Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sasqaucth

  1. For the pickaxe it should be Small Mattox-->Mattox--->PickAxe.
  2. food preservation

    Someone mentioned these ideas in their post, that i linked in my post about cooking.
  3. Go to hell

    When i read the description of the wyrm, i immediately thought of the little green Lego dragon's you used to get in the early 2000's. :3 Also i thought of the Mighty Morphin Green Power Ranger's Zord after reading bout the demons. Either i'm too old or too young.
  4. Go to hell

    Also to add on to Jed's post, the biome is called, "Hell" if you open the debug profiler.
  5. Erosion?

    Idea at 11 o' 8. Maybe overtime inside you world, rivers and lakes cause blocks to either move the side or disappear, to simulate erosion. It'd be really cool, and would make the world feel like it's constantly shifting more than seasons that i [] barely notice.
  6. Erosion?

    Hmmm.... Well maybe the blocks are moved around in directions based on their relative positions to the surface? ones onthe shores and above the bed are pushed to the sides, making large dunes of material, and one on the bed are moved downstream. Also forgot to mention that the process would have to happen maybe every two or three game years to slow down lag, or else be staggered. That many blocks updating would be bad.
  7. Go to hell

    On terrain generation, did you read earlier posts with the layers? Sorry if it's too Catholic, Eternal, it was how i was raised. :/
  8. Driftwood & River rock

    Above snip, driftwood varies depending on what it comes from. Sometimes large timbers become driftwood, sometimes planks do.
  9. Weather?

    I think for the variety of weather is to be made believable, a kind of world generator would have to be made, to include poles an equator and such, but how this would affect game play idk. Continents maybe? and each continent holds common materials, but rare ones are exclusive to where the continent is. Also, biomes should spawn more logically. I'm tired of finding Taiga's next to a desert.
  10. Really simple fix for maps

    On magnetite, you'd have to have... god what's it called... shit. Ferromagnetic materials. Those are iron, nickel, and cobalt.
  11. Furniture?

    Well with the ability to cut the blocks anyway you want (as i've seen in the change log) that'd be a good idea!
  12. Have you not seen the new snapshots Joint? They added new temple generations, cocoa plants, all sorts of stuff! New ore, new villager stuff. Albeit, he could just delete it but it would take a while.
  13. Go to hell

    Hmmmmm..... Well, this is minecraft, so maybe a whole Diablo town portal deal, that teleports you to the nearest overworld/underworld temple. Leaning more towards the ancient tartarus and hades side, but it's whatever. Next you'd have to have an expensive way to make these portals, so it stays balanced. Maybe you could find or make wax, and then you'd have to find seals inside abandoned temples? The wax would HAVE to be expensive, the seals would have to have maybe a two or three time use.
  14. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    Great idea, but... The landscape seems TOO dark. And trust me, when it comes to minecraft the best way to create strange feelings is to have colors of different spectrum. So your shades of purple and the hues that uses, but you'll want a red or orange mixed in to break the monotony, but only just randomly, so the player see's it and goes, "Was that a mob, or something else. Oh, it's a brick, or is it? What was that?" Also bright colors or colors that clash help create a blinding effect. Camouflage maybe????
  15. Go to hell

    Oh eternal you Troll.
  16. Hot dog, but! If 1.3 comes out on the 1st, and the prerelease is a week before, then won't Bioxx be working on updating TFCraft? Also, my school starts soon after, so i won't be ble to be on as much as i'd like, but it'll still be often enough.
  17. White-List Application: Why do you want to join this server? This looks like one of the best TFCraft servers, and I like the players on here. What do you like to do most in TF Craft? Forging How old are you? 14 How long have you been playing TFC? Over a month, but less than two. Have you read the rules? Yes, and i agree to the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policies Do you like pie? Sometimes, it depends. What flavor? PIE Flavor. IGN:Sasqaucth I REALLY like this server! And i Hope i can be on, although I'll only be able to be on at the end of the day EST
  18. Maybe you need this down to maybe 3 mechanics: Nutrients: 1 Point that regens after use. Growing seasons. And finally more wield with fertilizer.
  19. Go to hell

    Plus one
  20. A gun...

    Note: It took a trained soldier at most 21 seconds to reload a matchlock or flintlock.
  21. Some Ideas regarding cooking and food itself

    I don't think that there should be that much variety of foods, But i do agree with the tiers for better foods and the ovens.
  22. Cooking Overhaul

    Lol also i used the phrase surreal or realistic.
  23. Some Ideas regarding cooking and food itself

    I like some of these ideas, but i don't think that cooking should be come a full time hassle. Standing there to watch it forever is too much for it be a good game mechanic people like, i think, although i may be wrong.
  24. Cooking Overhaul

    Lol. First i looked through the directory and then skimmed stuff, but you may be right. Anyways, Maybe wood is neglected a bit? Cooking utensils and stuff would make it more crucial as a crafting material. IGNORE THIS PLOX! Me being derpy :3
  25. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    Interserver implemented seems impossible and i don't beleive it. the player api would have to eb like dayz's, and in that case, you couldn't have stuff stay constant.