Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by landryx

  1. Warning on starvation?

    you won't be distracted for so long when you will ear your player crying his pain.
  2. Body Temperature Mechanics and Implementation

    vanilla minecraft is so old-fashioned
  3. Hunting Expanded / Aesthetically Enhanced

    what happened with this idea (Allen's one 4 posts above)? devs?
  4. Nocturnal Animals

    Can't wait too but for lions and tigers, not sure hehe. Dunk has only shown, on his twitter account, a new bear and fish model..
  5. Nocturnal Animals

    do you intend to add animal's natural home? (grottos for bears, nests for birds, horses and cows already have theirs (the plains), rocks cliff for wolves/grottos, dirt holes for boars) finding one during exploration is sign that the animal can just be nearby or out hunting or vice versa. finding wild one is hint for their home/family nearby.
  6. Canoes

    Well, rivers should led in general to some key areas, like places rich in certain ressources. Deep water lakes for good fishing, or berries field per exemple. I always wanted being rewarded by taking the river path.
  7. Different variants of trapdoors

    woahhhh. very cool
  8. Snow

    oh! an igloo made of snow blocks, shoveled of 4 snowballs. Winter!
  9. Partially Implemented Pipes?

    ah sad. keep the surprise? don't want to write more about them ?
  10. Partially Implemented Pipes?

    he said in an earlier post that he was planning a mills system that can be worked later with steams, with pipes. So I was just wondering about.
  11. Partially Implemented Pipes?

    and what about mills dunk?
  12. Spices and seasoning: improving meals

    i'm very into this and i think bioxx already thought about something. But what I know is that there already a metal and ceramic bowl planned in futur build for those who found annoying to always make wooden ones.
  13. Unify Agriculture Behavior

    keep it multi-harvestable! that was cool. but maybe only available after some skill points, ADEPT ou SKILFULLY.
  14. Temperature propagation question

    Actually, the temperature drops as you dig underground. Caves, mountains or other holes in the groundwould make an excellent food storage area, yes absolutely.
  15. Question about salt

    Allen, Kitty is kidding you. there's already a salt bucket in the creative menu.
  16. Question about salt

    why doing an image then...
  17. [Offline] Serveur TFC RP [French Community]

    du monde qui parle français, go j'suis partant! je joue singleplayer depuis 1 an et j'aimerais pouvoir essayer l'expérience en communauté. IGN: eliotpoirierlandry au plaisir!
  18. Chicken Cages

    support it too, made the chicken exploration more convenient.
  19. Flowerpots and Lawns/Wild Grass

    Grass grows a lot in the spring and less during the summer (in real life). Different growing rate according to the season/rainfall, possible for TFC?
  20. cool man, no more maths for me.
  21. [Sovled] Chiseling the forge

  22. Hot Springs - accelerate healing?

    I can not wait to discover this new body temperature system Kittychanley, what do you mean by seismically active? thank you.
  23. Tiny Feature: Chisel Sound

    find another one AllenWL!
  24. Question about food preservation and beyond

    Yes, vessel, the only container with preservation bonus. I think devs what them separate utility; chests for large storage, vessels for preservation foods. And it's perfect that way. could be very cool. Or just a shortcut by putting items in them with right-click, just like barrels