Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by soulion

  1. Just a thought

    its a culture that doesnt use oil,electricity or any modern era technology,they tend to use colonial era stuff like in the vid
  2. build 78 features.

    has the wiki been updated and those twitch tv links are tutorials?
  3. Sugar and Paper

    cows love sugar cane and horses love sugar cubes,
  4. [Solved] looking for tips & help this will help with alot of your troubles,and yes its takes a long time to find the certain mineral/ore you need
  5. Annoying bug

    this isnt a bug, its just your regular minecraft logics
  6. standalone possible?

    You know, I was watching the new dayZ standalone videos and i thought: Terrafirmacraft is capable of breaking away from Minecraft. It has everything needed to break away, it would help very much because you can change alot of the things that mods cant change, like rainfall and cloud altitude and also it could get bioxx and dunk a little profit some what. But the problem is you would need money to get a program that would help build the game. This was just my thought and see if anyones realized that also.
  7. i think the best possible inventory system i can think of is a resident evil inventory management style.
  8. standalone possible?

    yea what i meant is the building limit of how high you can go in the world
  9. The probability of large kingdoms in TFC

    well that happened with rome, except its more sensitive in tfc where just having 10 people is a bit risky
  10. The probability of large kingdoms in TFC

    if there were things to value in terrafirmacraft as much as life, maybe people could have big kingdoms with people working for them, unless there were npcs that would have random plot every now and then to overthrow you but bioxx said hes not implementing them :/
  11. A use for Olivine!!

    bioxx is only gonnahave the game go into the medieval times, unless someone does aadd on for a modern times expansion, but still I would like to see olivine statues in the game though.
  12. why no maps?

    I was wondering why there isn't a forum for people who want to share maps, I realized this as iwas trying to look for a map with castle because I couldn't find a suitable place to clear out for one
  13. why no maps?

    yea saw that post while trying to look for map
  14. Use "Seed Request" forum

    yea I don't really like that, I can barely find any seeds for build 77 here due to that
  15. whats funny is that in vanilla steve can carry 25% of all the gold that's been found(if he hasit filledto every slot)in the worldwhich is a few milliontons I think..
  16. [Offline] Communecraft - whitelist, no extra mods - 77.21

    MC name:soulion age:13 location: Germany fluent English:kinda good What a perfect server for you would be like: a medieval age with fortresses and castles, but I can do without it what you would bring to our cozylittle community:im a neutral person that can build castles/fortresses and provide people with homes and safety
  17. Ehy, look there

    it is planned for later in tfc
  18. animal domestication

    I love how theres beinganimal heredity and all, but there's one thing.I think this is going to beimplemented but I'm not sure, domesticated animals should slightly change from each generation since it was first domesticated. pigs when first domesticated had tusk but lost them by generationswhen they were no longer useful when they didn't have to eat roots they had to dig up with there tusk but were fed feed. and dogs changed too when there were domesticated(wolfs pointed ears started to turn more round since they didn't depended on them to look for food), also youcould size up the cattle because aurouchs were about astall asaaverage human(though were terrible milkers i heard).wild sheeps have less thick wool and are more useful for milk(milk would be a nice addition for people who cant find cows )and meat, so you would have to selectively breed them to be able to get more wool out of them. and as for chickens you can keeps as they are but it would be cool to have multiple colors of them.I would appreciate feedback from you all .
  19. i didn't bother to read the other post (so don't get mad at me if i copyed yours) but i always liked my idea of a resident evil way of inventory management, and you can have a back pack to right click to have another area to store stuff.
  20. Rusticam Melius Addon (WIP)

    I have been waiting for tfc to be compatible with 1.7.2 so I wont be able to test it out right now, hopefully your project will get popular ^.^