Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by redundantusage

  1. Lamps, Candles and Torches oh my! (new lighting ideas)

    Metal torch handles that can be placed like a candelabra on a surface with a visible base, or on the wall like a torch sconce. The handle itself is permanent, but fuel can be added. A wad of fuel would be created by placing either coal/charcoal or peat in a crafting table with a knife (to either crush or cut it up, respectively) and the raw fuel is "packed" into pieces of paper (both placed in crafting table). Peat would provide 16 pits of fuel, coals 4. This would provide a viable later game use for peat, and an ongoing use for paper after you have all the plans.
  2. Basketweaving

    The most obvious solutions would seem to be one of several: If steve can throw 4 items together that he's holding, there's no reason he needs a table to throw together 9 when there is a floor all around him, so expanding the default crafting size. Make a crafting table craftable from 4 raw logs. Set down a full log pile and left click with the axe, instead of breaking, the log pile transforms into a crafting table.
  3. Basketweaving

    I read somewhere about planks requiring a saw to get in one of the future updates. Having a "lower tier" chest of sorts would be useful then, such as a wicker basket block that holds less than an actual chest and doesn't extend into a double form. Shouldn't be extremely difficult to add code-wise, and the recipe would consist of two parts: wicker: sticks = / / / / / / / / / / wicker basket: wicker = # # # # # .. # # # #
  4. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    I usually make suggestions with the knowledge that they won't be used, but if nothing else might inspire creativity in the devs or other players. That said, I'm actually looking forward to how much you guys will break vanilla food systems and thus make food a challenge finally.
  5. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    My thought on dough and bread and whatnot to keep things fairly simple while still expanding on the system: Wheat can either be processed into flour by placing wheat into the crafting box and getting it, or through a millstone if such a thing is added. A new container type, a wooden barrel, would be used for general food storage, making foods stack only up to 12 normally, but higher while in the barrel. If flour is placed in the barrel and water poured in using a bucket (right clicking on the top with a full water bucket) the flour and water begin to mix and after a set amount of time, dough can be removed from the barrel. The dough items can then be baked in a firepit or forge. Optional: An oven construction could be made by making a firepit in a stone alcove of raw/smooth/bricked stone that has stone on all sides but the opening. Food barrels crafted from wooden planks in this form: 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0
  6. As Regards Light and Sources Thereof

    A way to place or ensconce a torch on a support beam. Completely secondary and likely to earn me hate: finite torches. They go out over time, have a usage meter, something. Can be relit with another torch or a special knapping recipe. This opens the door to: Other light sources: Basic Lamps, Candles, anything. I've played minecraft for years and if there's anyone who I believe can finally remedy the technological disparity between my ornate stone structures and a stick I caught on fire, it's Bioxx. Even without finite torches, just something. To keep this simple and somewhat easy to implement at first, olives do exist and their oil can be burned. Less simple method: Leather is now incredibly common due to increased animal drops, change the name of leather to skin and make combining skin and a knife in a crafting table or inventory to separate them into processed skin and animal fat. Animal fat in a campfire with a mold will render down to a tallow filled mold. Combine tallow filled mold with a piece of string and you have a candle, possibly two. Causing hostile mobs not to spawn on constructed surfaces such as wood and worked stone regardless of light level would make this more viable of course. As a final note: I have no idea how to create the graphics for minecraft, but I will learn and create some if need be for this concept.
  7. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    A simple fix would seem to be to provide configurable menus or files for towns and claims. If options are provided that allow the servers to choose when or if protection comes into play, then the people who want protection will be happier, and the people who want realistic consequences will be happier. A wider range of TFC server types will derive from this, thus fulfilling Bioxx's goal of providing a gameplay experience that is unique per playthrough. Potential Configurable Options: Invulnerability to all blocks in a town or claim to all but those who live there. Only chests of a town or claim are protected. When all players of a town or claim log off, protection is either enacted then, or after an interval of time. This is an easily expanded list, and with the coming of LAN games with 1.31, it would mean a variety of different game styles on smaller scales as well.
  8. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Peat could be used for underground mushroom culturing. It supposedly works well for moisture regulation in agriculture, so it could be considered something that would stay suitably moist underground to grow mushrooms in a believeable if not realistic style. Would also give additional use for peat other than a wood substitute.
  9. As Regards Light and Sources Thereof

    That was very prompt, thanks for the response.
  10. New Alloy: Electrum

    All ass-talking aside: Taxes, increased ops efforts and management, saplings? Commodity trading keeps things simple, and if currency is needed, eventually bukkit will be compatible if for no other reason than demand (If Bioxx doesn't do it himself, as soon as TFC hits non-beta I'm willing to bet someone will make a compatibility patch or mod).
  11. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    A way to place or ensconce a torch on a support beam. Completely secondary and likely to earn me hate: finite torches. They go out over time, have a usage meter, something. Can be relit with another torch or a special knapping recipe. This opens the door to: Other light sources: Basic Lamps, Candles, anything. I've played minecraft for years and if there's anyone who I believe can finally remedy the technological disparity between my ornate stone structures and a stick I caught on fire, it's Bioxx. Even without finite torches, just something.
  12. New Alloy: Electrum

    Unless the electrum currency can be melted back down and separated, it's a worthless currency. The only time currency is useful is if it's backed by something, whether commodities or gold or moderator store credit (trading in coinage to moderators for any other commodity) - Trading the currency instead of the actual commodity seems redundant. - Trading the currency instead of the actual gold seems redundant. - Moderator store credit devalues the different commodities, as there becomes an instant and bottomless source of any resource. Being one of the only people to have discovered a specific commodity on your server, like gold, silver, iron, etc, means nothing, and if you can trade raw commodities to the moderator for coinage or other commodities, you basically have a lowbrow TFC equivalent exchange.
  13. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Allow shears to be made from metals other than iron. There's no reason other metals shouldn't be useable, pretty sure sharpened stone could be used for cutting hair just as easily as iron, and thus things like zinc, tin, bronze, etc should be useable. I realise this has already been suggested in part elsewhere, but it still feels like a minor tweak.
  14. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Didn't know this was a whitelist server, could I be whitelisted please?
  15. Rails

    Just a thought, would be nice if copper and higher could be used to make minecart rails, would give some of the earlier materials more use, like converting those sphalerite and copper megaveins into roads between villages and mines.
  16. Disillusioned with TFCraft

    I've only been playing this game since pre27, and I will say that I've seen the game go from being able to get to roughly bronze/steel in 3-4 days on single player to being just short of impossible to get to steel on singleplayer as of the last few patches. But since switching from single player to entirely multiplayer with this patch, what I've noticed is the scarcity has very much opened up the avenue of trading. On pre45 all I did was build myself an out of the way home and work on some minor projects like building some roads. A bunch of other people mined in a wide variety of different places and the end result was that a bunch of people ended up with different things. I may not have had ore, but I had a boatload of charcoal and cooked molds that people didn't want to bother gathering themselves, and since this guy has a supervein of sphalerite he couldn't use all of if he wanted to, and this other guy a thousand blocks away has copper in the same situation, people traded, banded together, whatever. It created community. Good luck on single player though, couldn't pay me to play that again.
  17. Fishing

    I've run into an SSP world where if I hadn't killed a spider and made a fishing rod, I'd have starved. I've come to appreciate the fishing rod for being another way to play the game and wouldn't mind seeing it get fleshed out a bit. Could always just add a fish mob like mo' creatures did, make it so hitting it with your hand doesn't hurt it and you have to use either a javelin or a fishing rod to catch it. Could then just add biome specific stats and sizes to it like the rest of the mobs have been getting.
  18. Professions

    I remember that, and it was fun being a badass that ran across lakes and jumped onto houses. The example I gave was just something simple and easy that also wouldn't be so majorly game altering as to make specializing required, but enough that it's beneficial if you do choose a path. Not gonna lie though, if Bioxx chooses to give me an option to spend exp on an ability to skip across water, I'm gonna take it.
  19. Professions

    I've considered something along these lines as well, though a very different concept of it. My thought was more that we have an experience system already in the game and nothing really to spend it on or show for it, and the bottom line is spending "experience" on enchantments doesn't make a lot of sense either. Why not just minor perks that you can spend experience on that you can choose your own path for? Use the layout of the achievement window to make it easier to implement, and just have 4-5 tiers for several catagories such as blacksmithing, mining, logging, farming, hunter. Blacksmithing: Apprentice Blacksmith: +5% durability to objects made Journeyman Blacksmith: +10% durability to objects made Advanced Blacksmith: +15% durability to objects made Master Blacksmith: +25% durability to objects made Miner: Apprentice Miner: +5% mining speed Journeyman Miner: +10% mining speed Advanced Miner: +20% mining speed Master Miner: 1% chance of getting a random ore drop from stone based on stone type. Lumberjack: Apprentice Lumberjack: +5% logs dropped per tree cut Journeyman Lumberjack: +10% logs dropped per tree cut Advanced Lumberjack: +20% logs dropped per tree cut Master Lumberjack: +1 block of planks of wood when using saw or axe Farmer: Apprentice Farmer: +5% increased chance for wheat on harvest Journeyman Farmer: +10% increased chance for wheat on harvest Advanced Farmer: +20% increased chance for wheat on harvest Master Farmer: +1 wheat drop per harvest Hunter: Apprentice Hunter: +5% damage to mobs Journeyman Hunter: +10% damage to mobs Advanced Hunter: +15% damage to mobs, +5% drop chance Master Hunter: +20% damage to mobs, +10% drop chance These are rough numbers obviously and would have to be balanced one way or another, but they're not game breaking, would allow people to specialize in whatever they prefer in SMP and wouldn't take away from SSP.
  20. Creation of Clothes

    I've seen bits and pieces around about clothing but nothing that really brings it together. It incorporates the topics of adding clothes, making cloth and clothing, and environmental damage. To start 4 equipment slots would become 8 to give each corresponding body part the ability to be clothed in addition to being armored. Clothing and sewing of all kinds would be done at a sewing station, which would be crafted by first making a loom: I = stick S = string I I I I S I I I I Then on a crafting table you would add a loom, crafting table, and wooden bucket to form a sewing station. (Justification being that at the sewing station you would be potentially weaving, sewing, or dying clothes, leathers, etc.) Wool (perhaps cotton?!) could be spun into string, woven into cloth, dyed as desired, then sewn using needles crafted from bone or metal using string into whichever type of clothing using a sewing pattern like blacksmithing uses. Raw cloth or leather could also be sew with raw wool to form insulating padding that could be added to clothing to provide protection against colder climates, whereas clothing with no padding would be best against the heat of deserts. Applying dyes would require using a bucket to bring water to the station, and adding it and the dye of choice to the dye section. Bucket empties after application. An either hidden or displayed number for resistance to the current environment would be given to the player that affects how quickly their hunger goes down as they try to cope with the temperature, or take gradual direct damage if extremes are in place, like no clothing in a desert or tundra. One option would be a sideways bar much like the temp gauge on the forge or firepit that ranges from blue for freezing to red for burning. Created an image file example, and I have no idea how to upload it to be viewable. is the best I can do right now. No clothing at all, even in temperate climates would probably increase need for food due to body protecting itself from sun and wind. Potential other uses would be treating clothes to make them waterproof for when in the rain or swimming. Not sure if there's anything in game currently that could be used for it chemically though; specially boiled or cooked cactus perhaps? Either way, it could be done by placing bucket of water and waterproofing material in the dying section.
  21. Creation of Clothes

    I think I'd go with the armor having a higher priority to display than the clothes like Lumireaver suggested, and while it's true you could spawn in a bad environment, I'm definitely not suggesting you lose a half heart per second; more like maybe every 10-15 seconds in very extreme conditions, something you could walk out of if need be.
  22. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    This kind of replies to an earlier post about crop rotation. A simple way to add soil fertility to the mod would be to have it scale with darkness of the soil. I know this isn't exactly true to life, but it would give an easy means of implementing and a visual means of checking in game. As the soil loses natural fertility it'll get lighter and provide less yield, with the extreme being that if allowed to get too light some may convert to sand blocks.
  23. Wheat Domestication Flow Chart

    Where the real challenge for the would-be farmer comes in might be gathering and creation of fertilizers. Fertilizers are mixtures of a variety of different things to promote growth for different types of vegetation, not just a piece of bonemeal. Giving the potential ability to add things like potash, lime, or whatever is deemed viable would mean the extra work that in my mind characterizes this mod. Plus, the materials used in making the fertilizer could be a modifier for how the plant grows and yields in addition to whatever other characteristics the normal plant has. From a quick search, some common componants of fertilizers as found in wikipedia: Macronutrients: Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Calcium Magnesium Sulfur Micronutrients Boron Chlorine Copper Iron Manganese Molybdenum Zinc Even if say four macronutrients and four micronutrients were implemented, with a 3 macro 1 micro ration, you're still looking at a potential of 256 combinations to provide a wide scale of experimentation to add to this system. Just add a means of distilling some of these products from existing materials and maybe a fertilizer combination table of some sort, and you're good to go.
  24. Just started playing as of Beta2 v36, made an account just to respond to this thread: I think a couple options for this would be as such: Armor and Blunt Tools/Weapons 1. Option A: Use the anvil to craft an ingot into "small sheets" directly, an ingot would yield 4 small sheets. Could use a pattern for this if needed. 1. Option B: Use the anvil with a bladed item like an metal axe (of same tier or higher as sheet being cut) to cut sheet metal into small sheets, one sheet would yield 8 small sheets. 2. Weld small sheet onto item requiring repair. 3. Work partially repaired item to increase durability by a fixed amount based on what is being repaired, certain items or armor would take more small sheets than others, obviously a chestplate would take more than a helmet or hammer. Max out durability that can be repaired to at 80%. Bladed or Sharpish Tools/Weapons Option A: Add a sharpening stone on a turnwheel with GUI and a need to keep the wheel spinning and keep an eye on the weapon/tool itself so as to not oversharpen and actually decrease durability. Option B: Create a new tool called a sharpening stone that is placed on the anvil with the tool to be repaired and then hit the corresponding options like in normal forging. Sharpening stone would be crafted from metal and smooth stone directly on a crafting table, or forge a sharpening stone assembly from an ingot on the anvil and then add a crafted piece of stone to complete it. Personally I'm not huge on enchanting, but a more advanced system could be implemented for repairing that kind of stuff, the above was all in mind for non-enchanted items.