Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by EstebanLB

  1. Expected release date TFC 0.80.0

    Wich summer?
  2. TFC 1.8 ?

    A lot of work indeed
  3. B79 Food Preservation

    With the current fix to the brine consuming ammount I'm not brinning anymore, it's not worth it the travel when you have enough food and it can even sometimes ruin the taste
  4. Skeletons a bit op-ed?

    Zombies may be easier to kill but they form a horde everytime you kill one
  5. Animals and the extinction of monsters

    Surface monsters are already planned to be removed
  6. Animal feed - silage

    I simple don't feed them anymore, is not worth the trouble with the current mechanics
  7. Chisel: staircase corner and more

    Good idea!!
  8. Yes, avoid using the S shortcut until its get fixed, if even
  9. Bowls and Panning

    ...almost. You need to fire the clay bowl into a ceramic bowl, then put it in the crafting grid
  10. (79.10) Forge Eats all the Food

    Yes, supported by two blocks on it's sides
  11. (79.10) Forge Eats all the Food

    It only makes sense. The temperature for coocking food is waaay lower than the one used to forge metals. Not everything is documented in the changelogs anyways
  12. Improve Firestarter

    Yeah, I Well yeah, you need the firestarter at the begining always. Wood type sticks were abandoned in the aerly stages of the mod, and will surely not come back
  13. Improve Firestarter

    What about using torches?
  14. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    Amazing idea
  15. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    Still, that was back in March
  16. But having a knife in the onventory as a condition. I like this idea!
  17. [Solved] Vinegar

    But Vlad, Kitty added a big yellow warning at the top of every page indicating that it's outdated
  18. [Solved][] No more Hot Springs?

    It's dependant on the area/region, not the whole world. So if you travel far enough, you might find them
  19. [Solved] Vinegar

    And you missed the changelog
  20. The familiarity indicator is not working right now
  21. Vary casting quantities

    Yeah, this is an interesting idea
  22. BUG: Sulfur on Trees

    It will, when body temp gets introduced
  23. BUG: Sulfur on Trees

    Offtopic- Snib, wich shader mod do you use?
  24. [Poll] Ceramic Bowls

    The people have spoken...
  25. How far can fire spread?

    firepits doesn't spread fire, nor the smoke. But the pit kiln does