Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ovid

  1. Username: Ovid Age: 29 Location: US Why do you like to play TFC? It's believable Why do you want to join?communityto build with What will you add to the server? I'm not here to troll, played lots of TFC single player
  2. [TFC 0.77.21] SteamAge v0.3.0

    LOL, ya, when i was done writing i was thinking it was way over doing it for TFC.
  3. [TFC 0.77.21] SteamAge v0.3.0

    H20 is 1g per 1mL bp 100C Autoignition N/A (as far as i know) expansion ratio 1:1600 approxEthanol is .78g per 1mL bp 78C Autoignition(when it burst into flames) 425C expansion ratio 1:500 approx So in English, The water would take more heat to make steam and have more pressure. The ethanol(alcohol) would boil with 3/4 the heat and produce 1/3 the pressure. And the ethanol would explode when it got to hot. 425C isn't really that hot when we are talking about melting steel and stuff. Fe(Iron) melts at 2850C approx. The molten salt is a little more confusing but I can explain it as well if you'd like. The ethanol could be used in a trap that would get to hot when a pressure plate was stepped on. BOOM! Please don't take this as it has to be this way because of real world science. It just made me think it'd be cool to use different materials. Waiting for someone to send me to Tekkify.
  4. It's about sleep!

    I would prefer to see them skip the night and not set my spawn. I play on hardcore when I play TFC because re spawning isn't believable to me. Perhaps they would make you wake up at 3am instead of 6am. A shorter sleep time because they're uncomfortable. Also, they could have numbered uses.
  5. I think backpacks would add another level of believable to TFC. They could even be woven out of wood. My mom makes woven oak baskets. A lot of game play could be added here.
  6. [TFC 0.77.21] SteamAge v0.3.0

    I'd wanted to see if you wanted any help with this mod, it has huge potential. I'm a chemist so I know a lot about how steam works and I know java. Some basic ideas that I was thinking would be a cool to add. Open steam systems, like a train. Cheap to build, lots of power, needs water supply. Closed steam system, like a heat pump. High construction cost, less power(normally), reuses water. Other fluids, that are already in TFC alcohol, salt --> molten salt, etc. They would act much differently. A molten salt forge, table salt melts at 1474 F, so it would be believable. Steam/vapor uses, TrapsPistons from vanilla but steam poweredSteam weapons Steamship Train Pumps Lava boiler Believe but not real Steam boots, one jump only Steam storage, very high construction cost, colored steel. very few uses. Let me know if you'd like any help. Thanks
  7. Gems?

    1. Gems should be much rarer, to make the valuable. 2. Magical,regentused in a enchanting bench, quality of gem = strength of enchantment type of gem = type of enchantment The enchantments would be minor, very minor Gem uses 3. Hand Quern? 4. Telescope 5. Lens for slowly lighting fires 6. High end fishing lure made from gems + fishing pole = better fishing pole
  8. Dynamic alloys everyone asks for ..

    I'm an Inorganic Chemist, their are formulas for making alloys. Real Alloys are predictable, we don't just throw some Fe with some Ti and then hope for a great alloy. The ratios are based on how the metals will react. But about TFC the set formulas are good because it's a game. Don't want it to be predictable, then don't use the wiki. I've been playing TFC for 6 months or so. I have no clue how to get some of the metals. The TFC metallurgy has a believable feel I like the way it is.