Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AllenWL

  1. /me turns time back so all operas on not destroyed anymore(I can regenerate my vocal cords because 1: I use magical powers to do it, and magical powers can do anything 2: it's a game, so...)


  2. Hey, I got an idea.

    How about for the more 'hostile' animals(hawk, [possibly]cat, wolf, fox, etc)

    You can't tame the grown animal, but instead have to find a young baby or egg and tame that instead

    But the adults will be hostile towards you, and try to protect the young(kill you if you approach) so you have to lure them away/kill them before you can tame the young


  3. Mages are people who wear robes to war, and somehow don't end up dead


    I like seafood, but people say I shouldn't eat seafood because of the radioactive thing in the water. So I ate chickens. But now there's AI(avian influenza, not artificial intelligence) going around so I can't even eat chickens anymore. What should I eat now?


  4. I am korean.

    I made lemonade as well.

    But I used brown sugar so it ended up brown(sortof a muddy, brown-puppy-fur brown that frankly, did not look all that appetizing.).

    Still tasted pretty good, but it was the first(and last) brown lemonade I ever saw.

    I guess this is why we use white sugar. So food doesn't get that dirt color


  5. If we are going to just use a cannon to point at someone and demand all their stuff on the pain of being blown up, then you might as well add "Quaker Cannons" from the civil war too. Quaker Cannons were simply logs painted to look like a cannon to make a force look more intimidating and better defended than it really was. If cannons simply become weapons of terror, having a line of cannons of which 2/3 are fakes could be used simply to make the line look bigger would be awesome.


    I, personally am indifferent about cannons though, seeing as a good siege catapult would be as or more efective against fortifications as a cannon and balista and catapults would do just fine on ships. The cannon would work as an addition, but it wouldn't come close to being the end-all in combat


    I agree. catapults, balista, and battering rams should be enough.

    And I don't think 'quaker cannons' would be a good idea. That would most likely end up with everyone making loads of fake cannons and trying to double-guess and buff others without actual fighting.


    It'll be like:

    'That's not real cannons'

    'Yes it is'

    'No it's not'

    'Yes they're real'

    'Nope, fake'

    and so on


  6. I think more bow types could be good.

    We could have crossbows with really long draw time(like 10~15 seconds) but heavy damage, longbows with longer range, etc


    Oh and an idea.

    What if we had a cloak+hood, that takes up both head and chest armor slots, but covers your face, chest, arms(possibly) and prevents your nametag from showing?

    It'll effectively let you do things in secret, and you won't have to shift 24/7 to prevent your nametag from being read/detected through walls


    Also, I think it'll be nice if some weapons had 'effects' when used.

    Like, a dagger has a really short reach, but can give heavy damage or a chance 'bleeding' debuff(makes mobs target bleeding player first, damage like posion), A lance has long reach but is slow, but on horseback, deals heavy knockback and damage, a mace can 'daze' a mob/player with a strong hit(slow, nausea, blindness combo would work)


  7. I think we should have a 'hunting/primitive' bow(sticks and string, and a bit of sucky-ness)

    Good for killing rabbits and chickens, but for fully armored people and zombies... not so useful.


    And a 'war' bow, with (I have no idea what, but I guess) planks and leather and a cord(lots of string/thread tied together I guess)

    High power and range, for fighting.


  8. But while eating non-meals is the best for beginnings, I find meals and heavy food to be really helpful after I build up, get the cool gear, and start building one-man cities.

    I rarely bump into mobs, and I don't get hurt often, so why spend half my day chomping on beans when I can keep hot meals on me 24/7?


  9. So you point it at someone's home/face to threaten and scare them, but you don't actually fire the thing?


    I remember once, all I did was walk up to a guy with a splash potion of poison and decent armor and the guy tossed me all his stuff and ran away.
