Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by redundantusage

  1. So how long till we upgrade to the 49's? Looking forward to playing again
  2. IGN: redundantusage age: 25 with a beard of roughly thrice that age I enjoy the work of developing a home or community on Terrafirmacraft, and this server seems up to date and fairly on the ball. I have a microphone but only skype. If required I could always try to download a voice chat program.
  3. Can't make clay molds

    Maybe it has to do with whether you found the clay in a dry biome or wet one.
  4. Honestly, I posted both the bugs about the odd terrain, and they weren't game breaking or common, I just noted them so he could rectify it if needed. Even with those things I found, the terrain still looked much nicer than before. The Sequoia woods were genuinely pretty, and the patches of woods rather than straight plains or woods seriously looks legit. Also, the sequoia crash was posted by me as well, it happened twice out of about 30 sequoia chopdowns, couldn't find the factor that caused it, but the game crashes and you can load the world right back up, only the top half of the tree is missing but all the logs are accounted for and you can still cut down the bottom half as normal.
  5. Whitelist App**************** IGN: redundantusage Age: 25 Years playing mc: 1.5 years Prev. Bans: Not that I'm aware of. Whitelist App End********** Comments(Optional): Given the unlimited resources of a community, I'll build you a world on top of your world so you Minecraft while you Minecraft.
  6. heap leach mining (get faster melting ores in exchange of a long wait)

    Sounds like a good argument for Aluminum to me.
  7. Scorched ground

    In most mods that require things to burn, I tend to burn down my own homes (normally accidentally) which is why I now build almost entirely out of stone when possible. Most farmland we have in game is too hydrated to catch fire legitimately. So really the worst that happens is they'd increase the fertilization level of your surrounding grass. To take it a step further, make it so normal grass won't spread fire, only the drier brush grass that Bioxx added. Just seems more believable than the whole world catching fire because Zandorum forgot and left his flint and tinder going outside his shack.
  8. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    Could always use some of the less commonly used and softer metals as jewel mounts for attaching gems to weapons, armors, and tools for the enchanting system (should it occur) At that point you could calculate enchantment maximums based on gem quality, mounting metal quality, and material used in the item being enchanted. Off topic, I'm aware, but people were talking about otherwise useless metals.
  9. Yeah, I was planning on doing this for one of the servers I was on, but then a world reset before I could finish my house first. I guess first we gotta wait for the server to update to 49g. I have two different theories on how it could feasibly be made: The cobblestone highway, all flat parts would be from whatever cobblestone is on hand with the person adding it, all stair based parts for going over minor hills would be made of wood from local trees. It would be patchwork but efficient, and at least provide a rudimentary highway system for everyone to use and expand from. The brick highway, constructed either from all the same stone or whatever stone is local to each section. Obviously more resource intensive as metal is then involved. Either way, fully lit would really be the best policy as an unlit road with mobs all over it is no real road at all.
  10. One option is all the players band together and build a north/south running lit road to help with travel to new lands of opportunity. Would speed travel considerably when you don't have to jump/climb swim all the way through potentially mob filled areas.
  11. Glass Blowing

    At the point of fleshing this out, the other thing that would be nice if they could expand into is colored glass panes. I'm not sure how others view this mod, but aside from the obvious increase in difficulty in survival is also the ability to design and build amazing diverse constructions in terms of shapes and colors. Colored glass would let us take this a step further whether it be to add blood red windows to an evil fortress, or stained glass windows to a massive cathedral. The other benefit to this is, this provides a reason to keep digging, and keep finding new deposits, as a huge variety of different materials can be used to color glass to different colors and shades. Random page I found:
  12. I don't care, I'll head north and grow potatos and act as a trading post for metals in the region. >
  13. Lamps, Candles and Torches oh my! (new lighting ideas)

    If the nether is ever brought back, netherack could be ground up and used as a powder for burning in a light source.
  14. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Not really, the sooner the environment is destroyed here, the sooner a crisis occurs and humans have to move beyond Earth. Or be destroyed. Either works I guess.
  15. Reclamation of Metals

    I've seen hint of this elsewhere, and if so please redirect me, but this has to do with reclamation of metals from tools and anvils. Basically, it makes no sense that metal could just sit around with no major use and no ability to recast it, pretty sure scrap and reclaimed metal was a common source of metals for blacksmiths. For tools you would put said used tool in a crafting grid by itself, and you would receive a tool head with the same damage level and, if higher than maybe 50-60% durability is left, a stick. The damaged tool head could then be thrown into the bloomery like an ore and smelted back down into raw metal at a 10-15% loss of metal. So a tool that had 50% damage to it would regain you roughly 43-45% of a new ingot. Anvils would require a hammer made of at least 1 tier higher metal and would be placed in a crafting table with the hammer to be "broken down" into either raw double/single ingots for simplicity, or "scrap metal" that can be put back in a bloomery for recasting, again at a 10-15% loss.
  16. Specified World Gen.

    Now THAT is a game I would play.
  17. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Being an anti-environmentalist myself, I like situating myself next to a fairly large forest of decent wood types and deforesting the thing into a hills and plains. Never have to replant anything, and I feel like I'm doing my part for the cause.
  18. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Saw mention of removing vanilla drops from mobs. One option would be to have zombies have a very low chance of dropping tier 0 metal minor tools (axes, saws, hoes, shovels, knives) denoting their obviously simple existence pre-death. Would give them a good alternative to random iron drops without effectively giving someone a way out of the stone ages without finding metals. If need be it could be taken a step further and the tools could have a random percent of damage on them ranging from 10-60%.
  19. Lamps, Candles and Torches oh my! (new lighting ideas)

    I'm not holding my breath, but the ability to combine either 4 torches or other light source and either rope or a chain to create a chandelier would be amazing, roof lighting sources being sorely lacking in this game without glowstone.
  20. Fantastic, thanks for the help.
  21. Lamps, Candles and Torches oh my! (new lighting ideas)

    Agreed, just trying to find superfluous uses for peat and paper.
  22. I appreciate the promptness, I didn't have anything absolutely critical, I was just heading out on an exploration trip to find a new base location.
  23. Lamps, Candles and Torches oh my! (new lighting ideas)

    Throw it in a fire pit, it can be used for fuel in place of logs.
  24. I was swimming into a new area at one point and the game crashed on me, it now crashes every time I try to log in, so I guess I'll see you guys after the next map reset :/