly like a log pile, but Sticks can hold 256 sticks, and stones can hold 128 -Straw Bale- *Stores straw in its raw form *Created like a log pile *Holds 256 straw -Pottery- -I haven't a clue how this would be coded, so its just a dream *Uses a 3d model *Making a pot now opens a 3d gui, that you can use to make custom modeled pots *Can also use dyes to color and decorate Furniture -Aesthetics, until episode 4 is released -Log/Stool- *Basic furniture *Shift clicking a log on the ground will turn it into a stool-log *Wooden and silk variants made with planks -Wooden Chair- *Mid-level seat *Mix-matching seats and backs -Upholstered Chair- *Wool/Feather filling with a burlap or Silk covering *Silk is -Wicker Chair- *Another form of chair, on par with a burlap chair in comfort -Throne- *Needs a silk chair, add in gold, silver and gems *Fit for a king! *Aesthetically pleasing -Bench- *Can seat 2 people *Stretches if placed next to each other -Fire Place- *Building a forge like structure, then creating a camp fire inside will create a fireplace *Creates far more heat than a campfire *Cooks food faster -Table- *Counts as a normal block for placing items *Aesthetical *Forms together in placed next to one another -Animal Skins/Rugs- *Unprocessed leather, looks nice *Wool cloth 3 across in the bottom of the crafting grid -Large Bed- *Created by placing 2 beds by each other in a crafting grid *More than 1 player can lay in it, provides more benefits than normal beds -Luxury Bed- *Same recipe as a normal/large bed, but uses silk instead of wool *Provides far more comfort -Candles- *Made of beeswax and string *Melt down beeswax in a bowl, them pour into a chisel mold, combine with string *Provides more light than a torch, looks nicer too -Pastor Gate- *2-4 wide entrance for pastors *Makes moving animals easier, allows carts through -Tall Doors- *Door with 2 planks above it will create 3 tall, repeat for up to 5 tall *From 3-5 blocks tall, good for large buildings and mine entrances -Burlap Curtain- *Purely aesthetics, look good in a thatch/wood home -Silk Curtain- *Purely aesthetics, look really nice though -----Post Notes------ Thank you HM Silverbane for the Log Stool idea Thank you AllenWL for the stone pile idea Change Log: 1-21-2014: Started Thread Added:Burlap, Burlap Bag, Wicker, Wicker Basket, Grain Storage, Crate,Weapon Rack , Wooden Chair, Wicker Chair, Throne Bench, Fire Place, Table, Animal Skins/Rugs, Large Bed, Candles, Pastor Gate,Tall Doors
TERRAFIRMA+ Be sure to Follow this post for updates! Episode 2: Botany and Food Other Episodes Episode 1: Animals & Carts 3: Storage & Furniture Episode 4: Medicine & Medicine Farming/Crops -Crops need to be tended to now, no more plant and forget Crop Domestication: Bioxx said no :/ (A long time ago apparently... oops) -Domestication- *Plants will start as their wild counter-parts *Replanting of seeds from the same crop will eventually result in a domesticated plant *Domesticated plants need to be taken care of more, but yield more food -Cereal Grains- *Rye, Barley, Wheat and Oats all come from the same ancestor *Wild grains are found as thick bushels, identified by the grains that dot their tops *Rye is created by cultivating wild grains in cold, wet environments *Barley is create by cultivating wild grains in cold, dry environments *Wheat is created by cultivating wild grains in warm, wet environments *Oats is created by cultivating wild grains in warn, dry environments -Zea/Maize/Corn- -Corn has 3 main phases now*Zea is a shrub-like grass that is topped with a long grain *Found naturally *After a few plantings, the reeds separate and the grains grow in greater number *Grain gains the multicolor kernels characteristic of Maize *After a long time, 6+ seasons, the maize becomes taller, and the grains less colorful *At this point, it is the corn that we know today -Field Work- *Some blocks will become un-tilled after a harvest, need to be re-tilled before the next planting season *Some blocks will become un-tilled if the temperature goes too low -Weeds/Pests- *Weeds will grow in fields, need to be taken out with a hoe (new mode "weeding") *Pests (Insects) can attack fields in humid and warm climates, insecticide will prevent them. -Insecticide- *Created via new botany system *Mix garlic and pepper powder with water in a barrel *Seal, take insecticide out with bucket, shift click to cover area -Pepper Powder- *Dry red or yellow (not green) peppers on drying rack *Crush in quern or Mortar & Pestle -Rice- *Wild rice grows in marshes and shallow ponds *No longer a generic cereal crop, must be planted under-water or in a rice patty *Rice patty will yield better crops, under-water is less work *Needs to be drained and let to dry before harvest -Rice Patty- *Til land and plant rice crop *Fill with bucket by shift-clicking, one wooden bucket will do a 3x3, a red steel will do all adjacent crops, up to 14x14 *Must be surrounded by a wall and have no un-planted blocks in order to fill *Maximum size of 14x14 (one chunk minus walls) *Rice will consume the water over time, must refill *Drain by breaking wall block, or by draining via a bucket -Jute Plant- -Confirmed for Build 78! *Reed like plant *Planted like Sugar cane, but water can be up to 4 blocks away *Used for burlap/hessian *Needs to be dried on rack before use -Hedges- -Build 78 *Grow as shrubs in the wild *Using shears on the base will drop a hedge sappling *Grows like a fruit tree *Can be squared off using shears on the rough sides, they will regrow over time *Using a new shear mode (Sculpt) you can create Hedge sculptures, but they will become untidy and will need time to keep looking good -Mulberry Tree- *New fruit tree *Also used for silk farming *Trees with silk worms won't produce mulberries -Cocoa Tree- *Fruit tree exclusive to Jungles *Grow Cocoa beans -Cocoa Beans- *Grow on a Cocoa Tree, not Kapok like vanilla ones *Need very high temperatures to grow properly *Harvests Cocoa Pods -Cocoa Processing- -I know that real cocoa processing is far more tedious, this is a simplified/changed version *Use a knife to break open pods *Place cocoa beans on the ground by shift clicking, like a log pile *Beans will dry over a period of time *Dried beans are ground up in a quern or mortar/pestle *Creates cocoa powder -Chocolate- *Mix cocoa powder with milk and sugar to form chocolate Medical Plants -Episode 4 -Aloe Vera- *Desert Plant *Can be grown without any water around it *Used to produce Aloe Gel *Used for physical health -Willow Bark- *Right clicking on a willow tree will scrape off a piece of bark *Boiled in cauldron and extract willow oil *Physical health -Mandrake- *Rare and difficult to cultivate *Found in dense jungles *Dies very easily and requires a high temperature to grow *Used in high tier -Night Shade- *Grown from the same seeds as Potatoes, Tomatoes and Peppers *Requires a knife to be taken to the flowering plants before they grow to be matured *A low medical level can yield poisonous mixtures instead of beneficial ones -Penicillin- *Oranges and other citrus fruits have a chance to grow penicillium molds when above 75% rot *Will have the oz of penicillium noted when it has grown, removed with a knife *Boiled to yield penicillin -Food- -Food spoilage- -Build 78 *A hot climate makes food spoil faster *Temperature decreases underground, so storing food below ground will make it last much longer -Drying Rack- *Shift click with meat fillets, or jute reeds, to place on rack. *Can fit about 20 fillets/reeds/cane per rack, takes about a day *Must be in direct sunlight -Salt- -Build 78 *Can boil sea-water in a pot over a fire pit, or in a cauldron, to get sea-salt *Can crush rock-salt to get salt -Cauldron- *New way to cook different meals *Things cooked in this will be considered "Hot Meals" while the vanilla TFC style would be "Cold Meals" *Boil water for making salt and soups *Shift-click to place over top of a fire-pit to be able to heat -Broth- *Made from bonemeal in boiling cauldron water *Base component for soup -Soups- *Right click a cauldron full of broth *Brings up a GUI similar to the meal one *Makes a soup or stew, depending on the effects (Soup is normal, if it has an effect, its stew) -Milk and Products Chart- *Found this on wikipedia, I thought I'd post it *Challenge to Bioxx and Dunk to code this -Feta Cheese- *Made like normal cheese, but with Goat Milk -Butter- *Place a bucket of milk into the butter churn, it will empty like a barrel *Press the handle a few times, and butter will appear in the GUI slot *One bucket produces 2-3 butter, the churn can hold up to 3 buckets *Lasts 3x longer than milk, and 4x if salt is added when churning -Butter Churn- *Used to create butter from cow and goat milk *Clicking opens a GUI similar to the quern -Pot- *Already in TFC as a resource, but unused. Enable it *Used to cook things in a cauldron that isn't soup *Used to melt wax for candles -Mason Jar- *New storage system *Like a glass vessel, but with more uses *Used a lot in Apiculture, as well as food preservation *Made in a U shape with glass blocks *Perhaps by a new glass blowing system!? -See this post for details: Implementing.. -Jarring Food- *Place food inside mason jar, then right click to fill with water *place in boiling cauldron until hot*, getting it too hot can make it shatter *Will preserve food for years -Jam/Jelly- *Mash fruits with a mortar&pestle *Place mashed fruit in a pot, with water and honey *Place pot on campfire, the raw jam will become setting jam *Remove the pot from the fire at that point, and let it cool *Hold the cooled jam pot and right click, this will open a casting GUI, place a mason jar in the cast slot *This will pour jam into the mason jar -Butchering- -This has been posted a lot, so I'll skip the details -See this post for details: Corpses, Crops... *Yields slab of meat *Knife can cut it down to Steak, Strip of Meat, chunks *Steaks are normal steak/porkchop/mutton *Strips of meat are Fillets, pork can be made into bacon (BACON!), they all can be dried out into jerky *Chunks are for stews *Fish have to be scaled, then cut into fillets -Oven- *Multiblock structure *3x5 with 3 blocks open in the front, center back will be for fuel *Shift click the front 3 blocks with raw dough and it will be placed, up to 3 per block *The dough will cook, and turn into bread in some time, Shift click to pick up -Honey- *Collected from bee Skeps, or wild bee hives with a mason jar *Can be eaten, or used to make mead *Never spoils -Mead- *Place a mason jar full of honey in a barrel *Seal to create mead *Jar can be recovered *Add fruit and re-seal to create different variants of mead -----Post Notes----- Credit to AllenWL for the butchering post Credit to jake_the_odd for the glassblowing post ChangeLog: 1-20-2014: Started Changelog 1-20-2014: Added: Mead, Honey, Corn Progression, Cereal crop progression. 1-19-2014: Started TFC+ Episode 2
Terrafirmacraft Kingdoms! ( yeah I'm calling you out Dunk ;p )
Oops, I should have reread the post. I like the idea of more "wild" animals, but being that Goats were one of the first animals to be domesticated by humans, maybe something else would be appropriate?
The wild variant of a cow is called a Auroch, and I suggested a similar system for the horses, but the developers have said that domestication was once a thing, but had been since removed. (This was with plants, but I could assume the same goes for animals)
Dunk you do love me! >
Why not goats? I <3 Goats!
Blue/red steel insanely hard and time-taking to get?
Moress replied to likeyeyey's topic in Discussion
The point of terrafirmacraft is that its hard to progress to the end. In fact, only taking a few days to get to blue steel alone is still too quick for me. -
Atharsea I thought about that. And I decided to keep with the plants that are in the game already, but if people want me to add more plants I may
Well, what he's saying is that in reality you don't slowly fill a crucible by slowing adding the ores, you would fill it to the point that you wanted, then begin to heat it. So instead of baby-ing 16 ores into it, you would simply plop the stack in, heat it and do other things, like the blast furnace.
He's asking for the code for the map gen
Finally finished the medical plants, might add some more detailed preservation details later.
AllenWl the hostile mobs corpse gives me a thought about butchering! Never mind, I reread your post about it and realized you already posted about that. Also, I added some more to the different diseases and the causes. And I tried to touch on the "die and respawn" fixes all issue.
Xervir, I understand very well how burns work, but like the mods have said many times, the Mod is made to be believable, not 100% realistic. So, the point of the damage/lotion cures to burns is to give it a linear issue/solution game play.I'd also like to make sure you understand that 3rd/4th degree burns will have lesser burns in the surrounding area, these will cause quite a bit of pain to the victim.
Both of these have been talked about in more recent posts. This post is almost 2 years old and is mostly obsolete/pointless at this time.Cannons have been talked about, and no firearms or weapon using gunpowder will be added to TFC, unless by an addon.
I have started to revamp the health system using the new level system. Also, due to the high level of disapproval on physcology I have decided to remove that section altogether
Been awhile since one of my posts came up. I would love to redo/revive these, but with the changes in 78, there would be so much to add/remove/change that it will be awhile if at all. But I do like your idea Allenwl
Are you in the southern hemisphere? Because there the seasons are reversed. Winter in July, Summer in December, ect
I like the idea of possibly needing a certain tier of pickaxe to mine a type of stone (and any ore in that stone). So you could make it to redsteel using a copper pick, but it would be a pain to find the right mineral in the right stones.
This has been suggested before, and what was said was that in TFC youre supposed to be the first civilizations, so you would be the ones building the cities that would become the ruins.
The first time I ever heard a rooster in TFC I was in the middle of a cave with headphones on, I just about had a heart attack The sound isn't the best but I've come to enjoy my demon roosters
Add firewood. because we really don't use entire logs for fires, unless it's a forest fire
Moress replied to AllenWL's topic in Suggestions
I like the idea of fire-wood instead of logs, perhaps you could use both logs and firewood, but firewood burns hotter and uses less resources, in trade for the effort of splitting it?