Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AllenWL

  1. The problem with food spoilage is not that its impossible to code, its that every instance of food would have to tick and update, causing tons of lag eating memory like its no tomorrow.


    On top of that, with the current way that item stacking and inventory is handled, food items wouldn't be able to stack. In the same way that you can't stack two ingots of different temperatures, you wouldn't be able to stack two foods of different spoilage.


    So, unless the food was made at the same time, it won't stack, and it'll lag like we have a army of chickens on the loose.


    Say, what if at the end of every month or something, the system does a check for food, and depending on the temperature and the type of food, it gives it a chance to rot.

    On second thought, that'd make huge lag spikes on the end of every month or something...


    The idea is great, but the mechanics and technical stuff kinda ruins it... pity


  2. Hey, Kittychanley, I recently made a explosives post, because I was 100% unaware of this post, and it wasn't on the suggestions directory.

    But since this is about explosives, does that mean per forum rules, my post will be merged into this one?


  3. I note that this thread does not have much on the way of hostile mobs.


    Anyways, I think we should have animals that come out in day, and animals that come out at night.

    Both day and night will have different animals, different threats, different things you have to do to keep safe.


  4. Not all water is drinkable. Some can be unhealthy for you to drink because they have salt, or lots of dirt, or because they are simply brimming with bacteria.

    Right now, we can drink water from any place, let it be a swamp or a ocean, or even a puddle on the ground. 

    I think there should be 4 different types of water. Salt water, dirty/muddy water, foul water, and water.


    Salt water will generate in oceans and beaches.

    It will have a dark blue-ish color, and drinking it will drain your thirst bar instead of refilling it.

    Crops near saltwater will die, and boiling a bucket/jug of saltwater will give you a bucket/jug of salt.

    Salt can be used to season food or can be mixed with water to make saltwater.


    Water next to dirt, grass, or farmland can turn into muddy water.

    Farmland will have the highest chance to make /muddy water, followed by dirt, then grass.

    It would have a slightly brownish-blue color

    You can't drink dirty water(would you drink a water that's brown and muddy and full of dirt?)

    But you can put muddy water in a barrel and seal it to make mud. Mud would be like a cheep alternative to clay, mud vessels jugs, and molds have to be sun-dried. and if under lots of heat(used in a pit kiln, for example), or dropped from a height, it will break. Mud jugs and molds have a 100% chance to break after usage, and mud vessels can only hold 2 stacks of items. Muddy water does not hydrate as much land as (clean) water, and flows like lava(4 blocks, not 8)


    Foul water will generate in swamps, and sometimes in jungles.

    It has a light green/aqua color and drinking it has a high chance of making you sick.

    It slows down crop growth and crops have a chance to die  every time they grow up(move to the next stage)

    You can boil it in a firepit/forge or seal it in a barrel with some salt to kill the bacteria/virus/whatever and purify it into water.


    Water generates in lakes, rivers, planes, mountains, forests, etc.


    If water is next to grass, it has a 5% chance to turn into muddy water. On dirt, it has a 30% chance, with clay, 25% and with farmland, 40%


    On a side note, I can't think of what should happen if water of different types meet.

    Any ideas?


  5. Is it just me, or is this thread kinda dying?


    I think armor should take time to take off/on.

    'clothing' type armor(say, leather) would be taken on/off easily.

    'light' armor(say, chain or scale.) would take some time.

    'heavy' armor(plate, for example) would take lots of time, and need a armor changing-station type thing, or another player to put it on/off you

    You can't move while putting armor on/off, and if you move or get hurt, all armor peaces that you are putting on will drop(not requested armor or off ones, but say plate takes 5 seconds to put on. someone tries to put it on/off you, they click the armor peace, but before 5 seconds passes, you or the one putting the armor on/off you moves or gets hit, then the armor you where trying to put on/off at the time will drop as an item)

    Also, arrows should need a quiver to carry around effectively(say, if not in quiver, it doesn't stack)

    and even in the quiver, it should only stack up to 20, 30 ish. 

    As of now, one dedicated archer could carry/fire enough arrows to wipe out a entire army


  6. How about release tons of highly buffed mobs into the wild?

    I mean, if the outside was filled with spiders with speed 2 strength 1 and regen 2 buffs,

    Zombies with speed 1 buff and full iron/steel armor& weapons

    Creepers with resistance 3 speed 4

    skeletons with steel armor/javelins, speed and regen buffs and such,


    I would defiantly want to join a large town/city for protection


  7. Although you will die from protein poisoning if you eat nothing but rabbit for lengthened periods of time.


    Gives me an idea.........


    But rabbits could be a easy meal-making ingredient, and a pig replacement(that needs less space)


  8. yea, sorta


    I always thought it'd be nice if we could tame all creatures in minecraft.

    But then, it means you can avoid combat by taming all mobs that try to kill you.

    So I thought, hey, what if each mob had a baby that you could tame?

    I figured that even peaceful mobs should attack you when you approach it's young/egg,

    and if a hostile mob young sees a mob of the same kind attack you, it'll attack you as well.

    A egg will just sit there, break when you hit it/walk over it, but you could right-click to pick it up,

    and when it hatches, it will 'bond' with the nearest creature(or simply put, if you are the closest to it when it hatches, you get to have it)


    So you have to separate young from the older animals, then tame it/hatch the egg, and you can tame all mobs.

    Obviously, hostiles will be much harder to tame.
