Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by snaketokill

  1. Maple syrup

    you know, if this was added it makes more cense that a bucket and spigot was used because 1 maple tree produces very little syrup. also that is a good use for the millions of wooden buckets your brother makes when he plays with you.
  2. Rain Barrel for Irrigation

    make higher tier tuyeres rain barrels have better range

    can there please be a way to have crab apples and yellow apples?
  4. Weapon Suggestions

    personally I want a ground mounted arrow cannon... like a ballista!
  5. More animals

    Personally I find the animal farming bland so I have some suggestions... -goat: goats can make milk and make more than 1 offspring but have little meat on them -Moose: kinda like deer only bigger and slower -black bear: a less aggressive bear that breeds with berries -bees: found in hives on trees. break the hive with anything but shears or a knife and you receive 200 damage otherwise you get the hive and you can move it. right click monthly witha wood bucket in order to collect honey lastly I have a love for elephants so may you please add them they could be ridden and drop ivory when they die (please suggest ivory uses)
  6. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    my username: snaketokill I am 13 but I act very respectful on minecraft and have never been ban Iam looking for a for some people to play tfc with and like your buildings for river bend and want to see them in person!
  7. Riverbend

    that looks nice! if I join do I need to get my own stuff?
  8. light sorces

    We have only torches and lava for light so I thought I should nail this up there -lantern: large lamp for light houses -coke lamp: turns coal into coke and make light wail this is going. -chandelier: made of gold and looks nice ty for reading!
  9. Ok I've played tfc since build 51 and still think so things are missing so I just wanted to post a huge block of text with my ideas in it Useless items: -Gypsum: Most modern and ancient fertilisers are based on this mineral so I think it should be crafted withplants (most likely flowers because they are useless too) or crops like peppers. -flowers: pointless so I think they should have random particles (to simulate pollinators) around them Kinetic Power: Most mods have a form of power in them (ic2 hasEU and mfr has rf) so we should have a more realistic power source that is well known. -generating: in order to generate this power we need generators. the most common kinetic generators are: wind turbines and water wheels. So we might as well use those since they are the oldest. -wind mill: made form large amounts of wool and logs. powered by wind and is faster in the rain -water wheel: uses flowing water to spin its self. created with large amounts of wood and is rather slow Uses: Power needs uses so I made a few but you can add more -Mill: basically a automated quern that is spun with kinetic power -Sawmill: rather expensive but is more effective then the saw (idea: instead of getting 8 planks you get 12) -Press: Used to make plate more effectively (possibly have a chance to double your output) is made from steel to avoid and instant blast furnace. -Automatedbellows: bellows that fire themselves (please add this) Weaving: since we know the knapping interface so well I found more uses for it which involves crafting 2 staw -rope: used to tie up those run away boats and crafting many later mentioned things. 0 blank 8 full 00088 00880 08800 88000 00000 -lashing: put on a mob so they cant run away and you can pick them up! (slowness should be applied) 80008 08080 00800 08080 80008 -net: used in crafting and catching fish effectively 08080 80808 08080 80808 08080 -whip: scares animals and to speed up your mount 08880 80008 08000 00800 00080 Wood work: also uses the knapping interface but steals the current bowl recipe -Bowl: used for meals 00000 80008 80008 08880 00000 -Gold pan: current gold pan 00000 80008 88088 08880 00000 -boat mount: the thing you see on docks to tie your boat too. It does just that! 88888 88888 00800 00800 08880 -grate: place-able pane. looks like the side of a cattle truck and is used in cart crafting (seen later) 80808 88888 08080 88888 80808 -Mixing bowl: Replace the meal surface with this please 80008 80008 88888 08880 00000 -Cage Unf.: craft with a net to complete and create a cage used to trap lobster with rotten flesh (it needs a use and it works in real life) 88888 80008 80008 80008 88888 -wheel: used for cart crafting 88888 80808 88888 80808 88888 -Crate: used in cart crafting 00000 08880 08880 08880 00000 -Pallet: used in cart crafting 00000 00000 00000 00000 88888 -Axle: used in cart crafting 80000 08000 00800 00080 00008 -Pole: used in cart crafting 00800 00800 00800 00800 00800 -slats: place-able pane and used in cart crafting 88888 00000 88888 00000 88888 -Bark: places like charcoal used in cart crafting 08880 08880 08880 08880 08880 -trof: used to feed animals and in cart crafting (most likely spelt differently) 80008 80008 80008 80008 88888 -Barrel mount: used to transport full barrels and in cart crafting 80000 80000 80000 80000 88888 Weapons: war at the moment work like this: more men more higher tear= instant win. lets fix that... -Harpoon: like javelin but right click again to real in (capable of fishing) craft with javelin and rope -Axe: right click with current axe to throwitlike a tomahawk -crossbow: fires arrows faster and harder with less knock back (instant slowness) -Ballista: placed or carted massive crossbow that fires javelins -Trebishay: throws rocks and powder kegs. placed orhuge carted (please fix spelling) -Battering ram: bash down castle walls and houses. placed and large carted Extra animals: we need more wild life so I might as well -Elephants: tameable, ride able used for large carting. Drops: 4-6 stacks of meat, 10-20 bones, 2 tusk (works like a sword just weaker), 10-15 hides -mammoths: spawn in the cold work like elephants (same drops) shear able and used for huge carting -Tiger: tameable kills zombies. drops 1 hide, 2-4 bones 20-40 meat -white tiger: tiger spawns in the cold -shark: spawns in water like squid. drops 2-3 bones, 10-13 meat, an ingot (any ingot other than blue black and red steel) or a mineral -rabbit: works like live stock only more common and smaller. drops 1 hide,1 meat and 1 bone More misc metal items!: here are some forge able items that can go with the bucket in misc -horse armour: for horses -Elephant armour: for that beautiful elephant pulling your battering ram -Mammoth armour: so the ice ace doesn't die to fast -tusk reinforcements: forextra damage forcharginginto your foes on and elephant/mammoth -saddle parts: craft with leather for a saddle to put on our stead -cart mount inf.: craft with 1 rope and 2 planks to complete a cart mount for your horse -axle mount: used in cart crafting -Brace: used to mount carts on to your elephant/mammoth -Nail: used in cart crafting (bronze makes 16, w. iron makes 32, steel makes 64) Carts: mount a cart on a mount in order to pull things around. small carting (donkeys, mules and horses) -item holds 12 rows of 9 chest size items -cattle: holds 4 cows -Swain: Holds 6 pigs -sheep: holds 4 sheep -chicken: holds 10 chickens -liquid: holds 8 barrels large carting (elephants) -tiger: holds 2 tigers -bunnies: holds 20 rabbits -ingot: holds 9 stacks of ingots -items: holds 20 rows of items -Liquid: holds 16 barrels -Tool: holds 24 tools Huge carting(mammoth) -items: 28 rows of items -Huge-Items: holds 9 non chest items(doors) -Horse: holds 2 horses -Tools: Holds 40 tools -log: holds 12 log piles -metal: holds 18 stacks of ingots -Liquid: holds 20 barrels -Elephant: holds 1 baby elephant All these carts will use items shown before and lots of them: 4 wheels, 2 axle, 32 plank, 8 slats, 64 bark, 4 trof, 2 poles, 16 grate= 1 cattle cart barrel mounts are used in liquid carts pallets in tool carts crates in item carts grates and slats in animals Boats: the vanilla speed boat thing makes no sense so I thought id change that. Note: all these boats don't explode on contact with the shore. -Dugout canoe: right click on 3 side ways logs to get a 2 person canoe works in 1-5 block deep water rather slow -log raft: right click on a 2x2 of full log piles with 2 rope to create (holds 3 people) works in 1-8 block deep water slow -voyager: Viking ship created in a ship yard (some sort of structure) holds 4 people. very fast -confronter: small battle ship, has 4 ballistae installed, holds 6 men (1 in the crows nest) quick -Battle ship: massive battle ship with8 ballistae and holds 10 men. quick -Ark: huge carrier holds 12 men and 40 mobs Lead: atm lead is useless so: -weight: fires the trebishay farther -markings: lead is known as the end of old pencils -Allows -iron and bronze for tier 4 -bismuth and zinc for tier 2 -tin and copper for tier 3 Light: we have torches and lava. Both suck for large projects. -lantern: Large lamp for light houses and castles -chandelier: looks nice and made of gold -Coke lamp: turns coal into coke and creates lots of light Sorry for such a long post. Please consider my ideas or improve them.
  10. this is cool but shouldn't axes be used in it too?
  11. we need wind mills and water wheels to automate the quern

  12. We need automated querns like wind mills or water wheels

  13. TFC is awesome