Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Srgnoodles

  1. Thunder Shrew was one of the proposed names of the original purpose of this thread before it got so derailed that it's actually gone full circle and re-railed itself


  2. Yeah i think mushrooms would be a great addition to TFC. there could be all kinds of them, and only through experience would you find out which ones are tasty and which are deadly


    i think it would be best to not use existing names of mushrooms, but instead name them by description like "red mushroom" "spotted mushroom" "flat mushroom"


    some would be used as food, and the others could be used for either deadly poisons in potions or other effects in potions, from medicinal to magickal purpose.


  3. Hmm, I usually don't use those FTB modpacks and such because I really have no idea how to download them, and they have waaay too much mods.


    I'm the type of person who looks up everything about a mod/game before trying it out, and those FTB modpacks and such have too much stuff to read up on, and I usually just end up confused as to what the heck does what.


    But since this is from a member of the TFC community that also plays BTW, I'll give it a try. If I can install the darn thing.

    alright, if yer gonna start up BTW, remember, finding and luring a chicken into your base is top priority, right after finding pumpkins


  4. Hmm, should we?

    That could be fun. And kinda be something like a Index for everything recent on this entire forums or something.


    As for BTW being evil. I disagree. I mean, I did get my head eaten by a squid, but I just calmly walked out of the river and punched the squid to death and that was all it took.

    It's challenging, but not evil. I mean, at least it gives stuff to overcome difficulties.

    MITE is evil. It gives you a bunch of challenges, with no real way to overcome them except for loads of effort, some luck, a bit of skill, and lots of re-starting worlds

    nono, you know what's evil? the Crash Landing modpack is evil, it's on the FTB launcher if ye wanna try it.


  5. say what?

    As for what you missed, that would probably need a thread of it's own.


    And on a completely unrelated topic, I was tossed into a river, then had my head eaten by a squid in BTW.

    Apparently, having your head eaten by a squid isn't a big deal for Steve.


    Then I tried out terraria and got mauled by zombies for 3 nights straight.


    Then I played Unturned and got mauled by zombies some more.


    Then my computer froze on me and I had to wait for it to unfreeze so I could post this


    Not necessarily in that order

    Lol are we going to have a "Things Noodle Missed" thread now?


    and yeah, BTW is an evil, evil mod. Fun, but evil


  6. I'm pretty sure that it's already been stated by the almighty Dunkfish, but i'm fairly surre that "Skills" aren't going to be a thing in TFC


    -although i could be wrong, just kinda woke up from a century long nap, not entirely sure what all is new lol-


  7. -brushes cobwebs, and dust from self-


    hey, guess what, i'm not dead!


    but holy dang it's been a while, what did i miss?


    -picks remaining spider from hair- 



    *edit* and yeah cork is my half half brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate's hairdresser. twice removed


  8. These are all still single items. I didn't say that it had to be wheat, just that there were restrictions on how many lure items there could be for each individual animal. Pigs will only follow carrots, I'm guessing that in BTW only tall grass works, and while vanilla chickens can be bred with any type of seed, they will only follow wheat seeds.


    Edit: What I meant by my post is that each mob can only have a single item as its lure. These items can be different from mob to mob, but it is only one for each.

    actually, in BTW, any kind of seed will lure a chicken, and animals can be lured with either Tall grass or Wheat


    although this point may be entirely moot, as Flower Child has absolutely no regard for keeping any of vanilla's code intact when he makes his changes, so they're probably horribly invasive and such


  9. The reason that it is only wheat and not the other grains as well is Mojang's fault. It is hardcoded that only a single item can be flagged as a lure.

    not entirely true, in vanilla, Pigs will now follow you for carrots, and in Better Than Wolves, tall grass will lure livestock, and any kind of seeds will lure chickens


  10. Yeah, torches as they stand are nothing more than just s stick on fire 

    They should be made to be a stick, with some oil-soaked cloth, or other fuel source wrapped around it, then ignited

    they;d also need brackets or holders to be put on walls, as just slapping them against a wall doesnt seem right


    Lanterns are good, but they'd need metal to make, and oil of some kind to fuel, or you could put a candle in there, if those get added,


    actually i think i made a topic on this before


    which has apparently  been lost to the ravages of time, and host switching of the forums, whelp


  11. Well the mobs are based on actual creatures, with a minecraft twist. most creatures in the deep caves of the world are barely over a few millimeters in size. with the largest being fish at a few inches. The olms are real amphibians that are about a foot in size.


    Its just underground in TFC seems so bland. so why not have a deeper area that is nothing but underground caves, tunnels, and caverns? Plus it adds another level of challenge to the world, sure you can survive the equator, sure you can survive the arctic, but can you survive the depths?

    Yeah, this has always been something that bothered me in Minceraft in general, you have this infinite world to explore, but the underground portion is only ~64 metres deep before you can't go any further? and the caves that you do get to explore are rather bland, being little more than holes with the occasional water spring or patch of ores to interest you

    and also, once you've got a decent weapon, some torches and food, caves cease to be a danger as well, as long as you know not to leap right into the rare lava floes,


    Minceraft really needs to live up to its name more, make the underground worth exploring, and make it a challenge to explore as well,


  12. You should also notice that the bloomery structure itself is in fact made out of stone. Only the central control block (required by the game to have something that instigates the multiblock behavior) is crafted using bronze. That could represent access hatches, reinforcing elements and the like - there's no reason you should have to interpretate it as "where the iron is processed". For all intents and purposes, the iron is processed in the stone column in which you stack charcoal and ore.


    Of course, you have a more valid point in stating you are annoyed by having to find bronze when you are higher in the progression already. This can be very easily addressed by adding another alternative bloomery recipe. Right now you can use either bronze or bismuth bronze; adding wrought iron as a third alternative would require little development effort, solve your problem, and not affect the progression in any way.

    I definitely agree, although it is true that having metal in a smelting contraption would seem counterproductive, we still need to have tier progression

    so yeah the metal would only be in the mechanics of the controller block, in the above mentioned ways


    Remember folks, there's only so far you can go with realism in a game like this, or heck even just a game in general.

    i honestly will only stand by anything that makes the game more interesting, fun, or playable, anything else just defeats the purpouse of it being a game


    Realism for realism's sake is neither what we are looking for here, nor element of good game design.


  13. *violently crashes into srgnoodles's topic to steal it by announcing im back as well*

    Welcome Back yo!

    -i know this is terribly late lol-


  14. Well i was actually kinda thinking that the water in different areas would actually be different, not just having an aesthetic colour change.


    so, like, in swamps or jungles, the water would be a nasty green colour, and drinking it would probably poison you in some way or another


    also, water from from the ocean would be salt-water, also not good to drink or water crops with, but boiling it away could get you salt, which could be used to preserve food, and other things


  15. Honestly, despite what some people have said about there never being guns stuff in TFC, i honestly think it makes sense


    Seeing as you live in a world inhabited by plant-based creatures that explode and drop gunpowder, you'd think that people would find a way to use that power relatively quickly, seeing how abundant it is,

    it's not like people would have to invent gunpowder before using it, it's already in the world, used by Creepers.
