Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Terex

  1. Yeah, the stone is awesome. That's what i want to see in a texture pack for TFC. I hope the ores and other elements will blend in nicely (but still stand out enough for mining). Tool textures should be high quality too since players will always look at them in the hotbar.
  2. [Solved] Installing Rei's Minimap w/ TFC Help

    I don't know about you guys, but mapwriter is my favourite. So very useful to keep track of where you went and what you found in the world. It doesn't show mobs though.
  3. Is there a shader mod for 78?

    For people with slower computers, i can highly recommend Chocapic13's shaders. After installation, use the low quality shader. Unlike claims from other authors, this shader will minimally effect your frame rate and you still benefit from some beautiful lighting and moving tree leaves. The water is not affected.
  4. Will terrafirmacraftB79 when launched

    Nothing is certain except death. In this case though, based on all the available information we can be certain enough there will be a new release this year
  5. Costum Year lenght.

    I didnt do any tweaking yet also noticed nights are much warmer for the most part, than days. But then i figured that is probably ok since in reality the coldest part of the day night cycle is around 6 -7 am (i.e. at dawn). I also noticed variations in max. and min. temperature from one day and night to the other. I'm sure this variation is intentional.
  6. Farming

    I'd like to know if there is any way to prevent crops from popping off the ground when temperature is below zero by e.g. building a solid or glass roof over the farmland, or farming near a lava source or hot spring. For the latter, I can see the apparent temperature rise in the debug screen, but maybe farming is not affected. If anyone has tips and tricks for farming in TFC, I'd be glad to hear about them.
  7. Snow

    I really love the seasons in TFC. I wondered when it's snowing, the snow does not pile up more than 2 layers. Can I change a setting somewhere that I can allow the snow to pile up more? During a long winter it would be neat to have to dig out of the snow eventually. Later when it gets warm again, the snow could melt layer by layer until it's all gone again.
  8. Ridiculous Suggestions

    Teleportation (without using the console)
  9. Cheese OP?

    I tried using cheese in meals but i noticed that those meals will not keep my dairy levels up. So cheese is an extra, a snack if you like.
  10. I like the idea of generating continents with realistic margins we see on Earth. However, a great portion of the time the player will be mining, focusing on the immediate area. I therefore strongly recommend to also put emphasis on medium and small-scale structures such as alternating rock layering in sedimentary and metamorphic rock types, folding and buckling of different rock types (e.g. simulation of syn- and anticlines), and of course igneous dykes, calderas, and volcanic cores.
  11. Farming

    In the future though, can crop growth/stability be affected by proximity to lava for instance? Decay is already affected by hot lava, so why not crop growth. (Of course getting too close to lava will realistically burn everything)
  12. Thanks to compatibility with MC 1.6.4, there are a ton of mods out there that can be used in conjunction with TFCb78. Here i suggest only aesthetic mods that do not affect gameplay. Sorry, no links. Just google them. Animated player Dynamic lights Shaders mod (Chocapic13' shaders, derived from SonicEther v10) Better grass and leaves mod Optifine (Standard) Inventory tweaks Mapwriter
  13. Farming

    Ok thanks for the info.
  14. Farming

    Thanks gufferdk. I understand moving towards the equator of course solves the problem of winter. Do torches help? Perhaps a dev can explain if "apparent temp" does anything at the moment.
  15. Snow

    Call me crazy but I've been testing snow accumulation at -25k on top of a mountain where temps never go above 0C. For a period from winter to summer in a precipitous biome (rain:8000) I did not observe snow accumulation beyond 2 layers. I carefully observed the patterns of the 2-layer snow piles and found they "sublimate" back to 1 layer, preventing snow from accumulating further. Please give us the freedom to modify this behaviour in TFC. Thanks.
  16. I've done it! What next?

    He he yeah, we need screenshots. As with vanillaminecraft, most fun is experiencedstarting out in a new world. Some people, like Etho can keep a world alive for years but mine are generally no more than 2 months old before I abandon them.
  17. Mod "Review" + Bonus: My Red/Blue Monument

    Very good summary of some problem areas of the mod. I'm sure that in due time each one will be addressed in one way or another. The work is simply a massive undertaking. Other modders are of course invited to make add ons. Unfortunately, the game is subject to vicious cycles of game-breaking releases. The next anticipated release b79 will without doubt break worlds generated with the b78 release and a fresh start is required.
  18. I've done it! What next?

    For me, TFC "ends" much before these "accomplishments" listed in the original post xD
  19. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    TFC b79: The cooking simulator edition xD EDIT: On top of the nutrition system, how about implementing meals from ingredients just like you implemented alloys from the basic metal orecomponents? Then we play a mini-game (like working the anvil) to get useful meals.
  20. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    Cool idea. I hope that this system leads to meaningful meal creation and more predictable tastiness (thus higher saturation bonus).
  21. Simple Backpacks

    Jars are like mini backpacks. I feel that having a bunch of those is sufficient in most cases.
  22. Also in SP, took me a good month in real life to go from scratch to Blue/Red steel and only enough for a full set of armour, the buckets,and two pieces for most tools. Protection is a little better, mining is a little faster but on the whole I'm not convinced I would grind this hard again or have the patience A breakdown of what Idid to get what I got: -6 and a half crucibles of iron ore (each 4x20 rich ore) -Roughly half of that amount is going to be steel, and the other half pig iron. -Alloy weak black steel and weld with the pig iron to get about100 black steel. Keep 16 steel. -Alloy 48 black steel with the 16 steel and 8 amounts of other alloys to make weak red/blue steel, -Weld with another 48 black steel to get 48 Red or Blue steel ingots (which ever you went for) with some black steel to spare (e.g. for tuyere)
  23. Insane lag all of the sudden [SOLVED]

    Heck, that's a lot of JVM arguments. Care to explain each one of them, Kitty?
  24. I played.... - Resonant Rise - Hexxit - Attack of the B-Team - Modded skyblock (Ex Nihilo/Sky Den) - Life in the woods (hunger survival) - Captive Minecraft - Terrafirmacraft (playing currently) I'm somewhat interested in the new Mindcrack 'Crackpack' mod pack. Little bit worried it wont be much fun in single player tho. Having played so much modded MC, I will unlikely playplain vanilla MC again...
  25. recycle my old anvil?

    Fashinating. Nice idea if you're really short on ores. I keep them as decoration mantelpieces.