Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AllenWL

  1. Well, until we have more uses for sugar, I don't really think there is a big reason for alternative sugar or stuff.

    I mean, kinda useless to have 2~4 different sugar variations if we only have one(I think) use for sugar.


    And the only use for sugar I can think of are jam(which got rejected a lot), baking(cookies, cake, etc), and sweets(chocolate, candy, etc), I doubt we really need those.


  2. Ooooh, Oooooh, I got a great idea!


    We need chocolate golems that fire explosive rockets that heal you and hurt hostile mobs made by vanilla cobble which is made by red steel buckets crafted with coco beans!


  3. Now what if I did say thunder stew? (GO THUNDER SHREW!)


    We move this conversation to the 'ask the person below you' forum games thread.



    What did you think?


  4. The closes thing to magic that I feel could fit in base TFC is religious icons, and the psychological effects they have on people.

    Oh, and drugs. Norse berserkers were believed to either take drugs... or just get really pissed off. Either way, has to be frightening to stab someone and have them grin.


    Problem is, for us, this isn't magic. We understand the concepts behind it now. Throughout history though, they didn't really know what was causing an effect, just that there was an effect.

    Why is that a problem?

    I think it's rather a good thing. We could have stuff like potions, drugs, incense, charms, statues, whatever, and call it magic.... or the effects of whatever the drugs/potions/whatever do.

    I think it'll be believable enough for TFC


  5. Agree. I am not suggesting to have a saline bar.

    Just saying that you will not get dehydration just because you ate some salty food. As long as you have water to balance.

    I don't think creating a salt balance in the game would be worth the trouble. 

    So let's just forget about the whole salt thing.

    I know, I just say what you wrote, had a idea about the salinity bar, then as you can see, rejected it immediately.

    I don't really think there's much reason to make salted meats make you more thirsty, as I think it'll just be a annoyance at worst, and downright ignored at best


  6. Your body needs to maintain the correct level of salinity, so if you eat too much salt, you lose water(along with the salt), and if you have too less salt, you lose water(without the salt).

    Hmmm, having a salinity bar which, unless it's in the correct level, you lose thirst faster....

    Sounds annoying.


  7. No no, we should go to space by digging down really deep, through the bedrock, through the mantle, and through the core, then falling out the other side. If we do this at noon, we fall on the moon where everything is made of endstone, which can be processed into green cheese, and if we do it at midnight, we fall to the sun, which is made entirely of red steel blocks and lava. If we do it at any other time, we fall to the neverending void of space, and get stuck there until you find and tame a enderdragon, then ride it back


  8. Yes, do that, then, when we go on a server, the owner can lock us into the game and force us to live inside TFC for the rest of our lives.


    Oh, and I found the perfect thing for this.


    I saw this topic and then, BAM, idea! This idea is however so complex(if used fully) and needs its own thread:Aging and the fountain of youthThis would be a proces of you getting debuffs until you die of aging, whit is diffrent from regular dying and should incorporate:MilkAll da gems!!!Hot springs(not to be confuses whit hot spring)Dat red n' blue steelMagick(if it ever gets added)Offrands to the minecraft god(notch):A fresh raw meat from all beasts(pork, steak, etc)The forbiden fruit(red apple)Sacred blood(red wine(once its implemented))And the primal woods(all wood plancks of the original minecraft trees)If you become immortal(witch is my suggestion for the end goal) i think a boss is in need: Death!Once deafeted, death gives you the mortal elixir, permitting you to become mortal aigain.


  9. What if we make it so the sled/carriage moves on it's own, and it's speed depends on how many animals are hooked to it?

    Say, a sled with no animals moves at a speed of 0(obviously) with one dog, a speed of 1, with two dogs, a speed of 1.5, etc.


    The dogs could just 'ride' the sled's harness. I mean, whether the dogs in the harness are pulling the sled or the sled is pushing the dogs, it both looks more or less the same in-game, right?


  10. I don't see the reason for a tougher glass.


    Explosions in TFC are really rare, so having a more blast-resistant block is kinda moot, and if having a block take longer to break is just annoying, you know?

    Maybe if sandstone makes glass the same color as the sandstone? or maybe it makes opaque glass?


  11. if I get you right, then you might want to play with something like this mod, the antique atlas. It's pretty cool, I must say


    no thanks.

    While it looks neat, and is an item, it still shows your position on the map, which I don't like.

    I mean, it's pretty much just a fancy-looking hardcore minimap mod, you know?


    What I'd like to do something among the lines of

    check my coords/area, find the coords/area on the map, check where I want to go, find the direction using a compass/the clouds/sun/whatever, then go.

    But I'm not sure if other people would like that, which is why I'm asking


    I always quite liked vanilla maps, though they would feel a bit magicy in TFC unless they were tweaked a bit, and made a bit more expensive. I would love something that worked basically like the vanilla minimaps, but instead of giving a perfect map of every block, auto-generated something more abstract - showing lakes and rivers, perhaps mountain peaks, forests, and artificial structures, and perhaps allowing the player to manually mark locations of interest on those maps with labels and some set of pre-defined symbols. That's a huge task, though, and I wouldn't want to try to program it myself, so I won't be holding my breath or asking for such a feature, cool as it might be to have.

    I quite liked vanilla maps as well, except for those magic pointers that tell you where you are.

    Though, for the 'more abstract' bit, what if it still did blocks, but slightly differently?

    I'm thinking something like, instead of the color of the blocks on the maps depending on the colour of the blocks, it depends on the 'type' of block.


    Like, all 'man-made blocks(planks, fences, cobble, smooth stone, etc)' show as gray, leaves and logs show as dark green, grass/dirt light green, etc.

    The color could also depend on the altitude, like the higher the blocks are, the darker the color or something


  12. But what if I'm traveling, and I don't want to move during the night or AFK the night away?

    A way to skip the night yet still have your spawn be your base would be quite nice for exploring.


  13. I know, but.... do we need the whole rainbow-colors?

    I personally think since we already have rocks shades of green, gray, black, and so forth, a rock of yellow colour would be nice.


    Though, I would love to have a purple stone to build with.
