Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by GreenJonan

  1. Mud/Clay Adobe Block

    Realy would like ExtraFirma to be updated, and yes this NEEDS to be in the base game! There needs to be this as an early game material.
  2. Darkness and Movement

    This is a suggestioin realting to both the topic of darkness and movement. If there are topics relating to these ones please tell me. Link to previous suggestion: Movement: Depending on which block you move around on will affect the speed of your movement, encouraging players to build roads. Blocks that cause you to sink such as soul sand gives you a quarter of your normal speed. Surfaces in which would normally slow you down would give you half speed, e.g. Sand, snow, tall grass, crops. Everything else would give you normal speed. Road materials, smooth, polished and clean surfaces would give you a 2x speed, e.g. Wooden planks, gravel, cobblestone, stone. An early game road material can be packed dirt (two dirt together on top of each other), which can be used as a road material, and crafted into slabs (two packed dirt besides each other). Darkness and Portable light: While in a light level of 0 the player will receive an effect called gloom, causing the player to be slowed and more ambient/creepy noises being heard. Any block that has a brightness of 0 will be pitch black, not affected by brightness option. This will cause quite a bit of tension in caves, and mining. another idea is to have portable lighting of some kind, in the form of wax candles, crafted with wax, string and any metal plate, this will give out a low brightness in a small area around the player. Any thoughts or criticism, please detail down in the comments, as it would be much appreciated. Thank-you!
  3. Buckets and fishing

    This is a suggestioin realting to both the topic of buckets and fishing. If there are topics relating to these ones please tell me. Link to other suggestions: Fishing: An idea is that inorder to fish you would have to firstly bait your fishing rod with items of mob drops (not meat), e.g. rotten flesh. Without baiting your fishing rod it should be impossible to fish. Worms may be added as an item used for bait, the bait and fishing rod may be crafted together to get the baited fishing rod. Worms may be gotten from random certain naturaly spawning dirt and grass blocks, from certain temperature and humidity biomes. Worms may be possibly farmed in a warm farm, both giving you more worms, but also rich soil, inorder you must fead them vegtable food scraps. Fish can only be caught in certain biomes, water based biomes or sub biomes, such as rivers, and fresh water and salt water. There may be more types of fish, such as Tuna and Carp. Depending on where you are catching your fish will affect the likely hood of the catch rate. Underground is impossible, nightime is half chance, daytime is the same, but full moons are twice as likely as daytime. In order to craft a fishing rod must use the same pattern but replace sticks with a tool-rods, crafted by sawing a plank into 2 tool rods. Buckets: Instead of having both red steel and blue steel buckets just have steel/black steel buckets, working like vanilla. Wooden buckets may be able to pick up water and other water-like liquids, like in vanilla TFC, you can place it down, except the catch is that you do not place down a source block and that it disaperes once being paced, you can then pick back up any non source water blocks. Any thoughts or criticism, please detail down in the comments, as it would be much appreciated.
  4. Gold Coins and Coin Stamps

    This is a suggestioin realting to the topic of gold coind and coin stamps. If there are any topics relating to this one please tell me. Link to previous suggestion: http://terrafirmacra...ts-and-fishing/ Gold coins and coin stamps: As of now there is no ingame tradeable currency in servers, but with this it is aimed to fix it. In order to keep consistent there needs to ONLY be gold coins, they would be crafted by a gold metal sheet with snips, into 2 gold half sheets. Then that would need to be heated into a workable temperature, then placing a Coin stamp into a anvil (new slot) with the gold half sheet, work it in the usual TFC anvil way, once finished it should yeild 4 gold coins. Coin stamps would be made out of either bronze or steel, you would need to work an ingot into a Coin stamp base, another ingot worked into a Coin stamp top, craft the two together to get Coin stamp base & top. Any thoughts or criticism, please detail down in the comments, as it would be much appreciated. Thank-you!
  5. Buckets and fishing

    I was planning on suggesting different tiers of tool rods for metals, since it doesn't make sense to strap a stick to a steel blade, it would be better to just wield a metal tool-rod to a metal item head.
  6. Knowledgeable TFC Suggestions

    I I do realise all of this, therefore I shall sumerise this more, create a new topic for each subject. I highly understand that some aspects of BTW don't fit into TFC, but I just thought they would be neat ideas in revision, instead I'll create a new topic under the life/anatomy aspect, with that I shall make them more closely fit in with TFC. At the moment I understand the respawn part, but I feel that the death penalties are not suficeint enough, just my opinion. Realating to the fat bar being saturation, I didn't say that it was saturation, in BTW its meant to be a visual indicator of the saturation bar, but different in that, but I do understand. I did read the don't suggest topic, but in my opinion I don't believe that animal manure found on the ground around grazing animals can be disgusting, but I do understand. I did read the paper making topic before, but I thought I would just restate it. In all I thankyou for your feed back, in all I will summerise my suggestions, create new topics for each of them, and make sure they fit into TFC more, when I wrote it, it I was just feeling tired and sick.
  7. Knowledgeable TFC Suggestions

    These ideas/suggestions are general, but I will go into more depth. This topic may be edited as time passes. From what I may suggest, they may already be suggested, but I will just resuggest them anyway. Paper: As you probably know, paper just is not made from sugar cane, but instead from wood and other fibourus pulp mixed with water. Step 1: Getting wood/other plant fibre. Step 2: Making that fibre into a pulp. Step 3: Add water to the pulp. Step 4: Place mixture onto a "deckle" or suspension mat, and let it drain and dry (in sunlight?). Mentality: Recently I have been playing a bit of "Don't Starve", one of the big things about it (Besides not starving) is that it has a mentality system. As it lowers you start to hallucinate, in seeing monsters and such. A system of your mental health can be introduced into TFC as well, it can lower when in darkness, and other things. As it starts to lower you will hallucinate as such. in order to revive your mental health a solution may be the act of sleep. Beds: When sleeping in beds, they SHOULD NOT set the players spawn, but instead pass MOST of the night. When you sleep you will use up a signifergant part of hunger, making the players less wanting to sleep. Straw beds will allow you to sleep only partially through the night, for normal beds that amount of time is set, but for straw beds the time is random, they let you sleep almost as long as normal beds or only a short peroid of time. On servers all players can just wake up. Both straw and wool beds will both use up the same amount of hunger when being slept in. Spawn and respawn: As removing the setting of spawn with beds there will be a system in place, similar to "Better Than Wolves"'s Hardcore Spawn, in which when a player dies they will respawn somewhere else in the map within a 2000 block radius of the original spawn. Thus will make players even more unwilling to die, as they will lose their entire progression, until they refind it, in which there shall be cake and parties. Of course there must be an eventual way to set your spawn, but I will say that later, or it can be up to the developers. Health, hunger and thirst warning messages: Health: Hurt: Is or lower than 50% health, then loss of sprint Injured: Is or lower than 40% health, then slowness 1. Wounded: Is or lower than 30% health, then slowness 2, weakness 2, unable to do heavy handwork e.g. blocking, ect. Crippled: Is or lower than 20% health, then slowness 4-5, loss of jump. Dying: Is or lower than 10% health, then blindness. Dead: Is or lower than 0% health, then death. Hunger: Peckish: Is or lower than 40% hunger, then loss of sprint. Hungry: Is or lower than 30% hunger, then slowness 1, weakness 2, unable to do heavy handwork, e.g. blocking, ect. Famished: Is or lower than 20% hunger, then slowness 2, loss of jump, decrease in bow power and draw speed to half. Starving: Is or lower than 10% hunger, then slowness 4-5. Dying: Both hunger and fat are 0%, results in nausea and damage. Fat: Plump: Is or higher than 40% fat, then loss of sprint. Chubby: Is or higher than 50% fat, then slowness 1. Fat: Is or higher than 70% fat, then slowness 2, weakness 2, unable to do heavy handwork, e.g. blocking, ect. Obese: Is or higher than 80% fat, then slowness 5, loss of jump, decrease in bow power and draw speed to half. Thirst: Thirsty: Is or lower then 40% thirst, then loss of sprint, slowness 1. Dehydrated: Is or lower then 20% thirst, then slowness 2, nausea, unable to jump, unable to do heavy handwork, e.g. blocking, ect. Parched: Is or lower then 10% thirst, then slowness 4-5, decrease in bow power and draw speed tp half. Dying: Thirst bar is 0%, then blindness and damage. Hunger and Fat: Instead of food saturation it will be replaced with a visible white translucent fat bar on top of the hunger bar. To gain fat you need to over eat, or eat dessert foods, e.g. cake. You cannot eat while being food poisoned, eating spoiled/decayed food results in food poisoning, food poisoning is a replacement of the hunger atribute from rotten flesh. Loses fat first before hunger and therefore goes down at half speed, with losing fat, then hunger, then fat and so on. Speed movement (roads): Depending on the block type that the player is moving on the speed of which can change. Blocks that cause you to sink such as soul sand gives you a quarter of your normal speed. Surfaces in which would normally slow you down would give you half speed, e.g. Sand, snow, tall grass, crops. Everything else would give you normal speed. Road materials, smooth, polished and clean surfaces would give you a 2x speed, e.g. Wooden planks, gravel, cobblestone, stone. Buckets: For the best effect it would be good to in all get rid of red and blue steel buckets, replaced with steel/black steel and wooden buckets. They would work just like vanilla (except wood could only do water) ones, except buckets would not be able to place down a source block of liquid, instead the liquid shall disappear once being placed. This also means that when liquids are being picked up by buckets they do remove the source block (exceptions) source block. Darkness and lighting: While in a light level of 0 the player will receive an effect called gloom, causing the player to be slowed and more ambient/creepy noises being heard. This will reduce the players mental stats quite a lot. any block that has a brightness of 0 will be pitch black, not affected by brightness option. This will cause quite a bit of tension in caves, and mining. another idea is to have portable lighting of some kind, in the form of wax candles, crafted with wax, string and metal plate, this will give out a brightness of 10 in a small area around the player. Fishing: In order to fish you will need to be required to bait your rod, this can include certain mob/monster drops, such as rotten flesh and bat wings, and and new, worms. Worms can be gotten from certain patches of natural soil. There should be more types of fishes able to caught e.g. Tuna or carp. Fishing underground is impossible, fishing at night is twice as unlikely, daytime time is the same, but fishing during a full moon is twice the luck. Garden, crops, flowers and Manure: Manure: Manure is an item that grazing animals can drop during the day after eating grass, cows in particular. When replanting natural farm plants (except crops) it will place a withered version of the block, in order to continue to farm the item, e.g. Berry bushes you will have to manure it. Manure can help fertilize soil, and speed up crop growth. At the moment this suggestion is unfished, as there are more things that I do need to suggest, check back soon.
  8. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    As a way of doing an alternate dimension of stuff, or this dimension (in a style) you could always add this dimension as an "alternate" world option, in world options, making it be an ultra hard version of TFC. There can be two options for players in TFC a realism one (as it is currently) and a "magical" or more game like option. The second one would be base TFC, but with magical, or fantasy elemts of such, such as this topic, and Thaumcraft.
  9. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    Just some quick questions/suggestions: More Advanced foods, like pies, cakes, pastries, Chocolate (?). Coin mold, to ONLY be used with gold (for ease of server currency), and anvil plan. Any plans on a "Official" Extra Firma TFC Server? Any plans on adding either Medieval, Faction/Country based things that playes can't already create, like cannons (from Iron/Steel cannon, Iron ball, gunpowder, wheels (?))? Ability to place books in bookshelves and re-added ability for written books. More realistic way of creating paper (not sugar cane), ink and brushes/quills. Any plans/ideas on adding early Industrial Age things, like windmills? EDIT: Change coin mold with coin stamp, used with workable metal on an anvil. Metal either be sheet metal or unstamped gold coin.
  10. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    One big needed to add is a coin mold, ONLY used for gold to create gold coins, and an anvil plan. Also some more medieval items/weapons, like cannons.