Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by AllenWL

  1. Body Temperature Mechanics and Implementation

    Erm, I just remembered, but.... we have scraped hide. it's a part of the leather processing process. First you soak hide, then you scrape hide
  2. Traps

    I don't know about knowing the population of rabbits by reading footprints. I think footprints should just let you know what animals was there/is here, and how big it is. You can tell guessthe population by the amount of footprints you find. Also, rather than right-clicking footprints, I would really love if all footprints had different shapes/sizes depending on type/size of animals. For tracks if 'invisible' animals like rabbits, the size of the prints should tell the average size of rabbits in the area. I'd also like it if footprints randomly generated when 1:the chunk generates for the first time 2:when an entity is walking 3:at a certain time of year/month(like wild crops) Footprints should disappear after a while.
  3. Eh, just asking, but if the chiseling planks get taken away, does that mean that we can't have wooden stairs or slabs? Anyways, I don't like having to carry around and place stacks upon stacks of grass just to build a shelter. And I think 8straw + 8clay+ dirt=2 thatch isuseless. Right now, with that much stuff, I can get 4 un-gravity effected blocks, and 1 gravity effected block. If your suggestion is implemented, I can still get 2 un-gravity effected blocks and 1 gravity effected block. And how are you going to mix 17 things in a 2x2 grid anyways? Even the crafting table's 3x3 grid won't work, and I'd rather not need a saw to make thatch anyways. I suppose you can do multiple crafts, but that's just annoying having to do all that just for two lously blocks of thatch that aren't even used that much anyways. And anyways, that recipe makes no sense whatsoever for thatch. I mean, not even half of that is straw. It's more of a adobe than thatch, really. Also, please note that if you cannot interact with leaves, you cannot get saplings, although I guess you can say that branches drop saplings as well(I mean, fruit trees do that so.... *shrugs*)
  4. List of new monsters

    I'd rather go for fireflies than will-o-the-wisps, but have the fireflies just look like floating lights. That way, if you want to feel the fantasy vibe, you can pretend that they are will-o-the-wisps or something. Try to leave as much to the player's imagination as possible Anyways, unless I'm wrong(totally possible), the reason that undead/monsters will go underground rather then away is because otherwise, underground will be much too safe. I'd imagine that if we had a way to add sufficient dangers to the underground, the monsters would be gone for good.
  5. Shears recipe

    Looks more like a big dust bunny to me. I suppose shears can give 2~3 wool, and knives give 0~1 wool or something like that. I mean, if we have to wield two knives for a shear, even if it can be made with copper, it'll take a bit of time before we can get wool, and if body temperature needs us to get wool clothing to not freeze, I'd rather that I can get that wool before I get a anvil opposed to lighting fires every night and hoping I don't freeze to death or something. Or we could just have a mold/schematic for shears.
  6. I thought about trying gregtech, but I gave up hen I saw that the wiki was a downright mess....... Couldn't even find a guide on what to do On a random random thing, it looks like IC2 for minecraft 1.7.2 doesn't work for me
  7. I've concluded that IC2 does not fit with the 'mincraft rewrite/total conversion' mod thing for the following reasons. 1. Items and blocks added by IC2 are not needed. They are really 'extras' that aren't really needed to advance, but makes things a bit easier if you have them. 2. Unlike TFC, BTW, MITE, or MineFantasy, it leaves your base minecraft experience untouched. While the other mods require you to adapt to new situations, new environments, and new mechanics, IC2 simply gives you expensive, high-powered toys to play around with It does not change or add to the survival aspect of minecraft in any way
  8. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    I was referring to this post(s) The idea posted here is that 'wild' animals give no products(no wool. no milk, etc) and must be bred once to 'domesticate' and have them produce goods I like the complicated version better though
  9. Water Pump the TFC Way edited again

    How about up ten blocks, then out the other side? To put in pictures: [O]wwwwww [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] wwwwwww[ I ] W is water, I is input, O is output, and [ ] is he 'pipe' blocks. I think this would be as diagonal as we can get, and it moves water 10 blocks up(11 blocks if you count the block the water is on before being pumped) Though, I wonder how we would make this in a 3x3 crafting grid. something this tall would really need a ton of things to justify it's size, and nine won't do at all...... Maybe craft a bunch of parts and put them together? Anyways, this is a screw pump, so it'll need a screw. What's the screw gonna be made of? wood or metal? and if metal, what kind of metal? will the kind of metal effect the screws effectiveness?
  10. Explosives, a use for gunpowder.

    I'd rather a redstone pulse light gunpowder fuses, to let people have more creativity. And for that 'ignition block' I guess it could be nice. I'd suggest it being counted as 'stone' so you can place it right next to the forge(like, replace one of the blocks surrounding the forge with a 'ignition block') On the same note, enchanting tables, eyes of ender, brewing stands, golden apples, or diamond tools are also not listed as disabled. *shrugs*
  11. Better Cooking [updated again!]

    I think we should have one of those spit roast thingys(you know, skewer a meat with a stick and cook it over a fire) for mid-game way of cooking meat over a fire.
  12. I'm at a loss as to why being on theoff topic bit of the TFC forums makes us not able to make comments that imply gregtech is tedious, unless some takes offence at hearing that or something, which I doubt. Well, I don't know if IC2 fits in with the 'topic' of this thread, but this is a off-topic thing anyways so..... I'll try IC2 myself I guess. Just wondering though, but why does IC2 only have experimental versions? Anyone care to enlighten me?
  13. Water Pump the TFC Way edited again

    Um, a few questions. What will the pump look like? What will power the pump? How big will the pump be? I'm guessing it'll be ten blocks tall but..... Um, a pump moves a water source ten blocks up, right? And water goes eight blocks before stopping. Seven blocks if you remove the block below the eight block. So the equation for low far water can be should be 7x how high the block is compared to where you wanted the water to be+1 So if you use 11 pumps to move water 110 blocks up, then the water would be able to as long as 7x(110-how high your build is from the water)+1. If your build is say, 5 blocks higher than the water, then it would be 7x105+1, or 736 blocks total. However, this would have limited uses as you would only really be able to use the last eight blocks for farming unless you where able to get farmland next to the water as it comes in a stair formation. And it would also look rather odd I'd rather a pump two blocks tall, with a input and output side, and when powered with water touching the input side(source or flow, both works), it would 'extend' the flow block in it's output side Like: [o]w w w being water and I and O being input and output respectively. This would let us take water anywhere we want as long as we can afford the pumps, and in nearly every shape we want. (Note: this was proposed exactly like this in my mechanical power thread. Well, that's one way of moving water without loads of pipes and valves and changing water physics, right? ) The red steel buckets can still be there for people who want to play with source blocks
  14. Traps

    Ugh that sounds wrong......... Anyways, I think that would be best in my opinion because I don't like the thought of a trap that yields items of a animal that doesn't exist, and and I don't like the thought of something like having the animals spawn regularly after chunk generation because both will allow you to get animals when there is none, or allow you to make a artificial place and get animals magically appearing there. And also, both can be net you food continuously without you having to plan ahead. If wild animals bred by themselves, then when hunting, as long as we leave a few behind, they'll breed and we'll get more animals over time, but overhunting the area can lead to all the animals dying and none ever coming back unless you get animals from another place and put them there, so you'll have to plan ahead in hunting and trapping the animals
  15. I was thinking, and I think that one logs to fuel the firepit, or the 8 logs for pit kilns(a tree or more) is a bit overpriced. I mean, it takes 3 sticks to start the fire and suddenly it's asking forlogs? I think we should be able to craft a log and an axe to get about 2~3 firewood, which can be used to fuel firepits and pit kilns, because as of now, I use about one and a half trees to make my pottery and smelt my ores, and about half a tree to cook my meat. Normally I wouldn't care about chopping down half a forest, but since chopping trees takes a bit of time in TFC, especially early-game when you just have bronze/copper/stone axes, you have to pit-kiln pretty much every ore you have, it gets really annoying to spend half your day chopping trees
  16. Ridiculous Suggestions

    Ok then, I'll suggest mod incompatibility!
  17. Ridiculous Suggestions

    A pac-man robot that runs on chocolate frogs and eats burning kapok leaves. chocolate frogs not included
  18. Better Cooking [updated again!]

    um, say, that hunger draining 3x as fast for the 'feasting mode'...... Won't that be.. well.. somewhat deadly to starting players who don't have enough food?
  19. Better Cooking [updated again!]

    But there are some foods you'd rather eat cold, you know? I think other the the warming/hot things, we should have something for cold as well, like cool/cold/freezing. I mean, I'd rather have a cold salad than a hot one, and I know lots of food that are eaten cold and not hot(granted, I don't think most of them are in TFC, but....)
  20. Explosives, a use for gunpowder.

    This is slightly derailing to a alchemy thing....... I think I have a alchemy/brewing post somewhere..... maybe I should take another look at it. But having different explosives regents(?) would be nice. To add more to this, I think any dust or even the raw chunk should effect the parameters, but the finer the dust, the more it would effect. The effects would not just increase the parameters, but sometimes also decrease it. Like, coal can increase the fire and heat generated, but can also decrease instability or something like that So adding rough dust could actually be preferably if you don't want one parameter to be too high, or too low. Instability should effect if the powder explodes if caught in a explosion(so a unstable powder might make a very nice chain reaction), or when it's dropped, or if it gets bumped around for some reason.(just imagine a clay vessel filled with very unstable powder dropped onto the enemy). Not sure about the random every world thing. I mean, finding something out the first time is fine and all, but having to find something out every time I start a new world can be a bit annoying, especially if it gives nothing new to me.
  21. Animals Will not follow or mate with food.

    this is sort of off topic, but I find that animals follow grain that is not wheat as well, such as rye. Oh, and I note that you have lots of below 160oz food bits. You can craft the same type of food together up to 160 oz to save space, and craft it with a knife to split it
  22. Explosives, a use for gunpowder.

    Seeing that while TFC has a good 20-ish fruits and vegetables but has not yet been called a farming/crop mod.... I think 7 explosives is ok(3 hand-helds, 3 blocks, and the powder keg) But I suppose we can get rid of a couple. But really, I don't think it's too much, personally.(wait, actually... if the metal hand-held can be made of any metal sheet, that makes 9 different verities of metal hand-helds[9 metal sheets] hmm that could be a but too much) But if you think there are too much, I suppose the hand-held paper explosive and the dynamite can go, and make the metal hand-held only craftable with iron or something I personally think that all fuses should work with redstone pulses, and ignite when powered. I like to think if redstone as a spark or something like raw energy. It won't do much on its own, but it can be used to give something else a little 'kick' to activate something or to shut it down I mean, if we get to control explosives more, I'm sure making a pressureplate triggered powder keg landmine will be much more fun and easy, so why make redstone not ignite fuses? But I think that if you managed to collect enough powder for a full powder keg... well, I'd say you earned the right to blow that keg to kingdom come. And I don't really think there is enough reason to implant a horizontally placed barrel on the account of something like this that won't be used for anything else. I think a better way would be to have this happen. 1. Explosives only ignite if the 'ignition point'(for powder kegs, the top, obviously) is ignited, if it gets caught up in another explosion, or if it gets set on fire To simply put, if you want to blow up a powder keg, you need a fuse on top of the said keg, have something blow up near it, or light it on fire 2. powders cannot connect to other powders above or below it, nor can it connect with powder diagonal from it. Just with powders next to it. 3.Fuses can connect with other fuses above or below it, and with fuses diagonal from it. It can also connect through corners This way, for powder to light a powder keg, the keg must be one block below the powder trail, and the powder trail cannot move up or down. A fuse, being able to move in any direction, would be much more easier to connect or hide or thread through walls than powder.
  23. Better Cooking [updated again!]

    Well, if it makes a magic bucket that can move and re-move springs that sprout lava endlessly..... why not use it to make a stove that runs on lava indefinitely? I like it. It makes blue steel a bit more worthwhile to get. .... I suppose we need a redsteel cooler that uses water something now.... Anyways, I just realized something. Some food are cooked/eaten cold, not hot. And some foods require you to chill it during cooking Do you guys think cold food is feasible, or no? I think with ice, water, and cold natural temperatures something might be doable... That said, does hot temperatures keep hot food hot longer?
  24. Body Temperature Mechanics and Implementation

    Do we need scraped hide? I think rawhide will work fine. That, and wool cloth, both which you can get pre-metal. I agree, the main reason for this is that in most mods with temperature, armor is a pain. It makes you heat faster and cool faster, and wearing armor can make you die of heatstroke/frostbite before you even get to blows with the enemy. But instead of having a 'clothing' slot and 'armor' slot, I think we should have a 'undergarment/light clothing' slot and a 'heavy clothing/armor' slot. Why? like you said, most clothing worn under armor was light clothing, or thin clothing. If we could wear fluffy fur coats under our armor, we could just wear that, slap armor on top of the coat, then never take it off. But if all you could wear under the armor was your wool pants or leather tunic, it will eventually require you to take it off and don warmer clothing. Also, we don't go around wearing nothing but a fur coat and pants. I don't like this idea much, because it's like putting two shirts together and trying to put them both on, you know? I'd rather just have to make a thicker coat instead. I mean, wearing two coats or wearing one coat as thick and warm as two coats... sounds about the same, doesn't it?
  25. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    So, wild animals are useless unless 'domesticated' at least once. Now add that with a more advanced genetics system, and that would make animal breeding a lot more fun