Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Jed1314

  1. I plus +1 one this, maybe the slingshot too while we are at it since we got them stones now.

    You read my mind, I was toying with putting in slings which were made with leather and string, and would shoot rocks broken with hammers and lead balls that were cast :)

  2. I also saw these guys at Rockness last month. It was insane, and great :D

    Knife Party - Internet Friends



  3. Ah, the obligatory music thread, how I missed thee :)

    What music is everyone into ? Post some stuff !

    I'll get the ball rolling ;)

    I'm a huge fan of Machine Head :D

    Machine Head - Davidian


    Also in love with this song:

    Nero - Promises


    I also saw these guys at rockness, they were insane :D


  4. Hmm, not bad but if you want decent spread of bows you might want to alter the Composite bow a bit and add a Long bow as well.

    Composite bows would have a shorter range but have a faster draw (We'll ignore that in reality getting a Composite bow wet or bringing it to a humid climate would ruin it)

    Long bows would have a much longer range but a much longer draw

    When armor comes into play a Composite bow would actually do better at punching into armor then a Long bow... But of course a Crossbow beats them hands down, as they were designed just to punch through armor, but they have a fairly short range and make for a horrid hunting weapon.

    I also decided to ignore the hunditity/dampness issue :P

    I didn't add a longbow because there is a line at which you are just giving the user an arbitrary choice between two *similar* options. Although from a real life perspective the longbow and composite bow are different, they aren't really different enough I don't think. I omitted an armor piercing option from the bow to force users to use the pilum and bow in combination at lower levels, which is what makes the crossbow such a sweet perk when you get it :)

    Ps Uploaded remaining images :)


  5. First, I want to appologise to the community at large for my (extremely) frequent posts. I am full of ideas as I have been playing this mod for a long time and have wanted to say a lot of this for a long time. If anyone feels I am being too forward with my ideas, please tell me and I will calm it :)

    This is a comprehensive ranged overhaul, complete with images of intended recipes etc. The images are not great (because I am no artist) I was going to wait till all images were complete but want to see the community response first. I will be updating the images as I go. Anyone who wants to help can message me/submit images to me for the OP :)

    Ranged Combat Overhaul

    Appologies for the awful artwork ;)

    Basic Premise: Ranged combat is currently a weak area of the game. With only a few extra items, this could easily be changed.

    New Features: Removal of the vanilla bow (anyone familiar with archery will know 3 sticks + string does not make a bow :P)

    Addition of a composite bow (replacement for vanilla bow) crafted with sinew, horn, sticks, fish glue + string

    Addition of the pilum as a short - medium range metal age skirmishing weapon

    Addition of crossbows crafted with any kind of steel (higher grade=more durability + red/blue steel increase damage by 1 heart)

    Use of existing features: The horn used in any recipes is a new drop from the cow

    The sinew used would be a new drop from deer

    Fish glue would be made by cooking already cooked fish (not ideal but seems the easiest solution)

    The composite bow:

    The composite bow has been added to replace the removed vanilla bow. It is the same in terms of fire and damage rate as the vanilla bow (should this be increased?), with a higher durability. It is the ranged weapon with the longest effective range, being effective from short to very long range.

    It is crafted in the crafting bench in steps as shown:

    First the horn, sticks and sinew are combined in the crafting table as shown. This gives unfinished bow 1:

    See below post

    Next, the fish glue is combined with the unfinished bow to give unstrung bow:

    See below post

    Then the string is crafted in two steps, first by using a hammer on sinew and then combining three sinew strands to make a bow string:

    See below post

    The string and unstrung bow are combined as shown, giving a composite bow.

    See below post

    The composite bow fires one arrow type: Broadheads (stone + assorted metals tbd)

    Broadheads are effective against fleshy and unarmored targets doing reasonable bleed damage over time but do ¾ damage against armoured targets and do not cause bleeding.

    The heads are made on the anvil, using this plan a single ingot for 6 heads (better metals improve recovery chance, red/blue steel add .5 heart damage):

    Posted Image

    These are then combined with sticks and feathers in the traditional style to give broadhead arrows.

    The Pilum:

    The Pilum has been added as a technological advancement from the javelin. It is a short range projectile, intended to be thrown just prior to engagement in melee combat, or to take down a fleeing opponent. IIt has the same range as the javelin.

    It is crafted in two steps:

    First, the pilum head is crafted from a double ingot of the desired metal, using this plan (better metals improve recovery chance, red/blue steel add .5 heart damage):

    Posted Image

    This pilum head is then attached to two sticks in the crafting bench as shown:

    Posted Image

    It is made from any metal that swords or armor can be made from. The Pilum obviously does not have ammunition. It is more effective against armored targets than the bow (doing full damage and ignoring 20% of armor), but does not cause any additional damage, making it less effective vs. unarmoured targets.

    The Crossbow:

    The Crossbow is an advanced game weapon, which can only be crafted from steel or steel alloys. It does more damage than the bow and fires two ammunition types, but has a much lower rate of fire and a shorted range (better metals improve durability, red/blue steel add .5 heart damage) .

    It is crafted in the steps below:

    The crossbow limbs are each made from a double ingot and this plan:

    Posted Image

    The crossbow trigger is made from a single ingot and this plan:

    Posted Image

    The crossbow stock is made by placing hardwood logs in a crafting table in this shape, along with a knife:

    Posted Image

    They are all combined in this shape to form an unstrung crossbow:

    Posted Image

    A bowstring (crafting method above) and unstrung crossbow are combined as shown, giving a crossbow:

    Posted Image

    The Crossbow fires two ammunition types: Barbed bolts and Piercing bolts.

    Barbed bolts are effective against fleshy and unarmored targets causing extreme bleed damage over time but do ¾ damage against armoured targets and do not cause bleeding.

    The heads are made on the anvil, (using steel+) using this plan and a single ingot for 3 heads (better metals improve recovery chance, red/blue steel add .5 heart damage):

    Posted Image

    Piercing bolts are highly effective against armored targets, doing full damage and ignoring 40% of armor, but do not cause any additional damage, making it less effective vs. unarmoured targets.

    The heads are made on the anvil, (using steel+) using this plan a single ingot for 3 heads (better metals improve recovery chance, red/blue steel add .5 heart damage):

    Posted Image

    All bolts are crafted with their relevant head, a hardwood log and feathers, using the general pattern below, where the knife can be placed in any empty slot (this produces 3 bolts):

    See below post

    Just_Another_Guy_ :) has been very active in helping support/develop this suggestion, and has now compiled a list of different "classes" you could be in this suggestion. It's worth noting that you aren't forced to pick any of these, as you can change "class" with a simple equipment change, no skills, no attributes, no grinding :D



  6. Actually oil is used because it does pull heat away faster then water, plus it has the added benefit of adding more carbon to the metal unlike a water quenching would.

    Thats not true. Oil is less dense than water and has a lower conductivity, so the metal cools slower. Cooling in water can leave a metal too hard and not tough enough resulting in a brittle piece which, at best, will need to be annealed and retreated or, at worst, will simply crack/snap due to internal stress. I study the production of metal products at university, including the adjustment of material properties of steel. Also, carbonaceous oil (such as used motor oil) only carburises the outer micrometers of steel, resulting in increased *surface* harness, but it does not affect the chemical composition of the core metal. Even for milimeter deep carburisation, the metal must be held at red hot temperatures for many hours (possibly even days) in a carbon rich environment such as a sealed tube of charred bone :)

    I also do some blacksmithing as a hobby :P


  7. @ Boea you will NOT be able to wear chain with plate.

    And for your first point there will be reduced affects and/or slowing affects for stacking clothes and armor like that to balance it.

    Because trust me i don't whan't Juggernaughts or plate armor snow ambushes ether.

    Why couldn't you wear chain with plate though ? :( I do it all the time (relatively speaking)


  8. The hallucinations sound awesome... Except with something like this, you should be able to make beds easier and sleep on the ground. It wouldn't be fair to the player if they couldn't find sheep for a week of starting playing so then they started hallucinating.

    Edit: although there should be some incentive for sleeping in higher quality beds... Maybe more sleep restoration?

    I agree 100%. I always thought the need for a bed was a bit stupid anyway. Some insulation would be needed, but it could be something as simple as leaves :)


  9. i agree there would be small ravines within glaciers, now i have to think up some more ideas for adding to glacial valleys. perhaps that "air" around and below a glacier is ultra cold, that could effect some aspects of exploration. perhaps you would need a down jacket or parka to explore them?

    This ties in with the temperature section in my suggestion thread for increased difficulty (shameless self promotion ?)

    I think the staff are implementing temperature of the atmosphere and clothing anyways :)


  10. Eh it's pretty much restrictions.

    if Plate Armor is on Outer Slot, no, pretty much nothing in the inner slot.

    if Plate Armor in Inner slot, pretty much nothing in the outer slot.

    It is an easy example, because plate armor is cumbersome, and very susceptible to heat, and cold, and really strong, but a cape, or cloak would look nice, and give a little bonus against heat, and a bit of concealment, or a fur cape may do a little bit for cold resist, and be a bit more covering than a cloth cape, but bad for warmer areas.

    I understand now :) Christ, I feel like such a "yes man", but I genuinely like these ideas .. I'm not just pandering to people >.< .. My only fear is that that could be hard to code (?)

    A backpack with Chest Plate, try chain mail, though I don't recommend really sticking out that much, or going places particularly hot or cold, but you can wear your silly boots, and hoods, or silly plate armor, you sore thumb.

    I think this is the first time I've ever been called a sore thumb :P .. Is that an insult .. I don't even ....


  11. Anyways, what about sweaters, under armor, but over other clothes. [because a blizzard in ice plains in winter require two sets of sweaters]

    I'd rather have certain items restrict what you can put in the other slot to make things simple for the common user, because you can wear cloaks over most other things, while you can't wear it under most things, and you can only wear a very few items under an apron.

    I'd rather things be mutually exclusive, in the slots, so you can screw about the placement of items in the inner/outer slots if you only have one item per body part like a lever, it in until you have items that restrict placement that inner/outer slots matter.

    And I am against the green slot, it adds a bit too much leniency for the player, consider a juggernaut with a backpack, too large capacity for something already so heavily armored. Other than that, the lack of extra slots really makes a player sacrifice extra capacity for armor, or surviveability in colder areas/times, and make vanity something to consider only when one is safe, or apparently keeping your giblets from getting too toasty.

    I can understand the resistance to the green slot, and if we are taking a hard line then I am inclined to agree with you on that, even if I do lose my lovely cape plate combo :( :L

    So you are suggesting that certain items affect the ability to wear others ? Sounds complicated, but I can see it working if someone took the time to work it out :)


  12. Well I was thinking of some fancy codding (not really fancy but more work) where if you have a backpack you can't have platemail on??

    Hence why you simply make the cloak slot a cloak slot, and put the backpack in the chest slot of the external section ;):)


  13. Yes I'm trying to find a solution to that. :/

    I'm sure another community member will come along and point out some glaringly obvious solution to the problem :L

    It's happened to me every other time I've had issues :L


  14. It's still happening and will probably be announced over the shout thing most of the time.

    And I'm going to try and run a sever every now and again for us in time zones 10 to 18 hours a head of America time zones. :)

    I'm in Scotland so I suspect either will suit me :) Maybe drop me a PM next time this is on ? .. I always forget about the shout box :S :P


  15. -snip-

    It would probably be better to extend the GUI out than hide steve :P

    That looks excellent otherwise ! :) I like the fact that the cloak slot is also the backpack slot, I realised that because of my suggestion I couldn't strut majestically in my full plate armour with cloak, so this pleases me :D

    Well done mate :)

    The only thing I would change is make the cloak/backpack slot cloak only (as I still feel the backpack should be placed on the outer layer to incur a penalty for using them to assure inventory management balance :) )


  16. You directed me to a picture which shows a knight from the years 2k -> 2k12. But what you can see in the picture it is a knight in the tabard that tells over people from what family/country/group he comes from...

    It is somewhat difficult to find a clear picture of a knight from any other era ;)

    Also, tabard and surcoat are analogous to one another. They are in essence the same thing. The tabard/surcoat plays more of a role than just displaying family/faction alliances. I would quote a citation, but this is from my experience as a "living historian", admittedly I generally focus on the early medieval age as opposed to the later periods when plate armor was relatively widespread. However, the point still stands that, as dressing and fighting in a historically accurate manner is a weekend hobby of mine, I have a degree of authority on this :)

    This is what wikipedia has to say about the subject:


  17. For the cloths should go under armor, over armor they would look stupid. So for clothes under armor and new slots. For back packs there should be a slot between the cloths and armor slots for chestpiece were the backpack would go. And there should be different sizes,shapes and colours of bags, also bags should be visable on the person just like the capes.Bit like in Arma 2:CO DayZ.

    Regular clothes would, indeed, look silly over armor, however, I direct you to this:

    Posted Image

    As you can see, knights often wore surcoats and cloaks over their armor, to prevent the metal from heating in the sun, and to display heraldric colours :) These are clothes are they not ?

    I also feel the backpacks should not get a dedicated slot, as this would affect the balance of inventory management in the game :)

    These surcoats do serve a purpose in game by the way, as they protect from heat (which armor will absorb given half the chance)


  18. Whatever, what I suggested allows you to place the sword and shield where ever on the hotbar, that sort of flexibility, and incentive for inventory management, would be pretty canonical with TFC as a whole.

    [i cross my fingers that that doesn't backfire.]

    I feel much the same now actually, part of what TFC is meant to do is put a squeeze on your inventory, by forcing you to choose between defense and carrying capacity, this keeps with that theme

    All's fun and games in the winter with a fur cape over your iron plate, make sure to live well away from the desert.

    And I will build a mighty palace called Winterfell to complement my lovely fur cloak, which will be warmed with the water from my nearby volcanic .. Wait, maybe I should just go read game of thrones again ¬.¬

    On another note, I feel we should be a bit more specific about what armor can be worn where. For example:

    Backpacks (if implemented) can only go on the external chest (this also helps increase the penalties for backpack use to minimize their impact on TFC's hard inventory management)

    You couldn't wear plate on the internal layer, only the external

    Chainmail can go on either

    Cloaks and other overclothes can only go on the external layers


    and GZ daxx :)


  19. Splints for the limbs? Legs for minimal fall damage mitigation, and chest for a bit of help blocking. [insert obtuse reference to noodles]

    Either that of minimal, or dirt cheap 'armor.'

    Splints as in the sticks strapped to broken limbs to aid healing before casts were invented :)

    Oh yeah, and it seems everyone forgot the part about wearing things because they look good, 'aesthetics,' who wants to wear a cape, over your heavy, full set of steel, or copper, for nothing other than vanity, or a walk in the park of your village that you and your friends have made. [All bow before the power of pride, which soon begets hubris when your village is burnt down, or you are ambushed by rubes]

    Aesthetic clothing would make sense of course :) .. I for one would definitely rock a fur cape at any given opportunity :D

    What monster would burn down my park T.T


  20. Jed, should I suggest reading my post, I've seem to have the knack of ninja'ing, and I am afraid of ignorance...

    This confused me a little, I'm not sure which post you are referring to or what aspect of my post either, sorry :S

    Anyways, the suggestion about removing 2 of the seven slots from the hotbar, and not allowing anything in them that can add damage to your fists is stupid.

    Because all the tools, cause extra damage, except the hoe.

    I'd rather something I said that is less intrusive, and forceful, like my suggestion with blocking and shields, in noodle's thread

    I'm flexible, either solution suits me, although I can see what you mean

    Back to clothing, you can have other novelty items that you can hamfist into the clothing slots, aprons, or bandages, for a bit of warmth, or a sort of medical system that stipulates "not getting grotesque injuries" or "losing armor slots"

    Actually, that sounds smart, reducing the amount of armor slots for temporary regenerative effects with bandages

    I think this is great, it would be even better with damage localised to body parts, although I know that is hard, that way you could apply things like bandages, splints etc. to the specific damaged area, which is what you were saying I think :)


  21. Good point but remember its still a game and its assumed that you have something under your armor.


    Here is my battle gear stile idea for shield & sword fit out. It will take away 2 slots from the 'tool' bar, and unless an item is in the sword slot you can NOT do damage with it.

    I see, the clothing issue will all depend on how bioxx and co. decide to implement the clothing really. If they put in "overclothes" such as aprons, cloaks and surcoats then over will make sense :)

    I actually really like that idea :), activate combat mode with a button or something ?

    All I cans say is if there is such a thing as two sets of armor slots, I would rather make them a bit more aribtrary, as in one set is in the top layer, and the other is the lower.

    What matters is how you place the clothes, but other than that, you can wear your armor over your sweater, or your extra shirt under your sweater in winter in ice plains or tundras, or simply a cloak over your bandoleer, or oyur cape over your armor.

    Restricting it to two slots really means you have to dress for your battles, or weather, or aesthetically, restricting your players to consider more than what is the heaviest shell than they can carry, but what works.

    A cloak over heavy armor may dull sound, and hid the fact that you are wearing clothes to kills, but you could wear chainmaille under your plate armor, and become a Juggernaut, if in a wintry biome, where it's cold, trade warmth for a bit of armor, and risk freezing, or wear a cloak in a desert to shade yourself, and avoid using the second slot because it may lead to overheating.

    This. It adds way way more flexibility to the "suiting up" part on minecraft, dressing for the weather OR battle, or a mix of both. That way, a mighty war party could be struck down by lightly armoured ambushers who were prepared for the weather, and people who rely on armour that was too heavy would end up (like the crusaders in the middle east) poorly prepared for their environment
