Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by noname_42

  1. [Create a New Topic for Each Suggestion]

    Rules for Posting: 2. Start a new thread for each suggestion.
  2. starve / thirst not effect health?

    That's intended: if your hunger bar is at 0 your nutritions will drop very fast so your maximum health will decrease until it is at 50 If you don't drink you will get a slowness effect. Btw this has been discussed already (and in my personal opinion it's rubbish because you can sit in a hole forever.)
  3. Realistic mobs

    Rules: 1. TFC is not about realism it's about believability 2. Do not make suggestions about new NPCs
  4. Water vapour from mouth when its cold

    You know TFC is a mod for a game called "minecraft" ? I don't think it would be very nice if huge pixels spam over your screen.
  5. Suggestion Categories

    No thanks, I really don't care if I have a custom title which nobody even reads. Btw I'm "Stone Miner" now
  6. Suggestion Categories

    Yes I know that, but I don't see a reason for that reward. I just put the first two pages of the suggestion forum into the list in roughly 5 minutes.
  7. Suggestion Categories

    huh? Custom Title for what exactly?
  8. Suggestion Categories

    World Gen/Structures/BlocksRemove Side GrassSupport beam with different texture underwater for the appearance of having water surround it?Thatch as of Build 79Slowed movment from tall grassRemove snow accumulation limitWolf Proof FencesI have an idea for obsidian.Alternate Fix for Chiseling CeilingsClay Brickschisel and stair cornerSandstoneTree growth in stagesA slight modification to logpile block physicsWorld Generation controls.Inventory/StorageVary casting quantitiesShift Click Consistencyno InventoryMake Tool Rack place on back of chiselled blocksRequest: allow buckets to move limewater/tanninSlight change to back slot itemsMobile back mounted log carrying aparatus.Combat/WeaponsShields a defensive weapon ToolsMetal bits, cutting ingots for alloy managingReplace scythe with sickleBeing able to knap two stone hoe heads at the same time?Bone tools have bone handlesCeramic toolsStone Knife Mines OresFood/ThirstAutomatically split food stacks when attempting to add overly large stacks to ceramic vessels.Less thirst and hunger decrease while idlingHardcore thirstI wish could die of thirst Reduce Incidence of Bell PeppersRespawn with low health, same nutrientsH -the cut in half hotkeyFood decay based on food type / containerTransportation/Boats/WaterWater SeepageFantasy/EnchantingSkills/Knowledge/LevelsCurrencySimple economic ideaAnimals/MobsBats!Apiculture ...* And more soon *...HealthUses for the UselessOtherSuggestion CategoriesMore Acheivements.Mug in metalFlax (thanks hector)Rename Items Fireworks Adding a command to regenerate chunk(s)Just a humble suggestion to prioritize Body Temperature Side slots of forge to keep temperature?1001 Small Suggestions: Community Brainstorming~! A few suggestions of my own[not possible] Config option for simSpeedPlayers?Awesome Anvil Particles -Showering SparksPaperHeat and LightCollection Record/Archive BookJust the first two pages out of 56 >.< Maybe just move everything to an "old" category and everyone who cares can move their topics to the right place
  9. [Vanilla Bug] ice - graphical bug

    I think you need Optifine for AA
  10. Agriculture on different soils

    As far as i know moving dirt removes all its nutrition. However it will regenerate over time by itself and you could use fertilizer.
  11. Mining Kimberlite

    Kimberlite itself is just a random type of mineral. However it can contain diamonds so you have to search for these. -> first sentence
  12. When seagrass and cattails were implemented I thought this would be nice for all non solid blocks like fences etc so water could actually flow through these blocks. However when I realized how seagrass and cattails are actually implemented in TFC I understood that this is pretty much impossible.
  13. [Solved] Some odd occurences

    Not sure if these are all bugs... And sorry if any of these have been reported already. 1. Health over maximum 2. A lot of goldenrod flowers... 3. Seeds placed on the floor
  14. [Solved] Some odd occurences

    Why display the actual health value anyway? You could just display a fake value (998/998) instead of your "real" health (1000). Because the way it is, it just looks ugly
  15. [Vanilla Bug] Animals escaping pens

    this annoyed my so often in vanilla...
  16. Thatch as of Build 79

    This is a way you can make cheap thatch-log roofs: This is save as long no mobs get on your roof
  17. Trees, Trees and more Trees

    what goes on the plot in the middle without a sign?
  18. [0.79.9-357] Graphics bug? +

    Template for Reporting: Version #:SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer):Suggested Name:Suggested Category: Severe-Annoying-MinorDescription:Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes-No*If you answered no to the above question, delete your config files and try to reproduce the bug. This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes-NoIf yes, which mods?If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?*Both Optifine and Cauldron edit the base classes of forge that TFC uses. Because of this, we cannot officially support any issues that happen only when these mods are link of the Crash Report:
  19. Gasses! in Future build?

    A bit off-topic: I found a gases mod. Looks pretty interesting.
  20. BUG: Sulfur on Trees

    Lava automatically places sulfur on several blocks around it over time. This includes grass and trees. In my personal opinion i would prefer a stone border around every lava pocket by default so this wouldn't happen. Btw: You left out the version
  21. SubIDs, Metadata, NBT-Tags
  22. I suggest a stable and an unstrable form of dirt and gravel. Both occur in world generation depending on moisture etc, however player-placed blocks are always unstable. Stable dirt and gravel has a chance to not fall instantly when no block is beyond and can be supported by beams. If they fall however they are converted to unstable ones. Unstable dirt and gravel will always fall when air is beyond it.
  23. [Solved] Leather rack crash

    I erased the corrupted block using MCEdit. But thanks for the hint.
  24. [Solved] Leather rack crash

    Version: #79.7 SSP/SMP: SSP Suggested Name: Leather rack crash Suggested Category: Severe Description: After scraping all parts of the leather hide, the leather did not drop, so i tried to break it, then the game crashed. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No link of the Crash Report: here Edit: I tried to reproduce this bug in another world however it worked fine there. Maybe a version change or some other mod has corrupted the leather rack somehow. Any tips how to remove the corrupt leather rack without crashing? Solved.
  25. How do I make a 1.7.10 server?

    did you enter the java -Xmn1G -Xms2G -Xmx2G -jar forge-1.7.10- the bat file?