Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AllenWL

  1. Well, I was browsing the suggestions, and I read a bit of something that interested me.

    Namely, these three comments.

    We obviously play very differently. I frequently need to make early game note of locations of resources well before I have cows, flux, and or even copper tools.

    I would say that you are definitely part of the minority of players who uses this play style. In my experience, the average person who plays TFC uses some sort of minimap mod with waypoints to note locations of resources.

    pah! minimaps are cheating! XD So, really, is f3. And much as I like this idea, some more things I'd rather have implemented than tablets or advanced books: sextants, for determining latitude (instead of "cheating" and reading z position from f3); a compass that actually points north, not towards spawn, for orienting during stormy weather or underground when the sun and moon can't be seen (again, instead of f3); a thermometer, for measuring the ambient temperature (the pattern should be clear now).But yeah, Kittychanley is right. Sorry, Zaecus, but we're a pretty small minority on this sort of thing.


    Personally, I don't like F3 or minimap mods because they feel really off to me, and having floating maps and coords and magic glowing waypoints feels so wrong in a mod meant to be about survival and beliveability.


    Right now, I make do with marking my way with torches, tilled dirt, and memorizing where everything was.


    But personally, I would like  a north-pointing compass, a way to tell the coords in-game, and a way write them down, and possibly maps that show the surrounding area(and possibly the coords and where north is as well, but not your location)

    Because travelling long distances relying or memory and sparsely-placed markings is not really a good idea.


    So, the point of this much-much-longer-than-needed-post is....


    Would you guys like a way to tell your position and write down where everything is in the mod, or do you guys prefer to use things like F3 and minimap mods?


  2. Oh wait, is your problem that you want to sleep nights while traveling long distances, but don't want to have sleeping the nights re-set your spawnpoint to wherever the heck you spawned?

    I have an idea.


    Right now, breaking a bed you slept on resets your spawn to the world spawn, even if you slept on another bed before you slept on the bed you broke, right?

    I'd like it if something like this happened: Instead of resetting your spawn to the world spawn, breaking a bed resets your spawn to the bed you slept at before you slept in the bed you broke


    For example, lets say I sleep on bed A. Then I sleep on bed B, then I break bed B and die.

    Then, instead of spawning at the world spawn, I spawn at bed A.


  3. I'm not sure about the 'for as many different sands we have' bit.

    I mean, we have a dirt and sand for each and every type of stone, right?


    So if we have sandstone like that.... we'd get stuff like basalt sandstone or saltstone sandstone or stuff like that. Kinda seems weird in my opinion.

    I'd prefer sandstone to be a type of sedimentary rock, and have a nice yellow-y orange-ish color, since no stone(and therefor, no sand) has a yellow/orange colour, but then, we'll have stuff like sandstone sand, which sounds weird, and sandstone dirt, which is even weirder.


    I suppose we can have sandstone be a stone only in deserts or something... but I have no idea how that'd work so.... yeah.....


  4. In my personal opinion, if we have magic in TFC, in any way it should be more of a 'support' than anything else, and try to be  as less magic as it can(yea, that bit sounds weird)

    I don't think magical mobs or plants or anything that really says 'magic' would fit in TFC, nor would spells or rituals. 'active' magic like slinging fireballs and shooting lighting would defiantly not fit in.


    When I think of magic in TFC, I think of these things:

    Brewing, using herbs and mushrooms and bits and pieces off animals and mobs, like spider eyes and rotten flesh, random bits of 'ore dust' (you know.... dyes).

    It would make potions that you can drink, salves to apply to bandages/arrows or directly to wounds, powders that can be thrown/tossed/whatever (possibly in packages), etc

    Somewhat believable, but if you get right down to it, it's magic


    Charms. Crafted bits of bones and metal and jewels and string that is worn/held to give effects, or hung on walls to give effects in a small area.

    Would have a much weaker effect than brewing, and just simple effects like a minor regeneration boost, a minor speed buff, etc, but lasts until the charm breaks

    Not very believable, but hey, people made charms, and still make em, just pretend that the charms work... or something.


    Enchanted tools, weapon, and armor.

    Same pretty much as vanilla enchantments, but only up to level 1 or 2, not those crazy sharpness 5 or protection 4 things


  5. I have changed the partially-filled mold tooltip in 79 to display the amount of units it contains, instead of simply saying "Not Full." This goes both for the ingot molds and the tool molds, so you will know exactly how many more units you need to completely fill it.


    Oh, really?

    Then I have no more problems with that. Now the only thing left is to be quick to add/remove the molds so I don't end up with odd units left over.


    I still think metal nuggets could be useful for lots of things, but seeing that those 'lots of things' aren't in the game, or really needed, this is really a moot point.


  6. So you want something functionally equivalent to coins, but not coins, yet still implemented in a manner consistent with how coins are made and used

    Uh... no.

    I do realize that it might be misleading, but I don't want something that 'functions like coins but are not coins'

    I was just thinking about how darn useful having metal nuggets will be when I realized that it could be used as currency as well, and decided to post this thing.



    I don't really see how this is a problem. Can you not just cast your waste into a spare ingot mold?

    I can, but those are annoying to store. I mean, I can dump it in a chest, but my chests all tend to be full, and I don't really have the wood or space to spend on chests so I can just store my dumb leftover metals. And anyways, they don't stack, and I can't put them in vessels, so even with chests, they take up space kinda fast. At least for me anyways.



    The metallurgy point of this post is completely moot, because you can already do alloy mixing one unit at a time.


    If you put an unshaped metal ingot into the crucible, it won't add the whole thing at once. It will add the metal one unit at a time until it is either empty, or you remove the item from the input slot.


    So why break it up into 5's, when you already have 1's?

    I know that it fills gradually, but the point is, I can't see how many units of metal I'm adding.

    I can stick that unshaped tin ingot in there for a bit, then add unshaped copper to make bronze, but I have absolutely no idea how much metal is in there.

    I can guess, sure, but I have no way of telling whether I now have 100 units of bronze, which is what I want, or 99 units, or 101 units, or any other random amount.


    And this often ends up with me having ingot molds with really random units of metal left in there, like 11 or 24 or 37 or whatever, and those are even more annoying to get rid of then the 10, 15, 25, 35 combinations from ores.


    If I have nuggets that I know is 5 units a piece, and can actually see each and every 5 units of metal I add amounts to, I can add 2 tin nuggets and 18 copper nuggets, and know that I have 100 units of bronze, no more, and no less. And I can just dump the metal in there, unlike with unshaped ingots, where I have to guess how many units are being added, and babysit the mold so I don't accidently add more than I was planning to.


  7. Well, I really have two reasons for posting this.


    One, it's really annoying to smelt metals and make alloys.

    Ores give 10, 15, 25, and 35 units of metal.

    One ingot is 100 units. I find it extremely hard to make alloys without being left with random annoying bits of metal here and there that I don't want.

    And I'm also sometimes left with various random units of metal that are really quite hard to get rid of.


    So I suggest nuggets be made on an anvil or mold, and be worth 5 units of metal. That's 20 nuggets per ingot.

    They'll stack up to 64, and be placeable in chests or vessels. The reason I think they should be worth 5 units is because the unit of metals give by ores are all divisible by 5, so if a ingot is worth 5 units, no matter what weird and random mixture of ores you dump in, you'll always be able to turn the remainder into nuggets instead of having an annoying partially-filled mold taking up space.

    Also, this makes one nugget exactly 5% of a entire ingot. This means that with nuggets, you can make any alloys you want in any quantity you want without having to juggle around numbers like 'If I have 3 poor  zinc ores, 2 tiny bismuth ores, 2 normal copper ore and one rich copper ore, how can I make one ingot of bismuth bronze?' We came here to play games, and not do complicated math, right?


    The other reason is the currency thread that got recently revived. People(me included) where talking about coins and why this wouldn't work and what makes currency run and all that, when I thought, hey, I know that lots of people already use metal ingots to trade goods, so why not simply add metal ingots?

    It's pretty much just like coins in all but name, and the fact that we can use it for more things than coins without sounding weird. (Like, a silver nugget used to put engravings on a sword sounds better than a silver coin being used to put engravings on a sword)


  8. I was scrolling through the suggestions directory, and decided to re-visit this place.


    So I was thinking, one of the points raised was people won't like having to carry beds around, or going all the way back to their home to sleep, and if you have to go really far to look for stuff, I do realize that having to go back to your home to sleep would be annoying.


    But do we really need to carry our beds around or go back home? What if we made 'rest areas' with beds and food and whatever else we need at regular intervals?

    That easily solves the problem. Sure it'll take lots of time to make each 'rest area' and stock them with the needed goods, but in the long run, it'll be more helpful.

    And I think it would add a bit more to the gameplay.


    If we had a good reason to make these 'rest stops', there would be a need to mark their areas, and possibly build roads connecting them so you can find them easily, and don't waste time or materials making tons of them because you can't find them. It will also make exploring take more planning, since you can't just slap on armor, grab your tools, take a vessel of food, then walk for weeks on end. You'll need to search the surrounding area, find a place to build rest areas.


    Though, I suppose other people might find doing all that annoying I suppose


  9. But it does collapse eventually, no?

    And there is no reason for wood to get gravity-effected the moment it catches on fire, it could be just like normal, but instead of disappearing when it 'burns out', it could turn to 'charred wood' and collapse.

    That way, a house on fire will collapse, but not until it burns out to 'ashes'.


  10. A few things.


    If only the server owner/admin/whoever can make coins, what's the point? It might as well be a vanilla diamond gotten via creative by the server owner in that case.


    Also, by exchanging coins for copper, silver, or gold ingots, I'm guessing you mean copper makes X amount of coins, silver makes Y amount, and gold makes Z amount, and X amount of coins can be turned into copper, and so on. That would mean that if you have enough of one ingot, you can change it to any of the other ingots you want simply by owning a printing press. That seems kinda... off....


    And just because the coins are out there, doesn't mean that everything will 'fall into place'. I mean, minecraft has a currency that is hard to get, and can be used for trading with npc's, the emerald. Have you ever seen people on minecraft servers trading with emeralds?


    Most likely people will just ignore the coins and trade in raw goods to save themselves the hassle of making and/or trading the server owner/admin/whoever for coins.


  11. But I'd like if if wood on fire turns to 'charred wood' that is effected by gravity and gives nothing back when broken.

    It would be fun, and open up so much more possibilities in trap-making.

    Also, I'd like it if fire can stay on falling blocks, as long as it's combustible.


  12. Eh, I play BTW already. Got my first iron pickaxe.


    I really lucked out because I happened to find a ravine.

    It was under a river, but after I drained the river, I had access to a pretty big ravine, going right down to diamond level, with plenty of lava, coal, iron, and redstone, and some gold.

    Best of all, the bit that I drained, which now was naturally lit by the sun..... had the biggest amount of coal and iron than any other section(as far as I can tell), so I didn't need to use a singlet torch while I was mining all the ore for my pickaxe.

    While I did have pumpkins and a chicken, a wild wolf got into my base and killed it. I tamed the wolf, but.... darn he's useless......


    I tired the crash-landing modpack, and it's annoying. Things are much too slow-paced, and it bores me


  13. Hmm, I usually don't use those FTB modpacks and such because I really have no idea how to download them, and they have waaay too much mods.


    I'm the type of person who looks up everything about a mod/game before trying it out, and those FTB modpacks and such have too much stuff to read up on, and I usually just end up confused as to what the heck does what.


    But since this is from a member of the TFC community that also plays BTW, I'll give it a try. If I can install the darn thing.


  14. Rock salt is a surface rock layer, so digging down will do nothing.


    Also, rock salt is not a ore but a rock type, so try breaking rocks that are light gray-ish in color(well, unless you have a texturepack, in which case it might be different)

    And I'm not sure if there are certain biomes or latitudes where rock salt layers generate, so..... the only thing you can do is explore, and explore a lot.


    On the plus side, once you find rock salt, you'll probably be able to gather enough rock salt to never need to go collecting it ever again(unless you die and lose the lot)


  15. Hmm, should we?

    That could be fun. And kinda be something like a Index for everything recent on this entire forums or something.


    As for BTW being evil. I disagree. I mean, I did get my head eaten by a squid, but I just calmly walked out of the river and punched the squid to death and that was all it took.

    It's challenging, but not evil. I mean, at least it gives stuff to overcome difficulties.

    MITE is evil. It gives you a bunch of challenges, with no real way to overcome them except for loads of effort, some luck, a bit of skill, and lots of re-starting worlds


  16. I did, and I don't like it.

    For one, it doesn't have any tech-tree or anything to follow, it just gives a bunch of things to be aware and bunch of things to prevent that.

    Also, it needs to be very fleshed out. Right now, it pretty much just makes you carry around useless things like flowers and leaves just to keep your bars topped off.

    I mean, why the heck is it that turning off the lights at my house to sleep makes me go insane when staring at a flower while in a cave besieged by monsters keeps me perfectly sane?

    And why on earth must l leave randomly placed leaves in my mineshaft so I don't suffocate from the torches I placed?

    Also, the physics thing is kinda annoying when you build.


    Also, the temperature thing is quite annoying.

    I had mo creatures and that civilization mod installed, and every single NPC and the ents where sweating like nuts, and I kept on sweating too, which really bothered my view and was really annoying


    I mean, the idea is good, but it could use a lot of improvements


  17. I want nanobots though.

    They should do all sorts of cool things like give me boosts and let me fly and breath fire and morph into mobs and shoot diamond blocks out of my hands and red steel buckets out of my eyes


  18. say what?

    As for what you missed, that would probably need a thread of it's own.


    And on a completely unrelated topic, I was tossed into a river, then had my head eaten by a squid in BTW.

    Apparently, having your head eaten by a squid isn't a big deal for Steve.


    Then I tried out terraria and got mauled by zombies for 3 nights straight.


    Then I played Unturned and got mauled by zombies some more.


    Then my computer froze on me and I had to wait for it to unfreeze so I could post this


    Not necessarily in that order


  19. There are tips and ways.

    To name a few,

    Dead bushes can be a ok source of sticks in a pinch.

    Gather all the seeds you can. Try to have at least half a stack of seeds at all times.

    If it starts getting dark and you haven't found a shelter.... it's probably too late. Best go somewhere where the mobs can't reach you easily, like the top of a tall mountain, or the middle of a ocean/lake, and hope for the best.

    Pillar boxes make the worst shelter ever, due to zombies breaking blocks and hitting through corners. Never use pillar boxes unless you have no choice.

    Grass makes for a good gravity-defying roof

    Try to make your shelter so at night, you can grind mobs with minimum risk and get exp out of it. A L-box is the simplest way to do this

    Never place & break gravel at daytime, that would just eat up your daylight hours. Do it at night.

    Zombies drop metal nuggets(villager zombies drop veggies), and tools. A rusted iron shovel from a undead pal could be a huge help.

    If you break leaves touching the trunk of a tree, the rest of the leaves will decay on their own, and still drop sticks. This way, you can save the time and hunger it takes to break all the leaves.

    Sugar canes and coco beans will be the very first food source you can grow. But don't loiter near jungles or you'll regret it.

    A clay oven can help you get xp by cooking meat(and cooked meat is much tastier) before you get a crafting bench, and sandstone ovens can get you charcoal for torches.

    Creepers are friends, not foe. They will be the best mining tool you'll have for quite some time, so use them to your advantage.
