Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by MrBadboy

  1. The Idea I was hanging around playing TFC. While gathering some charcoal. At some point during this process. I thought to my self. Why isn't there any Mud Brick or Fired Clay Brick. As long as TFC has been around. I would of thought by now the developers would have thought of this at some point. Maybe it isn't as important as other things they'd like to do? Straw Since a year ago. When they added in straw. With its own functions. Which can be used as a building block to make thatch. I loved that they wanted to give some variety to pottery/copper age. Becuase they were to short. The only way to obtain bricks is to reach the copper age with copper tools. To make buckets with planks which requires a saw. To mine the stone with a pickaxe and so forth. To The Point, Kind Of I hope and think at some point they'll add in these things. I'm sure theres tons and tons of ideas going through the developers heads and have been for years. But it requires time and patience. I remember over two years ago about an expansion into herblore which I never saw. Which I hope maybe one day they will still add in. Because magic is fake . Of course diseases and illnesses and maybe even bonus effects with potions. Would be added in to. Getting sick matters! This would bring in tons of new plant types to fool around with. Anyway, I'm getting past the point. I can do this a lot, talking to my self . I wish I had the skills to be a developer becuase I do have the time. Just not the skills. Its a work of art and like any art. Worth its weight in gold, as the saying goes. Okay, Actual Pottery Ideas Creation of a new pottery tool. A wrack or block type to mold or dry MudBricks. Using the items Straw, Water and Mud/Dirt. Now their isn't any item called "Mud" But mud could be made using Water and Dirt to create "Mud". Then adding Mud with Straw. To create MuddyBrick. Stackable up to x64 or x32 as a raw form like mortar. Then adding it to the ground or laying it in wracks to dry to form as Dried Mudbrick or simple called Mudbrick. Becuase we want to make it an early pottery age block. We need to add in another type of water Jug. A larger one that is able to replace the need for this. Because this whole process would be pointless if you needed water buckets which requires you to get in to the copper age. Or just simple using the water jug we already have. But adding in a extra function for it. Fired Clay Brick This is something else that has already been in normal minecraft. Yet to see the daylight in TFC. Something that could add in another extra use for clay. Another early block type that should be added in. Its something that would fit more in later ages. But with the already ability making many brick types by getting in to the copper age. Its clear where to start. If it is something that could be obtained in the pottery age. That would be kool . Same as before, just using a furnace or a kiln. To cook the clay in to FiredBrick or Brick. Using the building block, clay as a material. Then adding the clay to the kiln or furnace. To cook the clay. Now their isn't any normal furnace in TFC, yet. But its the idea. For now, a kiln will do or is good enough. Feel free to post your thoughts on this.
  2. Mud Brick/Fired Clay Brick/Pottery Age

    Thanks for the Thanks for the reply, again
  3. Mud Brick/Fired Clay Brick/Pottery Age

    Thanks for the reply I'm pretty sure this topic has come up already. Cleary its as plain as day. The idea behide this thread. Is to bring more attention to it. To also share "my Ideas' behide it. Also, I'm happy to see. Theres already something like this "claybricks". But sadly, not by defualt. Which is the idea. Also, this requires a third party mod to have any effect. Thanks for the information again tho.
  4. How the game looks to a new player.

    I can plainly see your complaints. There is a lot of truth to what you say. Spawning in the ocean more times then you can count can deter many people. Yes the hostile mobs can lead to frustration in many situations. As they spawn in, in large numbers and are difficult to kill. With out a real weapon (Copper & Above). The world is a harsh place with out nothing. That's half the journey tho. Long story short, TFC. Can be quite difficult and frustrating for many new players. Most of all, patience is key to survival and to overall enjoy the mod for all its glory. I'm sure a lot of people have already given advice on how to survival better. To better equip your self and many tips to help you on your journey. I am long time vetren of minecraft. I also enjoy games that are realistic. So when I found out about TFC. It was like a dream come true. I enjoy the difficultness and its the main reason why I keep coming back. TFC isn't for every one. With changes and tweaks being made with every build. Its going to keep changing for a long time. Patience is all we can hope for, for those that are having a harder time settling down.
  5. Yeah, theres real truth to that. You do provide extra facilities besides the great server. Which gives it more reason to play it over the other servers. I'm sure the server will stay popular for some time to come. Like always, nothing can last forever. We don't know what the future really holds. But the good thing is, to enjoy it while it lasts. Which I my self will. The two other previous servers that I played for quite some time over the last few years. That I really enjoyed. Were both none Whitelisted and had a great community. The sad thing is, their no longer around. I hope and think you wont mind me saying their names as their no longer active =). But they were, Zandrov's server and CarpaArum, or something of the like. On a last note, how long have you been playing TFC?
  6. Yeah, I'm glad some one like you is running a prublic server. Public servers in my opinion are always better. I know some people wish to keep there community more private. By whiteListing it. Which in many cases, deters many new comers to TFC. The TFC community doesn't have a big greifing problem as it stands anyway. As its a smaller community based around the mod then most large mods. It's a lot easier to get in to and a lot more user friendly. I personally enjoy playing the mod in default mode, with out all the extra mods. I know theres a few nice perks that come along with adding in some of these mods. But nothing major, thats really worth lossing a large part of the community. The game is good as it stands. There isn't much your missing with out all the extra mods. So it doesn't bother me one bit. Anyway, I wanted to praise you and your server. That, theres still people like you around. Becuase truth be. No one really runs none WhiteListed servers with out 3rd party mods anymore. That are decent.
  7. Biomes/Islands/Biome Generation

    Introduction I will Post Seed, Locations Based on my topic at the bottom. I was fooling around in creative. To get an idea of the new biome generation system. With the new included biome in Build78, High Plains. Now I spent a lot of time trying to find an area of High Plains. I never did come aross one. Which isn't surprising, as it could take some time to find certain biomes. None the less, what I did come across. Was a chain of islands. Biome Generation: Islands Now, no seed is alike and your likely to always find something else with every seed. But off the main land of my seed. About 2,000-3,000 Blocks out. I came across a chain of islands. Now we've all probably seen islands. But these aren't your normally sized islands. These were about 200-300 blocks in size. With the works, Mountains, Forests, Clay. Now there wasn't any rivers. Which I know isn't possible with Minecraft islands. In its current state of biome generation. From what I read in past posts made by the developers. If I'm correct. Biome Generation: High Hills/Mountains Also, High Hills seem a lot higher then before. With ores/minerals being able to spawn on any level/layer now. As long as its a certain rock type to spawn within. Making it very visible to find ore/minerals in these type of biomes. Making it quite easy to come acorss ores that are normally much rarer. A lot easier to obtain. The rate of spawn of ores/minerals can always be changed or adjusted. With Build78 new optimized options. But by default its quite easy to come across ores/minerals. As I did, finding at least 3-4 lapis Lazuli viens within a few minutes. Which are normally rare to come across. And many other types of ores/minerals. Biome Generation In General Hot Springs/Lava Springs spawn in funky. In some of the most odd positions in certain cases. I welcome any new biome generation and love the extra detail to the world. But like with any update, some patching is always needed. Which is expected with time. This also applies to cave generation near water. This has already been a problem with caverns in previous builds. Caves would spawn through water leaving an open area through the water where the cave would of spawned. Long Story Short Those were a few things I wanted to point out. As most of us who play TFC have already noticed. The main point of this topic is tho. The chain of islands I came across. There was at least 3 I found 400-500 blocks apart from each other and 200-300 blocks in lenght. With many smaller islands about as you'd expect. There were most likly even more in the distance from I saw. I'm not use to seeing this type of biome generation in TFC. So it came unexpected and made me ponder. I've always wanted to see this type of biome generation but never came across it. With build78, it makes me wonder. Is this something new with build78? That biome generation out in the sea has been tweaked to allow larger islands to spawn in ocean biomes. I'd welcome any comments on this subject. Seed/Location/Extra Information Seed: -7290334879069344826 x y z Location: 1800+, 200, -11250 This is the location of 1 of the 3 Islands. Theres one more thats alittle to the west-southwest of this location 500 or so blocks out. Another 600-700 blocks out to the east-northeast. Extra Information: I wasn't able to upload a picture. Using JourneyMap to Map out the world. Becuase the pictures size was to large. If theres another way. Any information on this would be welcomed.
  8. Rich vs Poor ore

    I some what agree with our friend TomatoThief. I enjoy the fact they've steped it up a notch. But they need to further that. With even adding more random elements. Not knowing all together whether or not the values would be the same. To totally change it to random values. Then to take it another step and add even more random elements. Like depending which layer it spawned in and the rock type. To randomize its values to another stage. The real fun of mining when you mine. Is not knowing what you'll find and how much of it. Just a thought anyway. That's how I would want it anyway. The thing I love most about anything from games to mods. Is the randomness. The not knowing and unexpecting things that happen like in real life. Like natural disasters, thats for another day.
  9. Gem tipped tools

    Like your self Daa. I also too. Have always wanted to see, gems used more often. As it stands. From what the wiki shows. They only have, one or two uses. With out extra mod support from other parties. In all truth, I can't say I'll ever see them getting in to the tool category. It just isn't very reasonable. I'm sure it could be possible. It's just not very realistic. I've also read all the comments, so i haven't mist any debates. Like many Ideas, there all great in their own way. It's the thought and effort that counts in my book. If there were magic in TFC. Enchantments seem the most obviously choice. With so many gems/rocks to choose from. It would add in a whole new system in to the game. Something I can't say we'll ever see or anytime soon. Like many of us still waiting for build 78 for a year now. So with that said. The next best thing, is small things like. Javelin tiped Gem'edRocks or used as cutting/cleaning tools. As for precious gems like diamonds, sapphires and rubys. Which are normally to small to be used for anything useful. We'll have to wait and see. - Mike
  10. Update Frequency Poll

    I personally don't mind how offen you guys release updates. As long as you feel their ready to be realesed to the public. With enough content to keep us happy. I'll admit, like many of us. As you know. It sucks having to loss your worlds or forced to start new ones. But the great thing about that. You get to enjoy the mod for all it's glory, all over again from the start. For worlds with certain builds, i guess you keep back ups.
  11. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    Try to keep the flaming and drama off the forums. If you have a complaint, send him a message. No one needs to know your private affairs.
  12. I appreciate you taking the time to reply. Not every body's the same. Even tho I'm being discriminated by username. I can see it looks miss leading to you. It hurts me to see you think this way. Becuase I truly am being juged with out the person even getting to know me. It's better being safe then sorry. That's why we have town plugin's. I hope in the future you don't judged people by their name. If you know nothing about them. It's truly discriminating. If the time comes to where I'm looking for a new server. I'll just reapply then. Besides that, I thank you for your time in this. Mike
  13. This is relating to the issue with my application. Replying to your email wouldn't work. So I'll leave it here for you to be able to read it.I'm sorry but I don't understand. I haven't even joined the server yet. Let alone do any grieving. The reply to my application has been so long that I've already found another server. Zandrov's server. I've been playing here for the last 1-2 weeks. I hadn't even played TFC in till since over 4 months ago after build 77.0. Your server was the first thing i applied to, to try out multiplayer again. I feel as I'm being judged for no reason or real cause. I don't enjoy the aspect of being judged for something i never did. If i did do some wrong, I normally would apologize. I'm fairly a really nice guy and go way out of my way to help others out. I'm not sure where you've gotten the idea of me doing any grieving when I've never even joined the server. As i was never sent the IP. Because my application never got accepted. I only assume why your so late to replying is something happened recently. Or some one has said something. Nothing adds up because your leaving out the main details of what i even did wrong. We've recently over here at Zandrov's server banned a few rotten apples. Because their was some massive chunks missing around the map and some towns. So maybe they've jumped over there and started some stuff. I don't know, this all seems odd. On a side note, both of the applications is of one of my brothers and my self. He no longer has an apatite to play but I do. If Zandrov's server ever went down for good. Your server would be the next best choice. I don't play TFC to grief and never had. I fairly keep to my self and help people out when i can with information. If their has been some grieving I've done in any way. Please do let me know. Because I don't recall it. I just wont sit ideally around and let people give me a bad name if I did nothing wrong. As far as that goes. You can always find me on Zandrov's Team Speak if you want to explain the situation in greater detail. Even if the time never comes to when i try to play on your server. I'd like this to be sorted out anyway. It doesn't feel right leaving it as it is.
  14. Username: MrBadboyAge: 21Location: U.S.A.Why do you like to play TFC? I enjoy the hardcore aspect of the mod. Where the games main core is, the realism.Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a new server to try out. That or I'll just start planing LAN.What will you add to the server? Just another good guy. Looking to enjoy the mod with others. Making another application of a brother's of mine. If It's possible. Username: Headhunter20Age: 18Location: U.S.A.Why do you like to play TFC? Same reasons as above.Why do you want to join? To enjoy the game with others.What will you add to the server?
  15. [Offline] Communecraft - whitelist, no extra mods - 77.21

    Nickname in Minecraft: Mrbadboy Age: 21 Location: C.A. USA Fluent english: Of course What a perfect server for you would be like: No server is perfect in my opinion, but. A server with good people and a relaxing experience. What you would bring to our cozy little community: A good person to the community.