Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Alestance

  1. the standing tradition of adding everything world-gen, then implement a use for it later.... (saltpert, olivine, etc...) i have to question if that is the right way to go about those features!

    we may not NEED to start a new map with every game update, but i think a lot of people do anyway. so we arent really saving ourselves anything by implementing the minerals in before a use for them. if anything its a huge annoyance having to navigate around all the "useless" items. my suggestion. make your worldgen addition be like a plugin, where you could add any number of new worldgen features without needing to reprogram the entire thing from the ground up. If you add a new worldgen item i'm sure everyone will be more than happy to make a new world to see what kind of new and crazy use they can have for it. Honestly i have total confidence in bioxx' plan and ideas in tfc. every new feature is well thought out and has a good reason for being added.

    That sounds like a lot of hassle just to appease some people who only want to gather minerals that have uses. I much prefer having all the minerals available from the start. Even if it takes a long time FOR them to have a use, stockpiling them should never EVER be frowned upon. As such, I have to disagree. That's extra coding that will become obsolete before TFC2 reaches it's final stages, which could have been time spent on earlier feature implementation, and an earlier release date.


  2. Warning! Diarrhea of the brain.. aka: Wall of text!

    People had the concept of electricity as far back as the first homo sapien witnessing the lightning bolt... People knew they could generate static with wool. Thades in ancient Greece (amber and theories on magnetism) and egypt/middle east (baghdad battery).

    People also knew that the current given off by electrical eels and catfish was electricity (or lightning as was part of the nickname given to the eel). These creatures were often held in captivity, and sick people made to touch them so their ailments could be healed... though i am sure they were "shocked" to find out it didnt work.


    While the baghdad battery isn't absolutely beyond a doubt proof of electricity before historically recorded electrical findings and patents... there is also no evidence condemning whether or not it was indeed a battery. Makes you think.

    Did ancient egyptians have actual operable lamps using plants with a high acidic content? Sure a potato doesnt have enough acid to generate a strong electrical current, but plant-matter with high acidic content chemically broken down could supply enough "juice" to provide an electrical current which could in turn heat a thin copper filament which would, in a vacuumous chamber, provided a prolonged glow.

    And we all, I am guessing, know that putting a lit match in jar and sealing it can cause a vacuum as the oxygen is consumed by the flame.


    What did or did not happen along the timeline of TFC's given era could strictly be kept to what is "historically documented". However if we could step outside of this historical documentation, and look at the archeological discoveries that have been made that do not have historical documents attatched to them, as well as read theoretical writings that have later been proven to be a reality, the realm of believability is not breached, and dare i say that Chemistry could in fact be the answer to "magic" in TFC that we have been looking for?


    Or not.. Who wants a sandwich?

    Given that we ever start using some form of primitive electricity in Terrafirmacraft, we have the perfect filliment for ancient light bulbs.

    Mind you it would be an expensive and temporary light source but it's certainly a use for all that graphite.

    Edit: Actually, if the Redstone mechanics are rewritten, Graphite would probably be the perfect material for making Redstone Torches.


  3. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to create four identical objects with the only difference being their orientation. Perhaps I explained it wrong? Perhaps using some screenshots would help?

    Here's the problem I'm trying to explain in screenshot form.

    Posted Image


  4. I had recently begun an architectural endeavor of massive proportions, and as such, Blueprints had become a blessing and a Godsend to me. However, for some symmetrical architectural structures, like pillars or decorative columns that are 2x2 or 3x3 in size, you require at least 4 different blueprints for the different corners of the column.

    I suggest that when shift-clicking while using blueprints on a block that the chiseled stone is oriented in the way it looks when you copied it from your viewpoint, rather than a literal copy with it's original orientation.

    EDIT: Holy crap I just noticed NOW that I made a typo in the title. Wow, I apologize for that!


  5. Eldpack is a gorgeous 16x texture pack with a Fantasy feel. I'm not ashamed to say that I fell in love with it at first sight, and have been watching it grow.

    I would love it if a Terrafirmacraft patch could be made for Eldpack. I would do it myself, but I'm sadly not that great at texturing blocks and armors. I HAVE started work on the items though, which isn't saying much. I finished all the ingots and am working toward finishing all the metal components(Chain links, double ingots, sheets, etc.) by tomorrow evening.

    Posted Image


  6. If I recall correctly, when you start a new world, rock types are assigned to each of the (possibly) hundreds of TFC biomes, and those specific rock layer combinations will always be in that biome for that world.

    Example: The three rock layers for the area you spawn in, which we'll say is Plains_5, are, from bottom to top, Basalt, Phyllite, and Chert respectively. EVERY Plains_5 biome in that world SHOULD have that exact same combination of rock types, but only in this specific world.

    In another randomly generated world, Plains_5 could have a completely different three rock layers. It's all dependant on seed firstly, THEN biome type.

    At least, that's how it was before, it could have been changed in my absence, of course.


  7. I spent too much time putting a shale roof on this cabin, but here are images of my home, farm, and temporary metal works.

    Haven't built anything remarkable with the chisel yet, but when I start building at the location I want to, I'll be using the chisel quite a lot.

    Started doing strip mining near where the cassiterite and copper was found.

    Also, this sort of became a diary of my game so far. Is this thread in the right section?


  8. in that case: pro tip: if you find surface ore, dig down.

    I've been marking every location that I've found surface ore with a block of cobble, there's a huge field of bismuthinite, cassiterite, and native copper about a mile away from where I've set up shelter. I need just a bit more tin to make a prospector's pick, which is, incidentally, the last tool I absolutely need. Just a bit more cassiterite and I'll be ready.

    I've set up a forge and a bloomery, but neither will be perminent, as I have my eyes set on relocating to the mountains that's much farther.


  9. The day is April 8th, 1000. One month and seven Minecraft days after starting the game, and about a week of playing the game here in the real world. I have scavenged a 5 mile radius of my home and spawn location, hunted, gathered, and knapped tools, staved off the undead and the damned, and built a rather cozy log cabin over a river bed.

    I have quite literally over a hundred crops planted, and enough food to last me the rest of the year. I've been blessed with settling near at least four large deposits of clay, a lime stone, marble, and diorite field for plenty of flux, and willows grow nearby, granting me with enough wood to make more charcoal than should be necessary for the remainder of the year.

    However, metal had evaded me. One might say I'm...

    Posted Image


    One month and 50 miles of searching through the desolate grassy plains, the thick and heavily shrubbed woodlands and forests, and climbing steep, dangerous cliff sides, I finally found Cassiterite AND Native Copper. Today I have made my first metal tool legitimately. A tin chisel.

    It only gets more difficult from here, I suppose. Wish me luck on my journey.

    Yes I only made this post to make that terrible pun. Please don't hurt me.



    Here's what I get for trying to chisel reliefs using regular stone. I think there should be a non-tiled Smooth Stone so that chiseled imagery like this can be done well. So far the only types of stone available that could potentially look good as relief stone are chalk and rock salt. I would use those materials, but I'm building using only local material.

    It also doesn't help that (probably due to lighting engine limitations.) chisel blocks do not cast or have shadows cast upon them, making them look much flatter than they are.

    Also, hello everyone, I have returned!


  11. You're reading too much into the suggestion, bro.

    The insects themselves don't have to be based around any REAL species. I only used them as examples.

    I'm talking about Stephen King's Mist sort of insects.


  12. Insects. Locusts, Flies, Nasty bugs, Make them large, ugly, and make them everywhere. Insects are deeply rooted in lore about ethereal plains of eternal suffering. Make them spawn in large groups, and make them powerful only in numbers, but generally weak on their own.

    Give some the ability to fly, give some the ability to remove certain kinds of blocks. Make some fast, with low resistance, make some slow, but armored like tanks.

    Have demonic humanoid figures that seem to be composed of tiny insects. Clouds of black gnats with the shape and intelligence of a sentient and ageless being.


  13. You guys keep overlooking one of the core design directions that I remember being tossed around a while back. The only reason complaining about chest sizes right now is even happening is because of lack of reasonable transportation. Minecarts are supposed to be the answer to the problems you're complaining about, and they haven't been implemented into the mod just yet.

    All of these problems can be fixed with a minecart infrastructure.


  14. If the nether is intended to be used, I would want the nether to get a similar overhaul as the Overworld itself had gotten. This is actually a perfect opportunity to tear out my old Nether Suggestion post from the MC Forums.

    It's been suggested that more magical and mythological ores would be included in the Nether such as Mithril, Adamant, Orichalcum,

    I'd like to suggest some Nether based things myself, mostly regarding the types of stones and soils found in the Nether and what each type can be used for. I took inspiration from the Seven Deadly Sins when composing this list. The Nether IS considered Hell.

    Luxurite(Lust) A very soft and beautiful magenta marble-like stone. Has the ability to attract enemy mobs to it. Has the same blast resistance as most types of overworld soils.

    Gulaclay(Gluttony) a yellow green type of soil that has a chance every tick to destroy[eat] overworld blocks below it and is suceptable to gravity. Grass cannot grow on it. Can be used to create gula clay pots which destroy/consume any item put in it.

    Avaritite(Greed) a purple soft stone that generally has a significantly high chance of dropping nether gems. If you create smooth Avaritite blocks, and put eight of them in a crafting table in a similar manner as making a chest with a chisel in the center, you can create Avaritite Coffers which act as Vanilla double chests.

    Acedisoil(Sloth), Soulsand.

    Iratite(Wrath), Netherrack. Can be used as a fuel in the Forge and Bloomery that burns hotter and longer than charcoal, but not infinitely.

    Invidiatium(Envy), A type of green ore with a low melting point. When placed in a metallurgy table with another substance, Invidiatium takes the form of that metal.

    Superbiatite(Pride), A type of teal stone that "dislikes" being on the overworld. When placed in the Overworld, it acts like primed TNT and explodes after a few seconds. It's about as strong as regular TNT.

    I know some of those materials sound forced, and I am aware of it, but those were the ideas I came up with at the time.


  15. Let's just keep this post simple, Two new types of stairs, Corner Stairs and Side-flipped stairs.

    Both of these stair types are mostly for asthetics, with the side-flipped stairs actually serving as more of an embossed wall column.

    Corner stairs are mostly self-exclamatory, providing a way to have an extruded staircase that leads up from three faces.

    The side flipped stairs would just basically be the staircase flipped on its side, so instead of providing an arch or a walkway leading upward, it is a half wall with an extrusion on one corner of the block.

    Neither of these are really important to have, they just would look nice, and it's not possible to make them with the chisel yet.


  16. I don't know about where you guys are, but I live in East-central PA, and the mountains are composed mostly of slate pebbles and stones on the surface. The slate around here is a dull cobalt, and I look at the slate in game and wonder why it's that color instead?

    We have a ton of building materials representative of varying degrees of red and green, but blue is very lacking in the palette, so I wouldn't mind a blue wood, and I also think that the slate stone should be blue as well.


  17. If you need to use a knife on branches to make sticks, then how do you make the knife?

    The knife is already implemented in the game

    You misunderstand bsb23. Sticks are a component in making knives, so if you can't get sticks right away, you can't make the knife to make sticks.

  18. Breaking the chiseled object shouldn't return the original object, rather chunks of that type of rock on a rare occasion and never more than one. You broke down the resource into a smaller component, so it's only natural that the whole thing isn't there.
