Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TomatoThief

  1. Underwhelming cave-ins

    What exactly triggers the cave-in? Is it just mining the bottom surface of a block, or can it happen from mining the side of a block which is over your head?
  2. combat tips in the stone age for new players

    I made my first murder hole last night. It was 2-deep, 3x3. I punched several zombies in there. One snuck up behind me while I was working and hit me. I survived, but instantly realized that the murder hole was more a danger to myself than a benefit. That zombie punch almost threw me in there with 4-5 other zombies. There was no way I'd get out before dying. I'm just going back to playing it safe.
  3. Cubic Chunks In TFC

    Looks like a good idea. If it becomes Mojang's top priority, we could expect to see it in about 20 years. Seriously, what the heck are they doing with all that cash? They got more money than Davy Crockett. HIRE SOME PEOPLE.
  4. Inventory Space: Oh my god it's a thread about Inventory

    I'm not looking for realism as much as motivation. Obviously nobody is going to realistically quarry a 100 hectares and build a castle by themselves. We have to suspend disbelief somewhere. An example of my gripe with Vanilla is this: There is no reason not to build a 1x1 dirt bridge spanning any length. So you fire some cobblestone, make some bricks, lay some fenceposts, and make an awesome looking bridge with supports and towers and rails. But the only reason you did that is so that it would look nice. Vanilla Survival is still essentially Creative... with zombies. The time it takes to gather materials is laughable, and the need for those materials is purely aesthetic. If I need a bridge over a river biome, I don't want to pretend. I don't want to role play with myself, and create house rules. I want to be in the muck laying support pillars because if I don't, the bridge will collapse. I want to use the minimum amount of materials possible, because they were hard to get. That's not annoying to me. That's a challenge of need where the final product brings satisfaction, instead of , "Eh, another bridge on day 1". I agree with Hyena above. Restricting inventory is bound to be purely annoying until the solutions are implemented.
  5. Wood pile

    I'm conflicted. In part I agree: I like the way logs are placed on the pit kiln. It would be great if logs stacked like that everywhere, in a 4x4 pile. However, "stored" logs are one of my favorite early building materials. I think the outside texture looks much better than a "placed" log, and is much easier to remove. I'd hate to lose that.
  6. Staying with 1.6.4 discussion

    If you continue doing better with 1.6 than Mojang can do with 1.7, I feel no hurry for change.
  7. [0.79.?] Metal tools - priority and materials

    I prefer exploration too. But finding your first copper vein can take anywhere from 20 minutes (if you're super lucky) to several hours. It takes 5-10 minutes to find and pan another 100 units of copper or black bronze. It's a very small investment in a boring activity, and yields an immense amount of convenience.
  8. What's your favorite method for storing food?

    I like to store food....
  9. I used to agree with you. I wanted a way to pass the night, and have even made suggestions to that effect. However, now that I have a bit more experience with TFC, my nights are rarely dull. Also, since your hunger and thirst drop while sleeping, doing so makes for a VERY unproductive night. Before first nightfall, you should have enough sticks, stones, logs, and clay to stay busy. If you killed an animal, cooking will eat a good portion of that time. Light 20+ sticks to torches. Fire a couple vessels and jugs. Build near water, preferably near the intersection of four chunks, and pan. My first night is usually so busy I don't have time for panning until night 2. You may not even have to build shelter to pan. Maybe 3/4 of the time I can walk out at midnight and pan near my shelter unmolested. If a saw is your immediate priority, you can pan and cast one likely before the first nightfall even occurs. Also, play on hardcore. All the cool kids do it.
  10. [TFC 0.77.15] ChopALog 0.4.b77

    You can certainly plank a log with an ax. Anybody ever try it with astone ax? Head out to your backyard and knap out a few ax heads with whatever's lying around. Punch a tree for a while and plank the logs that fall out. Report back with results. Include pictures and medical bills.
  11. Loaded Chunk Question

    Concerning loaded chunks: A gripe I've had with Vanilla is that everything I did needed to be close by. My mine had to be directly under my farm, or else the farm wouldn't grow as I went out of the loaded chunk range. This is exacerbated in TFC since I cannot easily move source water, resources are scattered thousands of meters, and growth time is measured in months rather than days. In literally every single game I've played, I built my hut on lowland flat ground near water so I would have a place with irrigated farmland. First, are my assumptions correct?I do recall reading that food left in unloaded chunks would rapidly decay once reloaded. Does this mechanic also apply to crops?How about bushes and fruit trees?How big is the loaded chunk area, anyway, and is it changeable?I read that in Vanilla, some amount of chunks around the player spawn point remain in memory regardless of distance.Is that true in TFC, too?Does that spawn point change with using a bed, so that I can keep, say, my farmland loaded by sleeping nearby it?As a final unrelated question, if I find ore nuggets on the ground, does that guarantee a vein underground in that area? I found 6 Native Copper Nuggets in close proximity last night, so I dug until my fingernails fell off, with no positive hits of anything on my propick. I dropped about 40 elevation, with periodic short branches.Thanks, TT
  12. 2160 oz Pig

    Average wild boar weights: 110-200 lbs (1) Average pork dressing yield: 70-73% (2) This means you could reasonably expect a yield range of 77-146 lb = 1232-2336 oz = 8-15 stacks (160oz / stack) (1): (2):
  13. combat tips in the stone age for new players

    Currently, fighting is pointless in the stone age. If you hit a zombie, it just calls more zombies. You don't have the ability to fight off the entire wave. It's still worth while to knap two javelins in case you get treed by a baby zombie or spider. Spiders are the most dangerous mob, as they stay on your tail and can often gain on you. If you get stunned by a spider, it's GG - Delete World (you're playing hardcore... right? Right?). Traps are not a bad idea. I never actually do it, but I *think* about it every game. A simple 3x3, 2-deep murder hole near your hut to push zombies in. Sounds nice, but I just never seem to have a use. I'm always safely knapping/cooking/firing/panning in a protective shelter.
  14. [0.79.?] Metal tools - priority and materials

    I agree with the OP and ^. My first tool is *nearly* always a saw. Unless I have laid eyes on an exposed copper vein, which is very rare; or if I have a beautiful site of copper bearing ore that I suspect will quickly yield a vein. The main factor is that panning is so reliable that you are not rushed to get that pickaxe. A couple nights of panning will have all three tools anyway, and likely more. By the time I'm ready to cast my first tool, I'm usually so overloaded with inventory that I'd trade my kingdom for a chest. So I make a saw. If I have abundant grain, I will bump chisel up as my fourth tool under the saw and picks. Otherwise it can wait. I also prioritize a sword well above the remaining tools. No matter how safe I think I'm going to be, I always seem to find myself backed into a corner somewhere, knifing a zombie and praying for day. If I land some string and feathers, I might hold off on the sword in favor of the bow.
  15. Etho does TerraFirmaCraft

    Watching you try to light that pit kiln was painful.
  16. Infinite Map Mod?

    I use REI map, which is limited in scope. Are there any map mods compatible with TFC that cache everything you discover? If not everything, at least something with far greater zoom out?
  17. Damage Types

    A skeleton wearing armor will only be more likely to take damage to its armor. No vital areas on the mob itself are increased by wearing armor. I would leave that as-is. That aside, I think your concern is valid. Hammer throwing is a good suggestion. I believe the devs are still planning to move skeletons and other fantasy creatures underground, reducing this threat to new characters.
  18. Bonus Chest?

    First couple days of TFC should be frantic. I like it that way.
  19. Agriculture: Reap or Reap(lant)

    Similar to vanilla pumpkin mechanics, most or all vegetable seeds should come directly from the fruit (in the crafting grid), and in greater quantities. Harvest one tomato, get one tomato. Eat one tomato, or harvest 2-4 seeds from tomato. This presents a more meaningful game dynamic of harvest vs reinvesting for future yield. Ag skill could influence the yield. How many seeds come from a tomato in real life? Maybe 10-80 depending on the breed. We gotta suspend disbelief somewhere in the name of balance. But not squirrels - they care nothing for balance. They will take one bite from each of your tomatoes and let them rot on the ground. I've seen a squirrel carry German Johnsons straight up a 50-foot pine tree and just line them up on a branch. They're vindictive little rats. I recommend the Ruger Air Hawk, which will FedEx a lead pellet at 1,000 feet per second to the bushy-tailed rat of your choosing. You can use the scope, if you're a coward. Personally, I have a hit rate of 0%. But at least I'm no coward. Regards, TT
  20. I have noticed recently that I can't even light a torch on a campfire once the fuel burns out, even when it's still very hot.
  21. Metal Javelins: Are they worth it?

    Is the crafting grid even necessary? Offhand, I can't think of what purpose it serves in the tier progression. Most of the recipes that use it already require metal indirectly. Having a 3x3 from the start would certainly aid in combining large stacks of food. On that note, it would be awesome if you could fill a 3x3 with 8 food and 1 knife to cut the decay from them all. I'm guessing there is some coding issue that would prevent that.
  22. Loaded Chunk Question

    Thanks for the reply. How does a crop know when it's planted? Or do seeds just insta-mature during their prescribed season?
  23. More trees

    You can't put bamboo and pandas and poison in the game without adding Home Owners Associations, which are the bane of everything that is fire or awesome.
  24. More trees

    I just bought a mid-century teak dining table that I LOVE. I support the addition of Teak trees, as well as mid-century style crafting grid recipes. How about bamboo? Have you seen how big bamboo gets? It's the dominant vegetation in the Yunque rainforest in Puerto Rico. They're as big around as you are (unless you're huge, in which case you need to see a doctor), and crowd out all the other trees. Bamboo can be used as building material, and it burns fast and incredibly hot. It also spreads like Youtube videos of kids recovering from general anesthesia. So if you implement bamboo, you should probably also implement RoundUp or some other Glysophate poison, so the bamboo can laugh at your feeble attempts to control it. TerraWeedCraft - nothing but bamboo. And pandas.
  25. Agriculture: Reap or Reap(lant)

    Yep. I try to tailor my suggestions to what I believe would be easiest to code. I know little to nothing about the coding of Minecraft or TFC, so I have to assume what "seems" to be simple is; otherwise all my suggestions would be completely ridiculous, instead of just somewhat ridiculous. The seeds / oz of crop sounds good, but since each harvest usually yields a 16 oz item, I would want it to be more like 1 seed per 10 or 5 oz for a net gain.