Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TomatoThief

  1. I am utterly spoiled on Sequoia forests. I was very disappointed with the still-slow rate of chopping of T1-T2 cast metal axes. Seriously, ramp that up! I will make a point to travel a moderate distance in search of Seqoias (or Kapoks, Acacias) with an empty inventory just for lumber runs. Chopping down 5 block trees to fuel charcoal production is torture. Ain't Nobody Got Time fo Dat.
  2. Fighting Skills

    If you're lost in the woods and are cornered by an aggressive bear, how good you are with a spear is far outweighed by whether or not youhave a spear. That's more what TFC is about (in my observation; I'm not the developer); having the right tools for the right situation at the right time. In this universe, skeletons are virtually immune to swords. The solution to this problem not to make your avatar more proficient at unhinging bones with a sword - it's tohave a mace. Further, and I have to repeat myself, weapons skills are primarily about overcoming a skilled human opponent. When fighting animals and limited-intelligence fantasy monsters, there is very little more to combat than strength and accuracy of the swing. Should those be skill driven? Maybe. Strength and accuracy could drive a great deal of TFC activities, namely smithing. But I think we should avoid triple-hits, AoE sweeps, and proc'ed status effects.
  3. Sphalerite block texture is nearly indistinguishable from Gneiss stone texture. Took me an entire evening and 1.5 copper picks to find a local mountain vein, and I am considering abandoning it anyway. There are a few pixels different, but for the most part I'm mining at random. Got 12 normal units and am calling it quits, despite my effort in finding this vein. Is it intended that Sphalerite be so hard to identify? Is it easier to spot in other stone layers? Please consider changing the texture, otherwise! (wasn't sure if this belonged in Suggestions)
  4. Crop Cold Resilience

    Would it be breaking the no-numbers rule to get an idea of what kinds of temperatures hardy and non-hardy crops can endure? Since Winter is Coming, I decided to scout out a vacation home that will support crops, but I want to have an idea of what will and will not work. I know nothing.
  5. Thanks, Introduction and some video's

    I, too, am an 83 baby. Barely missed the cutoff... I'm a... millennial...shudder...
  6. Advancing???

    I don't think it was is your intent to sound this way, so I am telling you that your post comes across as juvenile, selfish, and disrespectful. Sidenote: There is a thread where you can vote to make your preference of update frequency known to the developers.
  7. Snow

    Snow in Japan.
  8. Thanks, Introduction and some video's

    Great post and videos - welcome!
  9. Question about salt

  10. Sphalerite Indistinguishable from Gneiss

    Fair enough. I'll take that a lot easier than it being an intended feature.
  11. Sphalerite Indistinguishable from Gneiss

    This is not the hill I'm going to die on, but I disagree with acceptance of this "kind" of hard. Hard is finding the vein with a pro-pick. It takes exploration, knowledge of stone types, triangulation, effort of digging/mining pursuant to that triangulation. That is a very satisfying "hard" when you finally break into that vein. Having the vein be virtually invisible once you've found it is just annoying.
  12. Question about salt

    There is no way of knowing the salt content of TFC oceans until TFC implements a hydrometer.
  13. How to find ores easily without a pick?

    I disagree with exploring for surface ores. This is an exercise in frustration. Yes, it's possible, and has happened to me. But it's uncommon enough to be more opportunistic than go-to strategy. Panning the first 2-3 copper tools is certainly the way to go. Make sure your first temporary or permanent settlement is near fresh water, preferably a river. This builds your spawn protection. If you weren't aware, the more time you spend in an area, the less likely mobs are to spawn within a 5x5 chunk area. This means after a few nights you can move about relatively safely. I am often able to pan all night near my shelter without incident. Do avoid bronze for a while. Bronze is for after you've established your first copper mine and have more copper than you know what to do with (you'll poop your pants when you see how big the copper veins are underground). You will likely have a full set of copper tools, weapons, a copper anvil, and maybe some pieces of copper armor before you even start exploring in force for bronze ores. Now, to counter what I just said, you might very well pick up a few pieces of surface ore in your travels to make a single or two bronze tools. I strongly recommend casting a bronze pickaxe, and possibly a bronze propick as soon as you can, if able. When you get into real mining, the copper pickaxe will leave you disappointed in durability.
  14. Put the button back in, please.

    Thanks for the reply. I'll go back to punching invisible sphalerite! Sorry life, you'll have to wait.
  15. Put the button back in, please.

    Do you have a ballpark for B79? More than a couple weeks out and I might keep playing my current world. Sooner than that and I'll take a break and work on this whole life thing.
  16. Irrigation / Water Channels

    There are some problems in believability. Expanding a single cube of source water to Lake Titicaca is ridiculous. But so is doing the exact same thing with a red steel bucket. Or being able to do so with red steel but not iron, copper, wood, or clay. So we are left with the question of, "Why is this primitive technology an end game mechanic?" I picked smooth stone as a requisite because it is a doable yet still non-trivial method of expansion. It would require a great deal of stone to be smoothed and mined to transport the water any worthwhile distance. You still can't relocate a point source to another point source, and you still can't relocate it up (or even down unless there are source blocks underneath).
  17. Blast Mining

    This is is something of a tangent rant against Vanilla: I am disappointed in the lack of mining options in a game called "Minecraft".
  18. Chicken Cages

    I support the chicken cage idea. I would also have cages work on other small and baby animals. Perhaps not horses and cows for believability, but piglets and lambs can easily be transported in inventory.
  19. Sphalerite Indistinguishable from Gneiss

    Good tip trans... I don't like this texture being intended. Even if it is more realistic, it saps a good bit of fun. I gave up on Sphalerite and established Gold and Silver mines for Black Bronze.
  20. Charcoal Pit Not Working

    I actually didn't know the firepit needed logs. Maybe mine were just small enough not to matter (I guess they feed from the pile above the pit?).
  21. Waiting around at night

    10-4 Thanks
  22. Flowerpots and Lawns/Wild Grass

    How about a slab chisel mode on the shovel?
  23. Waiting around at night

    What about the tooltip on all my grain that says something along the lines of "DO NOT USE OR YOUR WORLD WILL CRASH"?
  24. Charcoal Pit Not Working

    First, 78.17 is the most recent version at the time of your posting, although I never had any problems in 78.16. Sounds like you've troubleshot it fairly well. The smoke particles should (I think) indicate success. Here the configuration I commonly use which worked as recently as last night: I hollow out a 3(deep)x2(high)x3(wide) space inside a surface boulder, with a wood door cut into one side. I fill the back wall with 6 full log stacks (1x2x3). Then fill the middle with 6 full log stacks (1x2x3). Then, the first step into the boulder house, I place two full stacks on the left (1x2x1), and two full stacks on the right (1x2x1). I then light a fire pit on the first step inside, and cover it with a full stack. Shut the door, wait, profit. But update to .17 before anything else.
  25. Agriculture and Skills

    Play Hardcore like a real man. Or a real woman. Or something inbetween. Hey, it's the 90's. Wait, it's not the 90's anymore? ...crap. '