Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. Salt = Dehyrdation

    I agree that a full salinity balanced system could work, and I am not opposed to it. Whenever you eat anything that is too salty, sweet or dry it increases your thirst. That's common knowledge. But everybody need to eat so if you eat a balanced meal you should not have a penalty to thirst just because one of the ingredients was salted meat. One could say that there is water everywhere in TFC, but I really do not like the idea of water jugs. They are not believable. Water jugs were used in the houses to cool water not for traveling. Also be the water jug or a leather water sac it should provide water for two days. Nobody is going into the wild with less than 2 days of water.
  2. Salt = Dehyrdation

    Agree. I am not suggesting to have a saline bar. Just saying that you will not get dehydration just because you ate some salty food. As long as you have water to balance. I don't think creating a salt balance in the game would be worth the trouble. So let's just forget about the whole salt thing.
  3. Make Stone Age Longer.

    That's why we need to tile the soil before planting vegetables and grains. If you think about fruit trees should work the same way. You eat the fruit and save the seeds. Plant in a pot until they are big enough for the soil.
  4. Make Stone Age Longer.

    That's true. But anyone trying to make a tree farm in real life will use pots or planters to plant the seed and turn into a small sapling before planting in the actual farm. Of all the thousands of nut, pods or cones a tree produces only very few survive in the wild. So to be believable means either that if you just plant a seed direct to the soil you will have a chance in a thousand that it will grow into a tree or you plant in a pot and only when it is strong enough to survive you plant in the actual farm.
  5. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    As long as they are client side, it's OK to use any mod that will not give you a unfair advantage over other players, like x-rays and things like that. If you have a mod that you think could be a good addition to the server go to the forum and make a suggestion.
  6. Cant plant pumpkins?

    I like the idea of having pumpkins and water melons added into TFC. I miss pumpkins on the hollowing mansions.
  7. Canoes

    I think the a simple sail boat is feasible, but the whole concept of wind changing directions aleatory in minecraft is a lot of effort for the reward.
  8. Dog Sled/horse and carriage

    Don't mean to have naturally occurring slabs. I mean to have the terrain not going 2 blocks up or down at once. For all slopes to be more gradual unless you going up a mountain. Most of the terrain should be plains and those would go up and down 1 block by at least 5 blocks horizontally. When going down for a river for example it would be OK to go down 1 block for each 2 blocks horizontally. So the terrains would be more like this: And less like this: Notice how in some points it goes up 2 blocks at once. That makes it very hard on horses | __| | __| | | __| __| Mountain (OK to go up 2 or more blocks at ___________________________ __| once. _____| |___________________________ ____________________________| |____ ____| |___ ____| |___ ______| | RIVER |
  9. Salt = Dehyrdation

    Yes and no. If you eat too much salt it makes you thirst, but if you eat no salt at all you actually loose water. That's why when people are on a diet they tell you to cut the salt. On the other hand people in desert climates like nomads crossing the Sahara will eat small salt cubes to help keep the water in the body. So eating salt foods actually prevents dehydration. When suffering from dehydration, you will be given IV fluids witch are basically water with salt and sugar.
  10. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the serverGainane. I think the english could be a problem for you only if you consider it a problem. As long as you are having fun, go for it.
  11. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Minimaps are OK.
  12. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the servercama797 andAvop
  13. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the serverradguy33 Manually download the addons and change year length to 360 days, or download the modpack on the forum.
  14. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    I could not find a MCPC+ version for the server the links for download were not working. That's why I went with Cauldron. I think MCPC is down. It will be a lot easier on B79 with 1.7.x Dynmap was hard, but is somewhat working now. I put it inside a frame just because I don't like the idea of people going out of my website.So it works as another page. It displays good and the only issue is that chat from the web to the game is not working.
  15. Dog Sled/horse and carriage

    Thanks Kitty I had no idea. What is your opinion on changing the terrain to make it a little easier on horses? By the way with so many changes in B79 will there be changes to world generation?
  16. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    I think I will download a copy of the server to my computer and run it locally so i can about disabling the mods and plugins without taking the server down. This way once i know what the issue is I can fix it quick on the actual server.
  17. Canoes

    I love everything so far. I wish the sail boat will allow for a couple of animals be it cows or sheep. The main reason to have an improved boat is for it to actually give us an advantage over the canoe. Yeah dunk having the boom hit the passenger could be fun but if it hits the animals it would just be annoying.
  18. Dog Sled/horse and carriage

    I think a good compromise would be to add a chest to the horse or mule. As far as carts or carriages I agree with Dunk roads need slopes. Roads will give you a great advantage on how much and how fast you can carry. As balance they should require work.
  19. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Glad to know I am not alone. The server is running Cauldron and most plugins are ok for now. My formation is in server administration I am IT. I can do a little editing on html, php and so on. But I am no coder. Right now I am having a issue where pressing the tab key does not show the players list. I am not happy with the forum either, is using MyBB. The hardest for me is any kind of integration server website. Dynmap is working and we can see the chat on the server but cannot chat from the website to the game.
  20. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Welcome to the serverAlannaMaso Please remember to change year length to 360 days. or just download our modpackage from the downloads section on the forum. Hello Wisconsin
  21. Mushrooms in TFC

    The usa department of agriculture on food groups considers mushroons as vegetables.. They also group tomatoes with vegetables. Mushroons are rich in minerals and vitamins and poor on calories and proteins, just like most vegetables. read this: Commonly eaten vegetables in each subgroup Dark Green Vegetablesbok choybroccolicollard greensdark green leafy lettucekalemesclunmustard greensromaine lettucespinachturnip greenswatercress Starchy vegetablescassavacornfresh cowpeas, field peas, or black-eyed peas (not dry)green bananasgreen peasgreen lima beansplantainspotatoestarowater chestnuts Red & orange vegetablesacorn squashbutternut squashcarrotshubbard squashpumpkinred pepperssweet potatoestomatoestomato juice Beans and peas*black beansblack-eyed peas (mature, dry)garbanzo beans (chickpeas)kidney beanslentilsnavy beanspinto beanssoy beanssplit peaswhite beans Other vegetablesartichokesasparagusavocadobean sproutsbeetsBrussels sproutscabbagecauliflowercelerycucumberseggplantgreen beansgreen peppersiceberg (head) lettucemushroomsokraonionsturnipswax beanszucchini
  22. Mushrooms in TFC

    I was in agreement with you until this point. Mushrooms are rich in nutrients just poor on calories. Read this. Nutrients in Button Mushrooms White button mushrooms, the popular ones you see in all the grocery stores, have a surprising amount of nutrients including: NiacinRiboflavinFolatePhosphorusIronPanthothenic AcidZincPotassiumCopperMagnesiumVitamin B6SeleniumThiaminhere: As far as categorizing in TFC just make it part of the vegetables group since is more close to that then any other group.
  23. Sugar from different sources (maple syrup, sugar beet)

    since we already have the code for fruit trees leaves producing flowers and giving fruits, I think it would not take that much to have Trees giving nuts by right clicking on the leaves on the right season. Again I am no coder, so no idea how hard that would actually be.
  24. Dog Sled/horse and carriage

    That's why I insist that we need a change on terrain generation.
  25. Installing TFC with magiclauncher?

    We need more information than that. please post the log. Witch version of forge are you using?