Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by kaldskryke

  1. Forge Chimney Design

    Okay, so I decided to dig into the deobfuscated dev build to help grok the logic. Hopefully the devs do not mind me posting a snippet. edit: removed code example. The code checks to see if the forge or its nearby blocks can see the sky. It doesn't perform any fancy path-finding magic. A forge chimney is valid if:1) the forge can see the sky AND it is not raining2) an adjacent block can see the sky AND there is a block above the forge3) a block 2m away can see the sky AND there is a block above the forge AND there is a block above the adjacent block.In short, the graphic on the wiki shows the only valid options.To answer your questions:1) no2) two blocks maximum3) the chimney can be any height4) the chimney does not need to be enclosed5) block type does not matter
  2. Forge Chimney Design

    From my own experience, trap doors are treated as if they don't exist at all, which also means that they do not block the rain (even though it looks like they do). i.e. If you have a straight vertical chimney, the forge will not work during the rain even if you have a trap door on top.
  3. Armor

    I've taken a look at the piercing protection (since I think skeletons are the most dangerous enemy) from each armor class to get an idea of how useful it is to upgrade to the next tech level. I can't seem to figure out how to post a table here, so here's a plaintext breakdown. Material Type Piercing ProtectionLeather 200Copper 400Bismuth Bronze 600Wrought Iron 800Steel 1000Black Steel 2000Blue Steel 2500Material Type Damage Taken %Leather 83Copper 71Bismuth Bronze 63Wrought Iron 56Steel 50Black Steel 33Blue Steel 29Material Type Effective Health MultiplierLeather 1.2Copper 1.4Bismuth Bronze 1.6Wrought Iron 1.8Steel 2.0Black Steel 3.0Blue Steel 3.5It seems to me that upgrading to Steel armor is particularly underwhelming considering the huge resource cost of a blast furnace. I think I'll stick with wrought iron until I find nickel and skip plain steel unless slashing damage becomes more of a serious threat.
  4. quiver recepie?

    Yes, it is craftable. Unfortunately, the wiki currently has two pages for leatherworking, but only one of them has the quiver recipe listed.
  5. [Solved] Serios frame rate drops

    I'm not sure what it is about chunk generation that is slowing you down so much, but if you install optifine (I think 1.6.4 HD C6 is the latest version that works with TFC) then you can at least adjust the "Chunk Updates per Frame" to 1 or 2. This will prevent significant framedrops, but the tradeoff is that it will take more time before new chunks are loaded.
  6. Tiny Feature: Chisel Sound

    This would be a pretty easy change, too.
  7. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    I ran into a crash while trying to hammer out a copper arrowhead in 78.13. Crash report attached. Could this be something to do with the removal of Plans? crash-2014-05-08_19.55.34-client.txt
  8. Staying with 1.6.4 discussion

    There are a few features from 1.7 that I am quite fond of, namely:A) button-to-sprint instead of double-tap-forward sound volume controls C) shader settings (particularly fxaa) D) resource pack priority settings All of these things can be worked around (smart moving, editing resource packs manually, etc), but combined with the points raised by alice and cpw I think a 1.7 transition makes the most sense. Maybe Bioxx can work with the Optifine developers to get chunk loading performance up in TFC.
  9. Future Animals, and hunting only animals.

    The animal I would most like to see added would be a mountain goat, which can be milked but maybe not bred. Right now, it's quite hard to find cows (and thus milk) at high latitudes, and dragging cows with leads from several thousand blocks away is a small nightmare.Rabbits and snakes would be nice too.
  10. Charcoal pit keeps lighting itself

    Also note that according to the wiki, the firepit does not need to be in the middle, but it does need to be on the bottom level.
  11. [Solved] HELP!

    ... not sure if actually bdubs or just someone using his name. And now I'm sitting here refreshing BdoubleO's youtube page.
  12. Bows Broken

    Thanks for the clear explanation! I had already noticed that drawing the bow extra-long seemed to help and this explains why... but it also seems like damage has gone down quite a lot from 78.12.
  13. Since build 78, it seems to me that there is much less difference between wood types. Oak doesn't last very long, and Hickory isn't hot enough to weld copper anymore. Has anyone else noticed this?
  14. Spawn protection is nice for reducing skeletons, spiders, and creepers... but zombies track from 200 blocks away and then spawn reinforcements. Without a sword or bow, dealing with a zombie horde is far from easy.I'm totally in favour of either adding debuffs to straw beds or buffs to wool beds. A "well rested" perk would be a nice motivation to go exploring at higher latitudes.
  15. 2160 oz Pig

    I like TFC's increased realism (vs vanilla), and slaughtering animals ought to produce a lot more food in a single kill than harvesting a couple of berries. Keeping such a large amount of meat from spoiling does add a bit of difficulty to counteract how much easier it is to slaughter animals than to grow crops. That said, for the sake of game balance, I think the current output of meat from animals is too much and destroys any semblance of difficulty from the hunger system. I'm much more interested in farming/foraging/slaughtering more frequently instead of spending so much time cutting off decay. I suppose it's trading one form of tedium for another, but cutting off decay is not particularly enjoyable.
  16. Damage Types

    I think Skeletons are great now that you can't snipe them from outside of aggro range. They're actually frighteningly difficult now and something to be feared. I mean, heck, aren't undead supposed to be scary? I don't want them to be any easier, but I wouldn't mind if they were less common (ie underground only).
  17. Berry help

    Kitty, thanks for all your hard work!
  18. Metal Javelins: Are they worth it?

    Oh man that would help so much! Preserving the meat from a single cow is a huge clickfest right now.
  19. [78.11] Zombies wear quivers as hats

    Hmm, removing Smart Moving fixed it. I reinstalled the latest version and added the optional RenderPlayerAPI and things are rendering just fine now. Sorry for the thread derail.
  20. Thanks for the clarification, Bioxx.
  21. Suggested Category: Annoying Description: In previous versions of TFC, the cookfire/forge would remain hot after all its fuel was consumed, and items could still be heated while it cooled down, so long as the item temperature was less than the forge temperature. With the recent changes to the temperature system, items start cooling down immediately once fuel runs out, even if the forge temperature gauge is still high. I find this annoying because I used to keep the forge temperature lower than melting point by periodically letting the forge cool a bit. It took a bit of skill, but made welding ingots easier overall.If this change is intentional, why bother having a temperature gauge at all?
  22. [78.11] Zombies wear quivers as hats

    I'm having a problem that may be similar or related. When I equip a leather tunic, it shows up as a helmet. When I equip a quiver, it shows up as metal boots. When I equip leather pants, it shows up as a tunic. Somehow it seems the new inventory slots aren't lining up quite right, but I'm also using Smart Moving which affects the player model in some ways. Maybe it's a conflict.
  23. ! Keep ingot temperature in forge !

    I agree!... and the cooling rate is just bit too quick for my tastes also.
  24. Feeding/Healing wolves post 78.7

    Thanks, Kittychanley!
  25. Feeding/Healing wolves post 78.7

    According to the changelog, 78.7 fixed being able to feed food to tamed wolves to "restore their hunger". My tamed wolf's tail is very low, which indicates (in vanilla, at least) that its health is low. However, right clicking on the wolf with raw or cooked venison doesn't seem to do anything. I suspect that:a ) I am not feeding it properly, orb ) wolves regenerate health slowly when not-hungry, similar to players. I can't seem to find anything in the wiki to clear this up for me. A little help, please? Thanks