Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by kurzninja

  1. How about the higher your skill level for a particular activity, the easier it is to perform or the more result you get out of it. Maybe when you level up your smithing skill, instead of having to nail exactly on the dot to smith a particular item, there becomes a wider range to land in (like there used to be when smithing). Or your skill is so good, you only need two last hit types instead of three. Or if you do nail the center exactly, you have a chance of getting your tool with enough material left over for an extra ingot or half-ingot because there is less waste due to high skill.


    With farming, you could get back more seeds, or maybe two plants instead of one. Maybe if there's a building skill, you could get more than 4 planks out of sawing a log, or more stone blocks out of combining brick and mortar. These things aren't game breaking, IMO, but reflect the increasing skill of the workman to get more out of his tools and materials. 


  2. Sometimes when I'm swimming, especially when it is through flowing water or a waterfall, even though I'm swimming slowly and I'm not falling any great distance, I will take what appears to be falling damage when exiting the water onto the ground next to it. This is really annoying if you get stuck in an area where there is a lot of flowing water and ground around it. Is this a bug or some kind of miscalculation of falling height due to the swimming or what?


  3. Hey Kitty, if I wanted to do some custom music for TFC, is there anything that the devs would prefer, like primitive drum-themed music, dark and scary, light and airy, etc? I've got lots of awesome keyboards I'd love to do something for TFC with. :)


  4. Due to learning that the TFC mods have already incorporated most of the Zombie Awareness mod into the latest builds, as well as lack of interest and player retention and ending their free hostname service, I will no longer be hosting this server for the time being. 


    If anyone is still interested in playing with me, I suggest the Badwolves server that is also advertised here. Good peoples there.


  5. Yeah, I've walked pretty damn far and only come across a handful of trees. I haven't seen anyone else build anything yet besides myself, so I may redo the world with a new seed. This one kind of sucks. :


    Also, I myself am getting a lot of lag on my own machine so something doesn't appear to be behaving properly. Does anyone have any suggestions?


  6. To be fair, my instructions underneath the download list do say you have to extract the other zips within the "mods" folder inside the ZA zip. 


    Apparently the ZA author has updated since I started the server, hence the version difference. Thanks for the heads up, I've updated the original post with the correct download link now. :)


    I don't know why you are getting such horrible lag like that, I haven't had anyone else complain about lag yet. Especially if you're the only person on and I wasn't at my computer all day so it was literally sitting idle except for the server running. Feel free to give it another shot and let me know what happens. I'm logging on right now.


  7. I am getting a lot of people attempting to sign on but getting rejected with the message "The server requires mods that are absent or out of date on your client". I have checked the server's mods and compared them to the list of links above and they all seem to match up. Can someone who has tried logging in please let me know which mod(s) it is saying are incorrect and what versions you are trying?


  8. Something I think that would make things a little bit more interesting is if there were certain materials that you just couldn't gather without using certain other materials. As it stands now, the only real difference between the different metals is simply the speed and durability at which they mine. Maybe there should also be different tiers of materials that aren't able to be gathered without first getting different tiers of other tech.


    Maybe the agriculture should be expanded so that it's more involved than just crafting a stone hoe to create farmland. Perhaps you could have a few different types of farming tools such as rakes (stone), plows (combinations of different metals and woods) or other implements that create better or worse farmlands that in turn are better or worse for different crops, or crops that can only be planted in, say, plowed fields vs. raked or hoed fields. A plow made out of copper with a spruce handle wouldn't be able to plow as deeply or have much worse durability than one made out of iron with a maple handle. Etc. etc. 


    Maybe have some types of stones (or depths due to pressure and compression of the stone above it) that require certain tiers of metal to mine through. 


    Basically, something that requires actual progression beyond just "hey now it's a little faster".


  9. Posted Image
    Server address:
    Location: New Orleans. 
    Specs: AMD FX-4100 quad-core 3.6GHz CPU, 8 gigs of RAM
    NOW UPDATED TO TFC 0.78.11!
    Hi all! I've started up a new server I'm calling the TFC Zombie Awareness Server. I've got TFC, Extrafirma, and most importantly, Zombie Awareness Mod running, as well as a few other little extras. It seems like a lot to put together, so I've made a convenient download list below.
    I'm looking for players who are interested in living and working together rather than everyone running off to play alone. I can do that on SSP if I wanted that. The server is NOT whitelisted as I don't expect the TFC community to be full of a bunch of griefer a-holes. I already have a few nice folks playing sporadically but I'd like to get some more people on. We already have a small starter village going for now, but we haven't moved up very high on the metal tree yet purposely. If we get enough people playing, I'd also consider a dedicated hosting option as well. 
    Right now the server is running the following mods (and whatever dependencies they require):

    • [*]
    Forge (for 1.6.4) [*]Terrafirmacraft b0.78.11 (for 1.6.4) [*]Extrafirma (not compatible at this time, link removed) [*]Leather Water Sack [*]Smart Moving 14.5 (for 1.6.4) [*]Player API core 1.2 (for 1.6.4) (required for Smart Moving) [*]Splitting Wedge (not compatible at this time, link removed) [*]Zombie Awareness (for 1.6.4) [*]CodeChickenCore (for 1.6.4) [*]NotEnoughItems (for 1.6.4)

    - Installation Instructions -

    Follow the

    instructions on the TFC wiki for installing Forge and TFC as usual. 
    To install Zombie Awareness, open up the zip you've downloaded. Inside is a folder that contains another folder. Inside that "mods" folder, you will find 3 more zip files. These zips are the actual mods you need. Copy those zips into your TFC installation's "/mods" folder.
    To install Smart Moving, open the zip that you downloaded from the link above. Inside are two more zips for different versions of Smart Moving. Copy the "Smart Moving Universal for Modloader or Minecraft Forge or" to your TFC installation's "/mods" folder.
    To install Player API, open the zip you downloaded from the link above. Inside is "PlayerAPI.jar". Copy this .jar file into your TFC installation's "/mods" folder.
    For all the other mods, simply copy the .jar or .zip you downloaded into your TFC installation's "/mods" folder.

    I also recommend you install your map of choice (personally, I like Zan's Minimap). I'm also open to suggestions for any other mods that you think would add to the game.
    You can contact me on Skype (kurzninja) with questions, to let me know that the server has crashed (I can usually restart it within a minute or two), or to let me know you've joined up if I'm not logged on. Let's work together to fight off the zombie horde and make a great place to live.


  10. Server is down right now. This seems to be a recurring theme the last few days. What's up with that? I'm having a great time playing here, but it seems to be down more than it is up. :(


    I tried going on Teamspeak to alert someone, but there was no one in the TFC room, nor did I have permissions to chat anyway. Booooo. :(


  11. Someone way earlier in the thread mentioned creating roads and paths for moving items back and forth from home to the mine/forest/etc. I'd like to suggest something like the Brownstone roads in Tinker's Construct that increase your walking speed for this purpose. That way, roads can be built and actually have a useful property other than being merely aesthetic or as a navigation guide. There could be a number of different variations on roads such as "paths" for use between your various buildings, gravel roads, dirt roads, paved roads, etc. Each with its own movement modifier. 


    Just my two cents. :)
