Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Terex

  1. Animals escape TFC enclosures

    I have some cows, sheep and many pigs. Has anyone experienced these animals glitching out of the TFC fences? Once in a while I have to resort to bring them all back to their respective pens. I know even in vanilla MC this could happen but not like this. I play as single player (b78.17).
  2. Your chisel creations!!

    That's pretty impressive / Took a long time aye? No undoing
  3. Simple guide to TerraFirmaCraft!

    Great set of tutorials! One point of criticism though... you write "videos on how to effectively play TFC" but this is not true, is it? You are cheating with NEI. If you just want to show the game mechanics, that is fine.
  4. Can't see any blocks

    I think you need to be more specific in what you did...
  5. Charcoal pit help!

    Is the structure a block or pyramidal? If the latter, try first a base of 5x5 with the 2nd layer 3x3.
  6. Thanks, Introduction and some video's

    Older than you might think. If the open-air museum opened in 1994, then I was there during a school trip in 1995... probably.
  7. Config option: levels reset on death

    I've kept my TFC skills after dying a few times. Would not want to start making terrible meals from scratch again... I did lose MC experience of course.
  8. Thanks, Introduction and some video's

    Awesome! Welcome to the forums! When i was 12 or so, i've been to Archeon for about a week doing some of the things they are doing in the videos
  9. Freezing water in unloaded chinks in winter

    If you are in the coldest regions where it also freezes during the day for a long winter, just do the journey once, slowly. Then next time you go in a short time,the ocean will be mostly frozen over.
  10. Snow

    Oh ok. So like a swampland close to the north/south pole then? If that biome even exists there... There is no limit on the pile up of snow then? EDIT: Any pics where the snow piling up was getting out of hand? In a blizzard ive experienced in the USA, we had snow as much as 60 cm (like2 feet) in one night!
  11. Tech up to tier 4 metals

    What is the best way to get to tier 4 (and higher) metals? I just created a blast furnace block and it took hours. Maybe at this point in the game single player mode just doesn't cut it anymore. A fully built blast furnace requires insane amounts of iron ore and processes only so little into pig iron. It doesn't get any prettier (ie. easier) after that.
  12. Freezing water in unloaded chinks in winter

    I was also thinking about snow. If it snowed at your base and you walk a bit further out and suddenly the world is green again. I don't see how this can be fixed though unless a much larger chunk area is loaded but that takes huge amounts of memory. Water slowly turning to ice is still acceptable as far as block updates go but only at a gradual pace.
  13. Tech up to tier 4 metals

    I'm finally operating the biggest blast furnace possible and melting yummy rich hematite ores. It does take 4 ores less than the bloomery, but it is indeed faster now that I experience its operation. I feared things would still take more time to baby-sit the blast furnace but funny that no one mentioned the crucible can take a lot of molten metal. I'm just going to fill up this baby and move it to the forge when it's full. I guess I cannot ask here how much a crucible can contain, now can I? I will figure it out soon anyway.
  14. Blast Furnace

    I built the biggest blast furnace possible right from the get go. It's all or nothing baby!
  15. Blast Furnace

    Resource gathering is not time consuming with respect to the building of the blast furnace even in single player. Ok it helps to be in a igneous (intrusive) terrain, but iron is quite easy to come by. It's the actual making of the wrought iron sheets that takes forever... but i did it at last after playing a week in real life (i play 2 hours every night). In SMP you would need multiple bloomeries, anvils and forges i imagine, to streamline the workload in parallel.
  16. Replace scythe with sickle

    rofl.. not surprised to see resistance against my idea. Yeah very believable to yield a heavy scythe above your head on a ladder. Your arms would fall offxD
  17. Replace scythe with sickle

    Well.. then to be honest its old use is deprecated. I'd like to hear from anyone who uses the scythe for farming.
  18. world gen balanced?

    Starting near the equator (+-4000) is challenging and not all resources are there. A better starting position is in the range +-8000 to +-14000. Winter starts to have an effect (with ice and snow) from about 10k and higher. At 14k and higher i think winters can last quite a while. Might be something i will try next.
  19. Animals escape TFC enclosures

    Hmm.... it's not very authentic but i might try glass walls.
  20. No other dimensions?

    Sweet! A chance to dig to the Earth's core.
  21. Tech up to tier 4 metals

    Kitty, that is very interesting and thank you for taking the time to test this. Now before you point out again that TFC is for multi-player, I simply would like to make the observation that the blast furnace is more efficient only in multi-player. On my own I was making wrought iron double sheets and every time I finish a batch (crafted from 840% raw bloom), the bloomery would finish producing its next amount of bloom. Thus having the blast furnace finish early won't make much difference in single player. EDIT: Of course, it could be I'm just an impatient player
  22. Ease

    Up to a reasonable level. I'd rather have more features in the long run, than having every step drawn out mercilessly (like building a full-blown blast furnace).
  23. Getting the right ratio

    Try the alloy calculator:
  24. I'm already tech'ing up to tier 4 metals (steel), survived 2 winters and still can't make meals better than poor rating, which don't give a whole lot of extra saturation...
  25. Better Fire model and slight fire tweaks

    3-D models are annoying to walk on ;-) Be happy with the 2-D bon fires.