Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by warfighter67

  1. Soil Nutrients

    You could do a simplified "heat field" that acts like the current lighting engine. Forget convection and infrared for now. Each block has two properties: heat level (in degrees C which we currently use) heat conduction (air has a high value since heat passes through air better than solids) The heat conduction is the percentage amount of heat that gets passed into the block. This takes into account the block's own temperature. A really cold block touched by something hot will quickly heat up, but gradually slow as it gets closer to the heat source's temperature. Of course, if this 'heat source' (which could be any block) isn't generating heat of its own, the hot block would also rapidly cool and both would be somewhere in the middle. For instance, a low heat conductor (insulator) will practically stop heat transfer in its tracks. Things like wood (not a whole lot) and glass would fall into this category. If we consider an application of this in real life, only the side touched by the hot block will get hot, but the other side will stay cool, so possibly each side of a block will have a temperature value. Back to "infrared," or in this case, heat radiation. In the case Dunk has above, the simplified heat field mechanic will hit the left side wall, but since the sides of the blocks are getting warmer, they also start to radiate their own heat. So, in short, yes, the top part above the floor WILL get warm, but it will take longer. To reduce lag from these calculations, maybe the heating can be updated every 40 ticks (two seconds). Heat isn't something that needs real-time constant updating to be an effective feature.
  2. feed the beast mod launcher?

    Perfect TFC modpack for FTB: Smart moving, TFC, NEI, and Rei's minimap
  3. Show off your TFC builds (different from chisel creations!)

    These two would have been very unlikely to show up in any search terms I'd have used.Anywho, now that we've established that there are tons of dead threads related to posting pictures, how about someone post some builds?
  4. Agriculture (grains)

    This doesn't happen with me. Once I destroy the plant, it's gone.
  5. Show off your TFC builds (different from chisel creations!)

    Damn, I have to remember to use better search terms! I used "pictures" , "builds" and a couple others, but not "pics" doh!
  6. So what does Protection Meter do EXACTLY

    Just to clarify: Almost anything can be coded. When a developer says something "can't be coded" or something "is hard-coded and can't be changed," they really mean that it's either too hard or time-consuming for whatever feature to be worth making. Or, that changing some of the back-end code would require a practical rewrite of the whole front-end, thus being "hard-coded."
  7. Show off your TFC builds (different from chisel creations!)

    Charcoal pit room: Main room: Kitchen:
  8. [B66] The Ghost Axe Is BACK

    Weird, this bug hasn't affected me yet. All of my axes disappear once they lose their uses.
  9. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    When will this be for download?? I want it so badly!! The stone is so beautiful; it will definitely add to my town!
  10. What other mods do you use with TFC?

    The other one died a long time ago. Smart Moving, Inventory Tweaks, and NEI I would use MultiMine (saves block damage in world) but it doesn't play well with TFC.
  11. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    You're paranoid. They are very different types of rock.
  12. [B66] Possible problem cooling in chests?

    I personally like Magic Launcher more, although currently you have to manually add stuff into coremods. It doesn't make a mess of folders for each setup and you can load mods in any order you want. I've never had any problems with any setups I use with it.
  13. Traveling cart

    I really like the idea of expanding travel mechanics in TFC. We have all of this metal, but only wooden boats that hold nothing but you? I'm not suggesting metal boats, but maybe wooden boats larger in size and fortified with metal sheets. Possibly even defense/offense boats with spikes protruding from the sides and other neat things. Anyone ever heard of the Steve's Carts 2 mod? I'm thinking this for boats, only less technological and more interactive.
  14. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    I love the dirt!! I think the clay kinda looks slapped on though. Maybe you could blend the clay in with the dirt. A couple ways to suggest: Blur the layer of the clay so there aren't defined 'edges' between dirt and clay Make the whole block a clay color with a little bit of dirt showing through
  15. Magic Launcher is pretty cool too. and it works really well with multiple setups
  16. Is TFC still incompatible with Optifine?

    I have TFC b57 installed with a optifine jar and the game seems to be fine except for the fact that the sand is gray. Is that an issue of optifine or TFC?
  17. So what does Protection Meter do EXACTLY

    It does nothing except tell you how much protection in the chunk it's in has. It is simply that--a measurer; meter. It's implied by the name. Though I put one in my house and it's grey so it might be measuring wrong.
  18. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    TAKE MAH MONEY NAO! Seriously, art like this should cost money! WAY better than my attempt at porting over Misa's!
  19. Making Sticks from logs with hammer

    I think the hammer in a crafting square should produce 1 stick per log. It takes way too long in-world with a hammer to smash logs for it to be worth the time.
  20. [B66] TFC-specific doors are bugged in multiplayer

    Good to know I'm not the only one who obsessively watches them./derailed
  21. Why TFcraft is a mod

    Dunks response kinda explained what i was going to.
  22. Why TFcraft is a mod

    Wish I could tell you. It'd be like trying to explain what water tastes like.Gimme some time to figure out my mind.
  23. Why TFcraft is a mod

    I might be a minority here, but I am kind of glad TFC is just a mod.
  24. Tree growth time and requirement

    That didn't answer his second question. But, iirc, I don't think it matters where you plant trees.
  25. Batch-knapp stone tool-heads

    I propose that, if you are knapping using a crafting table, you can batch-knapp many heads at once. Sample GUI: In the top slot, adding more rocks increases the amount of heads you can create at once. When you first enter this GUI, the rock you are knapping will appear there. Once you have a knapped head, one will show in the output slot. However, adding more rocks there increases the amount of heads you can create. Notes: Can only be done if you are knapping using a crafting table Only the same rock will be valid input Why suggest this? In reality, doesn't it take forever to knapp stones? It's realistic, sure, but that's not what this game aims for. Forcing players to re-do the knapp several times to create excess tools only provides artificial difficulty.