Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by buzzy613

  1. Darkness and Movement

    Ach. Gloom. That was, in my opinion, one of the worst things about BTW. I think caves get sufficient tension from not being able to see mobs and holes. Portable lights would be nice tho.
  2. Bones to Lime

    Visitor and AllenWL: I would refer you to, which states: "Bone ashis a white material produced by thecalcinationofbones. Typical bone ash consists of about 55.82%calcium oxide, 42.39%phosphorus pentoxide, and 1.79%water." Calcination is the burning process used to get lime from limestone, and calcium oxide is another name for lime. Visitor, I doubt use of this was ever widespread, but it was known of in ancient times, as is evidenced by references to burning bones for lime in the Old Testament of the Bible. Dunk: Glad to hear bones may get a use. Any idea if this fertilizer will affect tree growth at all?
  3. goldenrods drop as items

    So I was playing build 78.13, and I hit a goldenrod flower (you know the ones that grow on clay) and to my unending surprise, it dropped as an item. I was able to re-place it after, too. Do goldenrods now follow the same rules as vanilla flowers? When did this happen?? I remember they used to take as long to break as crops, and dropped nothing.
  4. Tips on agriculture?

    1) run around and find wild plants, break fruit tree branches 2) right click the leaves when ripe 3) metal hoes have different modes; these don't function on stone ones. once you get a metal hoe, i would direct you to the wiki.
  5. JohnSmith version 0.8 b75

    If mr grim's pack isn't working for anyone, just open up the zip and take out the folder inside. EDIT: i've made up a version that fixes this; and put in vanilla John Smith acacia textures for TFC ones. will upload later. here it is
  6. JohnSmith version 0.8 b75

    mr_gr1m, I eagerly await any progress you make.
  7. Agriculture: Reap or Reap(lant)

    damn squirrel, get out of my garden! but seriously, this is important. i'm having trouble increasing my farms because my one greenbean plant only ever drops one seed. if i could sacrifice the bean for seeds, this would be much less of a problem.
  8. How to un-stitch old texture files?

    i did not know old versions were available. thank you, that should work.
  9. Hi all. I'm looking to update some old resource packs (mainly )%C2'> If someone could provide me with a template for unstiching, or at least the vanilla versions of those files, I would be most grateful. P.S. I may or may not release the results here, as yubyub has been inactive since May of last year, but this is mostly for my own use.
  10. Good starter seed

    i dont think animal spawns are by seed, unfortunately
  11. Whispers #1

    thirty million rhinos angrily shot purple mutants from imaginary delicious moldy hamburgers.
  12. Atlas PseudoRealism 32x

    nice job so far. i actually like the way you did the dirt; far better than default in my opinion. TFC needs more textures. thank you for your contribution.
  13. Salt from Saltwater

    so, but some salt water in a barrel, wait a few days, and salt happens? sounds good to me!
  14. How to un-stitch old texture files?

    thx. what i'm asking, tho, is *how* to rename these files; which tile corresponds to which file
  15. but it sure does a number against throat bacteria!
  16. How to do new Panning?

  17. [Offline] TFC Zombie Awareness Server (shut down)

    NEI server-side is completely unessecary, as far as i know. should prolly take it off the server and just let people put it on their client if they want EDIT: also you don't have to use smartmoving if its installed on the server; putting it on the server just means if the client has it installed it'll work
  18. Ideas about food preservation.

    in line with the drying thing, i would like to point out that smoking is an effective way of preserving meat, and generally makes it taste better. also could be done early game
  19. addressing the issue of the inevitable stripping of resources near spawn, it may be possible (i've seen it done before) to make a random teleport button near spawn, so a player can press the button and find themselves in pristine wilderness. might not be for everyone, but i would use and appreciate it.
  20. Life In The Woods?

    there's Minefantasy that could be added, that has a good metal system
  21. [Offline] Co-Op TFC Server, Skype, 24/7

    buzzy613 here, skype and IGN 18 years old I play flute and ukulele and will prolly build some crazy stairs once i get planks.
  22. Easy way to get lots of wood

    bossness. I tried making a knife once, burned the carbon out of the end and had to cut it off. the knife sucked, but the process was awesome.