Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. Don't Cut the Rot

    Thanks kitty. That's good news.
  2. Don't Cut the Rot

    We try extending the year lengh but it was kind of buggy, some crops would not grow properly. After some research I found that other servers had experienced similar problems. We just reverted to the default year. Another problem with changing year lengh is that all players have to do it in their client, which sometimes they do not do it. We have a copy of the modified config file for download in our forum, so inexperienced player don't have to edit the file. We also include it in the modpack. Since we are aiming for multiplayer it would be good if we could change config options and not worry about the players config.
  3. TFC Build 79

    Thanks Trulhammaren
  4. Mod or addition to TFC

    One idea would be to have any advanced wood thing to require metal in its recipe, like nails. This would free the 3 x 3 grid for use in the stone age and still be possible to control which items would be available before copper age. If you don't want to change the recipes you could just require hammer and nails on the inventory to place advanced wood items. Another idea would be to need to make metal hinges on a anvil to be able to place a door, or make a chest. Maybe barrels would need metal rings and etc...
  5. TFC Build 79

    Hi.Would any one tell me which version of forge is b79 being build on? I want to start thinking on the plugins and mods that I will have on the server.
  6. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the servershooterminecraft. Have fun and remember to register on the forum. Detailed instructions on how to install the modpack there.
  7. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    We have a New Contest in the Server. The Theme of the server is Medieval, you can see the spawn area map on our website. Also there is a link to download the world so you can use your creativity.
  8. Ingots glowing (spoilers for 79)

    We could have both.
  9. TFC Build 79

    One of the things that I noticed was how farpakratt0013 had to fly to find trees. On a server that is a waste of map since no one is going to build a home with out trees nearby.
  10. Implementing Colored Glass, Stained Glass, and Glassblowing!

    Yeah more alternatives would be good.
  11. Implementing Colored Glass, Stained Glass, and Glassblowing!

    But if you have no clay and no trees how are you going to progress technology enough to get glass?
  12. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the serverXxAMERICANxX hope you enjoy the server and have fun.
  13. Do you need bellows to make platinum ingots?

    No kiitty. I did not check google. I had bananas on my backyard. Also avocados, guavas jack fruit, cashew and mangoes. I have no idea what google says the ideal temperature is for bananas. The ones in my house did good. Those are your words: The problem with this idea is that it just doesn't make any sense believably. The prospectors pick is an actual tool that really exists, more commonly referred to as a paleo pick. The way that they work is that you use it to scrape samples off of the stone, and then you can look at that sample for traces of different metals. It seems to me there is a lot of bias from your part. When is convenient you say that something is based on real life. When we point something else then we are asking for too much realism. I was in no way disrespectful towards you or the forum, but more and more I feel like I am being bullied. I know you have the power to ban people from the forum. That does not mean is ok to mistreat people that disagree with you. I remember the forum and the wiki before you, and it was a mess. You did an amazing job with the wiki and the forum is pristine. I am mam enough to recognize all the good work you do for the TFC community. Sometimes I get the impression that you are trying to protect the mod, like every critic is an attack. That is the farthest from my mind and I believe from other people who voiced their opinions. If we did not liked and played TFC we would not be here. I have nothing to gain by fighting you. Besides your position as forum and wiki administrator, I see you as a invaluable source of TFC knowledge. All I am asking is for a little respect.
  14. Do you need bellows to make platinum ingots?

    Hi kitty. I had no idea about that. It sounds odd for me since most of the fruits that we consume come from bellow the tropic. As someone who has actually lived on the equator I has access to a whole lot more fruits than here in the USA .
  15. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the serverCCdog987 It's up to you now. It's about what you do, and how well can you play in the community.If is possible bring some of your friends to the server.
  16. Implementing Colored Glass, Stained Glass, and Glassblowing!

    I like the way you think, and am not in a absolute disagreement. As for the mod not being realistic is just semantics, after all we are even implementing "TASTE". So I think the mod is as realistic as it fits the vision of the Dev's, as it should be since they are the ones doing the hard work. Yes technology evolves differently around the cultures of the world. But they all fallow a progression. No one had steel before they had bronze. There are also questions of believability, that have to be balanced with gameplay. My point is that if we are to consider adding a glass jug and to justify making it more durable, why not just add a metal canteen? There would be no need to change any game mechanic, It would be something only obtainable after metals. You can even make it so it requires an anvil, just so is not a mold item. The advantages of glass over clay is not so much how durable it is, but the fact that glass is not porous and so is really hermetic, also more hygienic. To this day that we don't go around walking long distances or on horse back, we avoid glass containers in our cars. We use metal or plastic. For the argument that the game is fantasy, off course it is. This is where we can be the kings of the world and forget all the frustrations of real life. That said Minecraft is still based on the real world and TFC even more. Thats why we have all those ores and the whole metallurgy mechanics that the Dev's are so proud, The fact that TFC is more realistic than Minecraft is the main reason why so many players come to TFC. Thats also why suggestions like flying pink unicorns are not even considered for the mod. Should we go to extremes to make the mod realistic? NO. That would take away all the fun. Is a very hard job to balance gameplay within realistic items blocks and mechanics. I do not envy the Dev's. I remember when the chests were first tweaked and the avalanche of complains that the forum had. It took some time to reach a compromise that satisfied some realism with gameplay. So today we can store hundreds of cubic meters of dirt inside a chest, but not tree logs. Bottom line you have some good arguments, I am not dismissing them. I just think if you want a better alternative to the clay jug, you are not alone, there are a lot of people including me who think the clay jug is a drag. I just think glass jug should not be it. We have other solutions. The metal canteen, The wood canteen ( used by the civil war because metal was scarce), Bull Horns, Cooked Leather that is shaped. I am sure there were some other inventions in human history.
  17. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the server Have fun
  18. Implementing Colored Glass, Stained Glass, and Glassblowing!

    I love the idea of stained glass, and to have glass panels requiring led would give a use to an already existing ore in the mod. Where I draw the line is on the glass bottle. A glass bottle inside the timeline of TFC was actually more fragile than a clay jug. source: Glass has been around a long time. Naturally occurring obsidian glass has been used in human tools since the Stone Age! The first true glass was produced around 3,000 BC in Northern Syria. In South Asia, glasswork was used beginning around 1730 BC. The ancient Romans were particularly well-known for their glasswork, which was used both domestically and industrially. They developed the technique of glassblowing, which was used to make wine bottles. It’s no surprise, then, that the term “glass” was first used by the Romans. Sadly, the delicate glass of yore wasn’t a good method for storing wine. Because it was too fragile to travel, wine was usually stored in clay pots called amphorae. However, glass was still used on occasion- people would pour their wine into hand-blown glass bottles for fancy events. When glass bottles did need to be shipped, they were wrapped in straw. This protected them and allowed them to be stored upright. In the 17th century, the invention of the coal-burning furnace changed that. The hotter temperatures allowed for thicker, darker glass that had previously been impossible to produce. Add in the invention of a cork closure and you have yourself a decent way of transporting wine! If a more durable drinking water container is desirable, we should go with the leather skin, the cooked leather, the drinking Horn or the metal canteen that was used by ancient roman soldiers andtotally inside the timetable of this mod.
  19. Forests on the equator

    I would like to suggest having trees back on the equator. The argument that it is too hot for trees is false. Deserts are not too hot for trees, they are hot because they have no trees. Is the difference between cause and consequence. Is the wind patterns that bring rain what creates luxury forests or dry deserts. If you fallow the equator line going around the whole world you will notice that it is the mostly green forest. Ammonia in South America( The biggest forest on the world is on the equator) The Congo forest is the biggest in Africa Malaysia and Indonesia in Oceania. On the other hand the biggest desert the Sahara is on the tropic of Cancer and not on the equator. The red Line is the equator the doted line to the noryh is the tropic of cancer and on the south The tropic of Capricorn
  20. Make Stone Age Longer.

    Sorry if I annoyed you kitty. In no way I consider myself better or smarter them anyone here. I can't even write the wright way. I was a poor boy in a third world country who came to america many years ago. I have actually seen those things, not because I was a rich tourist or a volunteer, but because I lived them. The house I was describing was my grandparents house. On summer vacations I would go to their house and it was my job to get water from the well to fill the clay pots. I drunk from clay jugs. That does not makes me better than any body. I was trying to contribute for the discussion with my personal experience. I would be very sad if I was cut from the forum. Not really sure how I should proceed.
  21. Thanks for the corrections jhampster. I can read and write in 3 languages, but i always hated language arts. I have a hard time creating complex sentences and essays are a nightmare for me. I actually learned English by watching TV and have never been in a classroom in america where i live. I love reading. and have a degree in computer sciences. I have also worked as a meddle school math and history teacher. Any and all help in correcting grammar errors are appreciated. As for the clay jug on the window, they were not left on the sun, just on a windy place. Clay jugs if not specifically treated are not 100% water prof. So water will sip through the pores of the jug. As those droplets of water sip they are evaporated and help cool down the water inside. There is actually a system were a smaller clay vessel is fitted inside a bigger one containing water and sand and it can cool down the smaller one by as much as 10 Centigrade. For the metal canteens, I am talking about 40 years ago in rural places in south america. So even though people had no piped water they were able to go to a general store and buy a metal canteen. They were popularized by soldiers in the several conflicts. Too this day there are still remote places in the Amazons or the Pantanal where people live without piped water. But believe me no one is going to carry around a clay jug. They will use a metal canteen if they have access to a general store, and if they are isolated Indians they will use waterskins.
  22. Make Stone Age Longer.

    I have seen mud huts being build. It's a lot sturdier them people think. They create a structure with sticks just like we do now a days with iron bars for concrete. The sticks are no more than 8 inches apart and tie together on the crossings. Thick bolls of mud is them applied and let dry. They apply several more coats of mud until the walls have the right thickness, usually around 6 inches. I have seen houses where after the walls are dry a coat of stucco is applied witch makes it impossible to know that bricks are not inside. That's the point where I think it would be too much to code in the mod. having a recipe for adobe blocks makes more sense from game-play point of view. Not a religious person myself, but according to the Bible the Jews were making adobe bricks in Egypt 4000 thousands of years ago. So adobe is not just in america.
  23. I might be mistaken but a water jug should fit around 1 gallon, no more than that. A waterskin usually fits around half a gallon or two litters. The difference is that the waterskin was made to be portable, to be carrie around while traveling or exploring. The clay jug was made to be used in the house. I have actually seen it used in primitive cultures on third world countries. People would Carrie water from the well and fill big Clay vessels every day. Water from them would be used to fill the jugs. those would be kept by a window to cool off. The jug goes to the table to fill cups and mugs. That's how I saw it being used in communities without piped water. Granted people would use metal canteens for horse traveling, not waterskins.
  24. Make Stone Age Longer.

    You right. Bears would not just charge straw walls without reason, Unless they hungry and can smell the food inside. As I have never camped in Bear areas, I cant talk from experience. I do now that most primitive civilizations would build adobe walls and thatch roof. It just bothers me the ability to make walls with thatch. But I don't think we need to make a big deal about.
  25. Forests on the equator

    I had no idea we already had so much coded into the mod in relation to the seasons. My question remains how many builds in the future are we to actually having rain forests in the equator? I also had no idea how much work it was involved in that. Thanks Dunk, Bioxx and the whole TFC team for all the hard work