Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Teagan75

  1. Support beams

    It would be nice if we could sneak and look at the beam and it would show an overlay of the protected areas.
  2. Impressions on B79

    I don't see anything about large biomes in the config files. I used TFC default to spawn my world. My B78 world was not like my new world. My new world looks all the same 2 days in all directions. Very frustrating. No horses anywhere so I have no fast travel. The human race would never have survived a TFC world irl. lol
  3. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    Thanks for pointing this out There is a lot of detail in the configs so I did pass over the cave in part. Still having trouble with the sheep. I still don't know if the sheep issue is mine or a bug. Like I mentioned I camped out my sheep for three in game months, fed them every morning, and finally they gave me wool. My female, I think is familiar and locked in but the icon actually shows the partial white heart but now with a red smudge at the bottom. This is different than my pigs which I have had no issues with. My male sheep allowed me to shear once and then reverted back to unfamiliar. I sometimes can't even sneak feed him. My current game was built on build 79.10 so the animal issues of before shouldn't be in my game.
  4. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    I do not make a habit to bash the devs. I have always told them that I actually like 90% of the mod as is. I know this is free. However, we can call them on their lack of PR. I assume the devs are young, high school or college, because of the mention of midterms and such. I have been out of college for 20 years, so I have a job, a family, and live in the consumer world. If they want a career in development they need to understand that they need good communication skills. More and more, employers are requiring IT and software developers to have GOOD communication and people skills. My husband is a developer so I actually understand both sides. To write people off and say just deal with it is very POOR people skills. If they want to eventually in the future sell a product they will have to listen to their customers and have good communication skills. You can't live in a hole and expect no one to bug you about your work and keep you accountable. Because this is a game and is free I can walk away without any loss. I was merely pointing out the attitude I have gotten over the years on this forum and how that attitude won't fly in the corporate world. If you are going to sell or promote a product, you better be ready to hear the good and the bad. Also, they are in the entertainment business, so their game exists to entertain me and if it doesn't I have the right to state my opinion.
  5. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    The last few responses have been the most informative and respectful I have gotten in this forum....minus AHrubik I looked in configs and didn't see the cave in part so I will check again. The sheep I babysat and fed them everyday and I started this seed with the latest version. As far as suggestions go, I have made some but get the same attitude from devs as AHrubik. Basically it ain't going to happen so deal with it. Not good PR for a product your promoting IMO. They should say "hey that's a great suggestion but this is the direction we want to go and why. " So I will check the configs again and thanks. Was very frustrated after many hours of beating my head against a wall. Hours I normally don't have
  6. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    That's why I am leaving...its not fun anymore. The hardest of the hardcore isn't for peeps with lives. And when something isnt fun I move on. I am just saying goodbye.
  7. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    I agree...I am done with this mod. It's a shame too because I have been playing for a long time now. It just seems that logic has been thrown out because of the personal tastes of the modders. Good luck ya'll who stick with this, but I am done. The changes to the thatch was minor but now the caveins are illogical. I should be able to tunnel one block through and not have a cave in. Its ridiculous! The support beams I have never understood either...and I have read and followed the wiki. My sheep after three in game months wont be familiar enough to sheer. I am extremely frustrated and that is NOT what I want in a game. I want to be entertained. All I get from the developers is -this is the way its going to be so deal. Well this is how I am dealing with it. CYA I do like the sandwiches and the leather and cloth rewrites but that isn't enough to keep me going. Good Luck.
  8. Food don't matter

    I like this idea
  9. 1.7.10 mods with TFCb79

  10. 1.7.10 mods with TFCb79

    My game kept crashing with that version of OptiFine so I opted out of it as well. No more crashing or freezing.
  11. 1.7.10 mods with TFCb79

    Does Carpenter's Blocks work without changing the config to allow vanilla recipes?
  12. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    "Back in March the mod maker Zerren said the mod is NOT dead."
  13. Thatch as of Build 79

    I thought that too but even when I get into the house way before dark and stay there without moving (idle) the spiders know I am there and come in. I personally won't use thatch as a roof. If I am going to take the time to make beams I will just fill in the rest with logs. Decoration is not what I am focused on in the first few hours of gaming. i will adapt to the new thatch but all I am saying is I won't use it except to burn.
  14. Thatch as of Build 79

    Ok I see that thatch has become more decorative than functional as a starter roof. By the time I have a tall enough house for spiders not to crawl in I won't want the thatch as a roof. Oh well.
  15. [Vanilla Bug] Animals escaping pens

    I have never had animals escape through a two high fence before.
  16. PaintedCraft[128x/64x TFC 0.79.xx]

    I have always wondered why my tree leaves don't look like the pictures. Everything else is fine.
  17. Thatch as of Build 79

    The argument that I should put logs up first then the thatch as decoration defeats the supposed purpose of thatch being a cheap roofing material. it fails as a roof and is useless except for burning. Why would I waste my time in the crucial beginning to use thatch as decoration? I will wait for more effective roofing before being decorative.
  18. I wish could die of thirst

    Crash Landing sounds like they use EnviroMine mod. I agree that hunger and thirst should kill you after a while of not replenishing. I liked how tough TFC was with those mechanics before.
  19. Millanarie/TerraFirmacraft Crossover

    Millenaire would be a huge a crossover for Minecraft Comes Alive might be easier.
  20. sheep milk

    there are cheeses made from sheep milk. i cant find cows to save my life, so making cheese from sheep milk would be a good option.
  21. Game freezes when i explore

    i have a decent computer ASUS AMD FX- 3.1 GHz 8 GB DDR3 1 TB HDDAMD Radeon HD 7670 2 GB I also allocated a max of 3G in the minecraft launcher with no success. The only success I had was removing the addon.
  22. Game freezes when i explore

    Version #: SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Suggested Name: Game freezes when exploring same area Suggested Category: Severe Description: Everytime I venture a little farther out from where I started, the game freezes. I can move around but i cant pick up anything and the animals are frozen in place. When I save and exit the game, minecraft is stuck on shutting down server fro several minutes. I then have to hard close the program and no crash error is recorded. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods? ExtraFirmaCraft *edit: i removed extrafrimacraft and it seemed to solve my issue.
  23. [TFC 0.78.X] Rusticam Melius v1.2.0

    Will you allow us to use straw or grain in a trough to feed animals?