Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AllenWL

  1. You need to first 'tame' them by raising their familiarity level,

    Though, the animals won't let us feed them and the change log says feed them to raise the familiarity level...


  2. I wish cooking took less skill. I mean, if I eat the ingredients one at a time, I'm constantly struggling and juggling multiple types of food.

    If I make meals, due to my low cooking levels and since I don't know what effects the taste of the ingredients, I'm pretty much making meals than throwing it away again and again trying to get my cooking levels up.


    It's just too much of a grind to really enjoy....


    Oh, and I hit 50 HP and it won't go down anymore....


  3. Oh. Oh. That makes a lot more sense I guess.


    Um, wait, then... what 'taste' are we looking for?

    I get that 'Not ___' is a bad thing, but are we looking for "____" or "very ___"?


    I mean, I like spicy things, but I don't like very spicy things. So does that mean the best value is a normal "(insert flavor here)", or is the food 'tastier' as the values get higher?


  4. If you look in the changelog, you can know that while a meat's taste is random, a crop's taste depends on the environment it grew in.

    However, it gives no advice on what environmental factors actually effect the taste, or how to know your tastes.


    I'm currently down to health 90~100. 


  5. Personally, I would just like one light source that burns for a longer time than torches, and one where I can tell how much light is left, and preferably turn on and off to conserve fuel.

    I really like the 'torch burns out' mechanic myself, but once I start spreading out, going back around every two days to re-light my torches is a pain. Also, while burnt out-torches in a mineshaft does look nice, having to re-light a place every two days isn't fun.


    I would like something like a lantern that runs on oil and can last, quite a while, say, 20 days or something, and I'm able to turn it on and off to save oil.

    Then I could light up the lamps going in, then when I leave, turn them off except a few, and leave those burning for light and to prevent mob spawns to some degree.

    I could put some barrels of oil in there as well, and keep refilling the lanterns when they run low.


    I don't care if I have to do a chore once in a while, but if I have to do it every other day, it gets pretty annoying


  6. On a sidenote: If we figure out how to fill jugs from flowing water, then we'll figure out the reason why quick panning still works, so we can disable it. So either you can keep quick panning, and just fill up barrels of fresh water and take those back to your house to drink from... Or you'll be able to fill jugs from flowing water, but quick panning won't work anymore.

    What is 'quick panning'?


  7. Well... seeing how to get jute, you need to find it, possibly grow it to get the amounts you need, then get a vessel/barrel then seal it for a while, I hardly think you'll be able to make it 'on the fly'

    Well, unless  you already prepared all the materials, but in that case, anything can be made 'on the fly'


  8. Hey, I notice that hostile mobs have a noticeably reduced drop rate. Is this because of the new butchery skill? If so, I think killing mobs should raise the butchery skill. We need bones on the server, but none of the skeletons killed dropped bones. Also, spiders and creepers didn't drop anything either when killed. Zombies where the only mobs that dropped something, and that was at a really low rate. Like, 3~4 zombies to get 1~2 rotten flesh


  9. I never learned french at all. But apparently, google translate isn't all that bad if you can take the pile of words it gives you and sort it out. However, you really can't say anything back with it...


    But is mob AI really that bad? I mean, sure mobs act like they're complete idiots frequently but....


  10. I dunno. I think having to drag out ever individual log, though realistic as it might be, could be really bothersome.


    I mean, ever tried to take stuff out of a chest when there was only one item per slot? Annoying as hell. And if I had to drag my mouse over each and every similar-looking log to find the one I want.... pretty darn annoying I'll say.


  11. But the thing is, not everything can be placed in vessels or barrels. Tools can't be placed, and vessels only accept small items. You can't put logs into vessels, and I don't think you can put them in barrels too, and so on,

    So while we do get 48 slots, we can't put everything into those 48 slots. Some will inevitably have to be placed in your inventory, or in the barrel without going in a small vessel.

    And also, taking things in out out of a barrel isn't exactly easy.

    First you have to take it off your back. Then place it in your hand. Then place it on the ground. Then unseal the darn thing. Then take items out/place them in. Then you have to seal it. Then break it, then pick it up and put it on your back. And while it's in your inventory, you can't move.

    Hardy convenient.


  12. . HERE IS THE MAP (yaaaay...)


    Posted Image


    You can see the future nations from which you can choose, the spawn in the middle and the scale of the map.


    I think I'll choose yellow. Has lots of land, and islands nicely spaced to make defending easier, but not so spaced out that traveling becomes hard. Plus, warm climate means easier to grow crops.

    But blue seems nice too. Has some islands that can be used as secure locations, and is connected by one nice big landmass so traveling will be loads easier. Also seems to have the most land out of the four


  13. For now im just exploring. I want to stay in stone age as long as i can, but im collecting ores nuggets.

    Also, i reealy like meat cooking)

    Love the new meat cooking too :)

    I prefer my meat well-done, but that looks really burnt, so I'm wondering if I should go with medium-rare instead


    If my world doesn't work out for me, maybe I'll try CreepyD's seed '28'

    Sounds like a fun seed to start in


  14. Well, I just found out today that build 79 was out, and since I hadn't played TFC for a while and I liked what I was hearing, I decided to try my hand at playing.


    I found myself on a small island, in the middle of the ocean I saw land far off and swam there. However...

    I quickly found out that all the nearby landmass where islands, ranging from tiny to small to slightly large, and there was no mainland in sight.

    Still, there where some ok sized island, and I could always pan for copper. I decided to settle on the island

    A bout 3~4 in-game days later...

    Posted Image

    My house. I got a large vessel full of water because my house was on a beach, and a bit far from fresh water. The other vessel mainly holds sand, random ores I have no use for yet, and my gold pan, but also has some random items. I used logs and sand to make the walls, and thatch for the roof.

    The 'door' is a block of thatch with sand on top to stop mobs from coming in, and I crawl through the thatch to get out or in(Smart moving). There are a lot of trees, and I'm alone, so I have no shortage of wood.


    The only problems are....

    For one, on the first day, I killed a female pig for food, since I was starving. The only other animals I found so far are two boars. I found some wild crops, but I have no idea when my crops will grow. I found cranberries and (I think) cloudberries, but I forgot where I saw the couldberries and the cranberries won't be ready for harvest for nearly half a year. So yea, I'm slowly starving. And I don't have the gear to go hunt down spiders and make a fishing rod.


    For another, there is no copper, tin, or any other ores I might need to advance, meaning all I can do for metals is pan for copper, and man does that take a long time.... I might not last that long.

    So yes, my island is currently more or less a deathtrap that is slowly killing me.



    But I like it. It's very fun, a lot more fun then when I first tried TFC, and I love the carrying barrels/huge vessels on my back mechanic. I can't wait to get on a server and go around as a traveling merchant with my barrel full of goods on my back :D


    So, I would like love to know what you guys are doing. How far did you get? What did you find/make? What troubles/lucky events did you have?


  15. Sign me up for this!

    Um, but I note that it says along with TFC and Archimedes ships, ExtraFirmaCraft, and Extrafirma is not up-to-date just yet. How will that work?


    Anyways, looking forward to playing on the server!

    Edit: Um, I was thinking, and I think smart moving would be a nice mod to have on this server. Thoughts?


  16. So, while going thorough the minecraft subreddit, I saw someone post something called 'The ranger challenge' And being a ranger's apprentice fan, I went in.


    The general gist of it was that it was a challenge where you where supposed to never kill mobs. Well, not directly anyways. Instead, you had to tame mobs and have them do the fighting for you. I liked the idea, but it was deleted for whatever reason, so... Yeah, I tried expanding on it.


    Here are the rules I came up with.

    You cannot directly damage mobs. You cannot hit them, shoot them, fire magic at them, throw potions, or hurt them 'intentionally'.

    Basically, you cannot engage in combat with mobs

    But other then that, anything goes. this means you can set traps, dump lava on them, drop tnt on them, set them on fire, or push them off cliffs.

    You can also hit mobs to make your pets attack, but you cannot do it with a weapon(and no axes or shovels either), and you cannot repeatedly hit them. Try to deal less than 4 points(2 hearts) of damage.

    Animals such as cows, pigs, etc can be killed by you. It's just the ones that fight back that you can't fight.


    Pretty simple, right?


    I was thinking that some mods might be used for this. Namely,

    A damage indicator-type mod, to make sure you do not deal too much damage.

    Mods that get you fighters/pets without being too OP.

    Possible wolf-enhancing mods.




  17. So, 


    At day, passive animals will wander, and hostile animals will take shelter.

    At night, hostile animals will wander, and passive animals will take shelter.


    This will result in animals hiding under trees and inside caves in the wild, or if the animal has been captured and penned, trying to find shelter in a barn or similar structure.


    At day, animals will seek out bodies of water(do to drink from I guess)

    Basically, animals will be going back and forth from their shelter, to the water source, and back.


    This will also result in animals gathering near bodies of water, since animals wander over to the water source, and even if they wander off again, when time comes to go to a water source again, the nearest water source will probably be the one they visited before, meaning they will most likely wander back, and as this repeats, more and more animals will gather to sources of water.



    I like it. It would also be nice if the animal's behavior changes along with the day.

    For example, wolves, when wandering at night, can actively seek out and hunt covering large areas, but wolves at day, snoozing in their caves, can simply wander in a very small area, and not attack unless attacked.


    And deer can run away from you at day, but at night, be slower, and only run away if you get real close/hit it


    And so on and so forth, so the time of the day could be a important factor when hunting/capturing animals as well
