Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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About winggar

  • Rank
    Freshly Spawned

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Location Minnesota, USA
  • Interests Minecraft Mods: Terrafirmacraft, Technic Platform
    Games: Modded Minecraft, Terraria, Mirror's Edge, LOTRO, and Gnormoria
  1. NPC suggestions

    Please do not say this was already posted before or anything. Please tell me what you think of the ideas though. 1. Replacing Villagers..... With Natives. It would be alot more fun to lets say trade these metal beads for the native's crops and materials than trade with a squidward that overprices everything. The Natives could attack back if they are injured or killed. 2. More Animals: I think you should spruce up the world with more animals to hunt like: Eagles, Small Birds, River Fish (Salmon, Trout, etc), Buffalo (wild cow?), Rams (wild sheep?), etc. I know those would be hard to make but i think it would be worth it!
  2. My BIG suggestion post

    First of all this is my BIG suggestion post and i will edit/add stuff to it all of the time. Please tell me what you think about my ideas but don't yell at me for posting an already posted suggestion, I make have liked the suggestion and decided to put it here to, or i may have not known someone wrote it. Ok first of all Seasons, Time, and weather: 1. A harsh winter. Like you get hunger if you stay to far away from fire, it snows ALOT, you get hurt by going in water (because it is freezing of course), a sheet of ice on top of water that may break under your weight, animals won't breed, crops won't grow, you have reduced health unless wearing leather armor, and you are slowed when walking in snow without snowshoes. 2.Earthquakes, Tornadoes, and Blizzards. Earthquakes make ravines in the ground and heavily erode the terrain and buildings near it. Tornadoes like the ones in the tornado mod. Blizzards that slow you, make you hungry, and makes it darker (so more mobs spawn). 3.Crops timing. certain crops can only be planted and harvested at a certain time. Ok second we have The Player and Stats: 1. Nutrition: (Explained here: + An over hunger bar. When you eat more then the normal hungerbar can fill, the overhunger bar comes up and fills up the rest. If you have a small amount in overhunger you are slowed (without a buff) a tiny bit. If you have it from 1/4 of the overhunger bar to 3/4 of the overhunger you become slow and you physicaly look fat. at higher then 3/4 you look obese and start slowly dying from it. The overhunger bar can be depleted by exercise and hard work. If normal hunger bar is mostly full to full and the overhunger bar is empty you get a BIG boost in speed, mining speed, health regen, and strength. 2. Armor. When wearing an armor that is heavy IRL you are slowed. When wearing leather armor you get a cold resistence. Third we have Items: 1. Snowshoes and Ice Skates. Snowshoes counteract the affect of slowness when walking in snow and they do the same as leather boots (give cold resitence) crafted with 1 leather boots, 2 yarn and six sticks.(See crafting for recipe). Ice Skates make sure ice does not break under you when you walk on it and gives cold resistence. Crafted with 1 Leather boots, 2 Wrought Iron Skates. 2.Jewlery! for using those useless metals and jewels into something pretty 3. Coins! Made of Copper, Tin, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum 4. Wool Clothing! gives cold resist. Fourth is Biomes and Temperture: 1. Cold and Heat: Cold makes ALL to most of the things in Harsh Winter happen. Minor Heat makes you regen life faster, Major Heat makes you get thirsty faster. And Last we have crafting: 1. Recipes for things i talked about before this: Snowshoes: Y = Yarn S = Stick B = Leather BootsS B S S Y S S Y S Ice Skates: X = Blank S = Wrought Iron Skate B = Leather BootsX B X S X S X X X Wrought Iron Skate: Molded in kiln with vessel & Skate MoldWool Clothing: same as vanilla armor but with wool clothbtw i did have fun with sizes and bold,italics, underline, and maybe all of them together Thanks for reading!!!