Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by snaketokill

  1. Make Horses less pointless and cooler

    I mean I need salt water for brine and I hate the hike
  2. lead lamp

    I want this to waste sticks and lead
  3. I fixed this problem by going and getting optifine standard
  4. [Offline][0.79.15] Terrafirmacraft Server

    ign: snaketokill age: 13 (mature) expectations: a pure tfc server with older people that don't grief you and live in houses not thatch huts when they have steel and a griefless communtity
  5. in game name: snaketokill age: 13 (mature) why us? seems like a sweet idea, also love factions
  6. Use for Obsidian?

    obsidian was used for religious purposes by the Mynas. it was used tomake sacrificial knifes for the tribes in the south (were its more volcano rich) Theyused knifes to kill and eat other tribe members on the so called "dead moon" which refers to the seasonal eclipse were the moons reflection is red. this is more commonly referred to as a blood moon. the main reason for the volcanic glass knife was to avoid the pain of the sacrifice.
  7. Make Horses less pointless and cooler

    ok so ive edited the main horse inv to make more sense, if any devs want it you may have the file just tell me how but it runs on a new idea. the horse cant pull a cart/wagon unless it has the correct equipment (each horse has different equipment based on what size it is (big horse cant use a small horse thing) except for saddles, 12321 1 1 4 1 1 5 5 1 is a log or tool slot (don't work with armor or blanket) 2 is a back slot (don't work with armor) 3 is a saddle slot (don't work with cart plate) 4is where the inv type goes (armor blanket cart plate) 5 is an ammo slot for the armor only I think this is a better inv, if you want the old one just say so or if you don't want to do anything that's ok (but id rather you didn't) or just make your own
  8. Maple syrup

    that would be awesome @chucklesthecheat how ever what would pine syrup do because you need shingles for roof tar
  9. An aesthetic request

    my brother bothers me about that one. I tell him that you should need to take it off the head for it to be sauerkraut
  10. Make Horses less pointless and cooler

    personally I want this for the idea of moving salt water from the ocean to my house and am willing to flatten the terrain from the ocean to my base. I also would be cool with it for bringing new livestock home
  11. Make sluices work permanently in one place?

    that's a valid point but why not make (for example) basalt gravel in a sluice give you basalt ores?
  12. Just a humble suggestion to prioritize Body Temperature

    seems legit but I really want a canoe
  13. Crafting Sandstone

    why not make it so you need to place it in an area near the burning pit kiln so you have eight on the ground and the surroundingeight sides and corners can dry mud bricks? that way they make some sense and don't waste resources they are more a by product
  14. Make Horses less pointless and cooler

    ok so I made an image in paint but I don't know how to upload it so if any one wants to tell me that would be great... but here is the main idea: its a new horse inv: in between the 3s and 4s is the inventory horse that follows the mouse. (developers please turn barrels on their side when on a horse so it looks better 212 3 3 3 3 4 4 legend: 1. armour or extra back slots 2. back or tool slot 3. 4 log slot or tool slot 4. ammo slot (arrow javelin) or stick slot (cant hold a quiver)
  15. horses need a new inv

  16. How about that gypsum?

    If gypsum fertilizer was added it should increase crop output because that's how it's used in real life
  17. Custom Painting systum.

    this is cool but seems like a waist of time and reasorces
  18. 1up

    /me steps over the hill holding a 1863 6-shooter and takes them all out
  19. A-Z Foods

  20. 7 word story

    there once was a un-cooked potato man
  21. Last comment wins

  22. More meal types

    the meal table is better yet still basic. here are some ideas: -stuffed peppers: pretty much a sandwich but different bread -sushi: smaller meal (10oz) needs fish and sea-weed. good for early game! got any more please discuss them. also please make bake able peppers and squash
  23. Tin Compass?

    hey it makes censebecause my knife if enough to set off a compass
  24. Maple syrup

    ive been on maple farms and normally they fire massive metal tanks so we could maybe have a use for lead to make them? but make them fairly small and hold 6 thing if you wanted item storage