Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. Thanks Darmo. I try on my servers to have vanilla bricks available on the server market, because I really love the texture and think is something missing in tfc. I really share the feeling.


  2. Love the idea of improving masonry. 

    Specially like the idea of using mortar for cobble and be able to use on constructions as a non gravity block.

    As we have different dirt, gravel and sand colors depending on the rock layers we could also have different clay colors.

    One of the things I miss in TFC is clay bricks and Clay tiles, especially for roofs and fireplaces.

    Not sure if I like the idea of crushing stones, as in real life we do use chisels to make stone bricks.

    The size is an issue, but maybe is just a question of texture? there is not much we can do about the fact that it uses a full block, unless we want it to behave like a carpet with a 1/8 texture. but that would prevent us from placing blocks on top. Now I am not sure if you talking about the size of the block or the size of each brick inside the block when placed in the world.


  3. In one sense I agree with you that clothing should not have a tier system, unless we are talking about better for cold or hot weather.

    In another sense I think armor should affect the player body temperature. trying to wear full metal armor on a hot summer day should be really bad for you. Also I don't believe anyone can wear armor over really heavy winter winter fur. 

    Will that create some challenges for the player? Yes, but I think that is good.


  4. I like the idea of adding combat as a skill based ordeal but just slightly increasing damage based on skill may not be the best way about this. You'd end up with what you see on a lot of pvp / pve servers with mcmmo, people grind combat based skills solely, as being able to kill and bully those who invest time more in artistic pursuits like building or other grind fests like armour production, is easier than doing it yourself. TFC2 if it keeps similar damage/armour system will already be pretty balanced, with builders being able to be on equal odds damage wise with a sword in comparison to an elite pvper.

    On the counter side to this, I think more bloodthirsty tendencies should be catered to. Maybe subtler changes like an increase in swing speed or less duration on debuffs against you. I really don't like the idea of armour skills as in a believable situation I don't think a knight would get better at wearing something, in fact I don't think anyone anywhere can get 'better at wearing something'. It just sounds a bit, well, silly.

    I could not agree more. 


  5. If we ever get wind in Minecraft it would be cool, for now I would be happy with a system where water would get shallow at the edge and with some foam effect. The movement could be constant from the ocean to the land. 


  6. If that's the case, I hope we have one Island only on stone age, but a more realistic Stoneage, where we can actually work wood and stone.

    I hate how people imagine stone age man as nothing more than a chimp living in caves.

    People forget that stonehenge was built by a neolithic civilization, using only stone tools. That's how advanced they were. 


  7. I think the main issue is that we are trying to create a Artificial technological ladder, when in reality the ladder is based in knowledge.

    Take for example The mysterious Island from Jules Verne. the Characters in that book went straight for iron, without the need for copper or bronze. 

    Maybe we would be better off creating a knowledge barrier.One where the player would have to find a book in the next Island before he/she would have the knowledge to work that metal.

    Either that or not have Iron on the first Island, It could work if we only had Copper on the first Island, on the second we would have the ores needed to make Bronze and only have Iron on the Third Island.

    Just some ideas, not really sure how that would work.


  8.  One of the basic problems I see in the way we play Minecraft/Terrafirmacraft is the Death penalty. Unless death caries some more severe penalties we will never create an incentive big enough for the player to upgrade.

    Suppose you are a father buying a helmet for you Football  player son. If you can afford you will buy the most expensive Helmet, for double the price even if it is only 10% more effective. Why? because you cannot replace your son, so 10% more protection is reason enough to pay double the price.

    I have no idea in real life how much better a bronze armor would be compared to a copper armor, but I know that the way the game goes today people wear armors more as a status symbol then for actual protection.

    Another issue is how easy it actually is to make armors, Is just not about how much better the higher tier should be, is about how long does it take to make the armors.

    I understand we cannot make the game really realistic, but in the end we base it in real life. In real life death is permanent, is the ultimate penalty.

    As for Arrows they are also OP in real life, If you get shot by an arrow you die, most of the times instantly, I think the secret is about the fact that you cant wear heavy armor and a shield and a long sword and at the same time be able to shoot arrows. 

    I think is OK for arrows to be a bit OP, as long as the player cannot wear any armor higher then Leather.

    Another aspect is about how fast the player can craft arrows, again lets take for base real life. there is a head that if made of stone will need to be knapped and polished, also the shaft needs to be straighten out, is not like you can get any stick and it would work as an arrow.

    Arrows are OP? only because in real life if you try to kill a lion by yourself with just bow and arrows the lion will kill you before it dies. Arrows should deal damage, and kill mobs, but not fast enough that you can do it by yourself. Unless you use some tricks, like going up a tree and shooting from there, or having 4 players shooting at the same time. 

    When I hear about balancing, I think how balanced real life is.

    For a smith to make a sword in real life is a lot harder then to make a pickaxe, no mater the material used. The same should hold true in game. 

    It took months for a smith to make a full set of armor. Again is all about cost benefit, armors are hugely beneficial, but it should take time to make one.

    Time is the ultimate coin, in real life and in any game. Balancing should be about how long does it take to get an advantage.


  9. I am not really sure where should a combat system go.

    To be honest I always hated games like Mortal Combat. My friends would spend time memorizing all those key combinations and I would just go crazy with the control and win the fight. 20 years latter and is the same thing, I never cared about learning the key combinations.

    On the other hand having a shield that just works as a bonus for the armor protection without requiring any player interaction feels really dumb.

    Maybe a system where a right click raises the shield and can parry an attack, even arrows. A double right click creates a bash, as long as you are also moving in the target direction and can actually hit.

    When using the sword with the left click, you have no protection from the shield.

    One way that I like is to have a hot swap key to change from shield/sword to Bow and arrow. It should not be really instant, but needing to open the inventory is also not good. Of course there is no way to use the shield with the bow, as you need both hands for that.


  10. Something to consider is how this would change the game balance.  It's all well and good to say one wants realistic mobs only.  However if that's the case, now you have no skeletons, so no missile weapon mobs.  No creepers, so no scary explosions.  Just a bunch of beasts with melee skills, easily dealt with once the player has a bow.  You'd basically sacrifice challenge for realism.  Unless these realistic mobs are faster than the player.  Which probably would not be as fun as some people might think. 


    That said, if you read some of Bioxx's past posts, it's pretty clear that things are headed toward having a combination of natural and 'civilized' mobs, and by 'civilized' I mean something that forms tribes or nations, and can use tools and missile weapons.  Could be humans, could be orcs, could be something else.  I'm hoping there's a variety of fantasy 'civilized' races.  Presumably all these civs would have variants with missile weapons.  So basically I'm guessing you'll see undead replaced with humans, orcs, or the like.   I'd suggest adding to the poll 'lots of natural and humanoid mobs'.  Because that's probably where it's headed.


    As for creepers, I'm not sure how they may or may not fit in.  I could easily see them being replaced with like, little goblins that sneak up and hit the player with an explosive keg, or poison potion, or something.

    At first I was really liking the idea of having only realistic mobs, but after reading your comment I realized that a combination would make more sense.

    One other aspect to consider is the day/night cycle. Traditionally we are used to having to hide in the night time, because that's when the mobs come out.

    Maybe a solution would be to have some mobs sleep on day and hunt by night. they would still attack you if you go too close and defend themselves,  but would actively hunt you by night time.


  11. On the last map before we were buying cobble, it worked to some extent, as it was something that every town was able to get, but I noticed that instead of building things people were just selling all the cobble to the market and digging ugly quarries all over.

    This time we are trying different solutions so we actually promote road and general building.
