Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Takatifu

  1. I just dig two blocks deep, put vessels with my food inside on the bottom and cover it with one block of dirt. But I don't know if this method is efficient enough to make decay significantly slower. So, how do you do it?
  2. [Solved] Store ingots in chests?

    It's intended. Ingots can be placed like logs via shift + right click. Each block can store up to 64 ingots, 8 layers of 8 ingots. wiki article
  3. Metric vs imperial

    I don't give a f*** on what measure we should use. We're going to store 100% pieces of food anyway be it 160oz or 4,5kg. It's something that isn't going to affect my real life or gameplay in the slightest. I use metric system in real life.
  4. Spelunking vs. Tunneling for ores and minerals

    Prospect on the right rock layers. Most graphite veins i find come from random prospecting in the correct rock types.
  5. More trees
  6. How to make bronze tools

    Your best bet is to do some panning on a river or any water body with gravel. You'll get all the ores for black bronze. It's very time consuming though. And after you've made the first tools, go do some exploring to find potential ore veins of copper (either native or tetrahedrite), cassiterite, sphalerite and bismuthinite. Mark the places where you find ores with cobblestone or with a waypoint if you have a minimap mod
  7. New to multiplayer servers

    I've been watching Pakratt's videos of him and his buddies playing on a TFC co-op server and looks really fun but i haven't played multiplayer yet. Speaking in general (not only TFC multiplayer): What should i expect in SMP? Do i need to know something beforehand? there's something called protection and a /mytown command, what are those things? And now speaking of TFC in particular, is it even more resource intensive than solo play? Because it lags a bit on my pc after 5 minutes of playing I've posted it on this subforum because it isn't all about TFC
  8. More trees

    Cork Oak?
  9. [78.11] Mob tides

    I just upgraded to version 78.11 making sure to delete config files but when i logged into my world (at nighttime) dozens of mobs began to spawn from the southwest corner and came to my possition really fast as the were some kind of weird waves washing on a shore. It happened like every 5 seconds until my computer couldn't handle them and started lagging hard and decided to switch to peaceful difficulty to make them despawn but it was to late already. I closed the game with ctrl+alt+del since it didn't want to crash to desktop anyways. Then i deleted config again and tried to relog into the world but the loading screen stucks in "downloading terrain" every time i try it.
  10. Ideas about food preservation.

    Now that i think about it, it's a good moment for coding spices. They're used for food preservation irl and could be used to increase the taste of meals.
  11. Ideas about food preservation.

    Where I live it's a common practice to put fried meat inside a clay vessel and pour olive oil until the meat is covered. The meat tastes good even after one year, believe me. Oil preserved cheese is common too. The game has already vessels. Making an olive tree as a fruit tree would be ok. Olives (tree) bloom in may and olives (fruit) ripe in january. Olive oil is made from ripe (black) olives. Olives can also be pickled either ripe or green (harvestable from october to november). The average harvest per tree (standard size) is 30kg (66lb). Olives yield 25% of their weight in olive oil. Fresh olives aren't edible as they are extremely bitter. Oil extraction is a complex process but the main idea relies compressing the paste resulted from grinded olives to make the oil come out To simulate the oil preservation in vessels, meat would be placed at the bottom two slots and oil at the top ones. Oil should decay too but at a very slow rate and preservation effects would stop if oil's fresh weight (full weight minus decayed weight) drops below meat weight. Olive oil could be used for meal preparation too (vegetable nutrient). It's possible to eat it alone irl but tastes really bland. Olive (tree) Green and ripe (black) olives Olive oil Oil preserved pork inside a clay vessel
  12. What's your favorite method for storing food?

    Yup. The light level increases or decrases the surrounding temperature. The temperature inside my hovel is roughly 4ºC higher than the outside ambient temp due to the torch lighting. The temperature also changes with the seasons, the altitude and the latitude (in my last game i settled near the equator and the average temp in summer was 40ºC).
  13. What's your favorite method for storing food?

    That's very clever. I forgot about the temperature change with altitude. I need to check temperature on that mountain next to my home.
  14. What's your favorite method for storing food?

    I'm aware of the mob-spawning protection but I've found it drops rather quickly if you're far from the 3X3 chunk area, much quicker than the 16 days protection that the wiki says. But again, it could be my guts decieving me. Ok. Then i'll build one of this
  15. What's your favorite method for storing food?

    Do you have any issue with mob spwaning? I thought about building a "granary" like yours too but i was concerned about mobs spawning inside. Do thatch insulate the room from outside temperature well enough? (maybe i'm using too much rl logic )
  16. TFC Build 79

    I support this idea. Rock salt can be a pain in the ass to find. Making buckets recognize the difference between fresh and salt water and adding another feature to the barrel system should be enough. One or two days of processing time sounds fair to me.