Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Azdoine

  1. Magma forges

    <p>That sounds fucking awesome. Dragonscale Ftw. Also, what does my avatar look like? I'm having trouble displaying it properly.
  2. Stupid Ideas

    <p>C'mon, let's let this die. I think we should have a stickied 'Rejected Ideas' thread, but this is kind of a waste of space.
  3. The Craft.

    I hate 69 jokes.
  4. Animals 'r Cool

    Dave, next time, just hit the like button instead of bumping the thread.
  5. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    Just because a metal is less effective as a tool, doesn't mean you can't make a tool out of it (Of course, if the metal is flimsy enough, you might have a hard time making the tool) Unless there's some kind of technical consideration I don't know about, I'd like to see this implemented.
  6. The Craft.

    Yeah, adulthood isn't easy. I was only saying that childhood isn't entirely just a walk in the park. And I wouldn't deny that these years are great, either.
  7. Animals 'r Cool

    I don't even watch MLP and even I think you're being fairly harsh. What the hell is wrong with a multicolored pony, anyways?
  8. Stupid Ideas

    LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE! Live, I say! They thought they could laugh at me... now who's laughing! Using my poorly animated technology, I will bring a dead (well, almost dead; Dunk likes it) thread back to life! MWAHAHA!
  9. The Craft.

    And this is why those who think childhood was an idyllic time are completely insane. Or just forgetful.
  10. Stupid Ideas

    You certainly seem to have a negative attitude. But if you think this thread is stupid, then why are you provoking an argument and wasting your time here?
  11. Stupid Ideas

  12. Wow, the compatibility thing never crossed my mind .
  13. If you really think it's easier to drag-n-drop, it's not the mod for you.
  14. Magma forges

    I don't think anyone can out-nerd Eternal
  15. Magma forges

    Basilisks are serpentine draconic monsters with a deadly gaze attack. Wyverns are like dragons, but a different species. Wyrms are kind of like degenerate dragons. Think big, slimy, firebreathing, amphibious worm with stunted limbs. Wyrms are just kind of gross, if you ask me.
  16. Stupid Ideas

    That was really rude, Dave. The least you could do is back up your argument instead of making subjective claims. No, sniping at my spelling and grammar isn't an argument.
  17. The Craft.

    No, I don't want a stupid country. It's just one of the oddities of the American legal system that we can't live without.
  18. The Craft.

    Starting (REDACTED)th grade this Tuesday. I plan to go, but has it occurred to anybody else that standardized education is unconstitutional?
  19. The Craft.

    Wow, brain fart. I wasn't thinking about that clearly.
  20. The Craft.

    A 2-D version or that wouldn't be nearly so hard. What's knapping, after all? That said, the system we have now is pretty frickin awesome as is.Edit: nvm, dunk gave it the no-go.
  21. Enchantment system

    And off-topic. It's become sort of a rite of passage for any thread that takes itself seriously, hasn't it?
  22. I thought this was going to be added with cubit carving.
  23. Enchantment system

  24. Enchantment system

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WHAT HAVE I DONE! ...Dammit, I've been infected. Must... Return... To topic...
  25. Enchantment system

    No pun intended