Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Azdoine

  1. New Wood Type: Blue Mahoe

    Red Steel (4) Artifact: Equipment Equip (8) Equipped creature gains +10/+20
  2. But it's just a title; you admitted it yourself. To directly prove your godhood, you would have to commit an act that goes agains the laws of physics.
  3. Camp/base/home defense

    But how do you know that this is true? In fact, do we even know... anything? DUN DUN DUUUUUN!
  4. If you want to edit the wiki.

    I'd like to help maintain the wiki Same username as here.
  5. Camp/base/home defense

    Hey, even a mass murderer can point out a litterer.
  6. Camp/base/home defense

    I really miss the instabans on the BTW forums. Roots out the scrubs quite nicely.
  7. Why Suggestions Suck

    Your sarcasm is delicious.
  8. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Bro, it's because dragons are animals*, magic is a direct violation of the laws of physics as we know them. That's why a dragon is more realistic than magic. *No insult to Eternal intended, it's a simplification.
  9. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    This mod isn't 'realistic' for no reason, it's believable because it adds to the gameplay and fun. If a feature adds more fun and gameplay than just straight up realism, it could get implemented. What do you think red steel is? And the new nether? Now stop arguing and lets try to generate some new ideas for dragons in TFCraft.
  10. Ships!!

    There are PMs for a reason. Sometimes I want to give a person a good E-slap, but not by interrupting the threads.
  11. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Gah, I love all the hidden fun stuff from dwarf fortress. I won't spoil it, but it's a pretty cool mechanic.
  12. Why Suggestions Suck

    Enhh, That one comment wasn't a big deal, but it's just one part of a trend. You remember Stupid Ideas, right?
  13. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    'You see a snakelike body burst through the ceiling. It's covered with hundreds or raptorlike grasping arms and staring eyes leaking a sizzling green fluid. The creatures head is capped with a 5-part jaw, dozens of tongues sliding out from in between its teeth. A drop or spittle lands next to you, and you see with horror a tiny eye in the spittle, staring at you.' And that's only one tentacle.
  14. Where do babies come from?

    Dunk has all this planned out, last I heard.
  15. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Just for the record, when I say 'dragons in the nether', I'm not talking about your typical European dragon. I mean Cthulhudragon.
  16. Why Suggestions Suck

    We are not making this personal. In general, you haven't made a very good impression on these forums. Maybe you're joking, but aren't you being quite a bit negative?
  17. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    The new nether should be the naitive realm of dragons (among other monsters).
  18. Yeah, that's why I said current spawn system. Also, I don't think candles should be much better than torches. It's more of an aesthetic difference in my eyes, a way to show your swag.
  19. I don't know... I want to like this idea, but it's just not feasible with the current mob spawn and light system.
  20. Latest Changes to Chests...

    Just because you change to a weight system, doesn't mean it has to be a realistic weight system.
  21. His sggestion seemed to be based off of the current version of TFC.
  22. So it's normal torches, except every time you come home, you have to manually click on ALL of the torches in your house with a firestarter? And that's not even considering the bill your rack up from hiring an exterminator to take care of your new creeper problem. So like the better than wolves elevator, except you need a friend to help controll the elevator? That's not fun. Try a ladder. There's a huge clock always ticking and tocking over your head, all the time. It's called the sun. F5. Dude... Night isn't actually pitch black. Are you telling me Steve shouldn't have any rod cells in his retina?
  23. Hostile Mobs in TerraFirmaCraft

    There's a certain expectation that you browse a forum, and learn a little bit about the ettiquite of the forum before you post. I can let the 'realism' thing slide, but he cluttered up the forums with a clone of 7 other threads out there, suggested 2 unrelated things in the same post, and liked his own post. That's not a great first impression.