Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Miner239

  1. Meteoric iron & materials

    Dude. It's a meteor! Why don't y'all just call it meteorite ;-; But, if it were to be given another name, I'd choose Stellarite, because I'm playing Stellaris right now.
  2. Meteoric iron & materials

    Seeing as you triple posted in the span of one hour, might as well edit it into one big post, no? Clutters the thread. I would rather have meteoric metal as one tier below procedural alloys, making it the best metal available and a high-tier alloy ingredient. Collecting the gunpowder necessary for the powder keg would be worth it.
  3. Weapons, Melee range, Cooldown, etc.

    Hello, don't forget about weapon charge time! Charge time should also be taken into consideration when thinking about balance. Let's say, a broadsword would have more damagethan a short sword(yet same proportion of damage types), but it would take longer to fully charge, resulting in only a slight increase in DPS. A gladiuswould have more piercing proportion than a sword but less than a spear. Et cetera.
  4. Meteoric iron & materials

    That is interesting. A hidden biome hex containing a used-to-be crater, and you might just have skipped through it had you not notice the shallow ridges and odd stone structure...
  5. Magic!

    Um, dude. This thread is literally titled Magic. What do you expect, we talking about how spiritsalters probabilities through the RNG? Magic has always been fascinating mankind since the dawn of time. And, as with all resources, mankind needs to control it. It's only a discussion of how to implement it in TFC, since there's so many kinds of magic that *kinda* existed.
  6. Boats and Ships

    Something like 'Sir, You're Being Hunted!'? Cool. But more advanced boats should not be able to skip unconquered islands.
  7. Anubis Mage

    Riiiiight. I forgot that that was from TFC1 forum. So, how's nether going to be in TFC2?
  8. Anubis Mage

    Dude, there's no nether in TFC. Kitty said: Dungeons, maybe.
  9. Granaries

    Why the barrels? I thought what a granary is was a silo for grain storage.
  10. Granaries

    Hey? Remember, people, that food in TFC2 would be in integer amount and decay measured in seconds, not percents. And, oh, decay is counted per stack, so people are incentivized to stack up their goods. For me, a granary would feel like increasing the stack size of grain from 64 to way higher, thus reducing decay rate. If you cap the granary, then how would you drop the grain from the top? :/ Maybe make the block right behind the hatch to have access to the sky. No one proposing how much capacity one block has? I propose 4 stacks / block.
  11. Crafting Time

    And, instead of bloating that thread with discussion about crafting time, he instead posted another thread specifically about crafting time! Good boy, isn't he? Then, notice the fact that he is that author of the thread you mentioned. I would want to have time as a resource, but I think crafting should not go on when you leave it. What happens, the items magically assemble themselves? Unless you actually have magic, of course... If there were crafting time, then I'd like to be able to delegate it to something else, tho. Magical crafter? NPC crafter? Up to Bioxx.
  12. Crafting Time

    I don't think anything would take up 10 minutes, that's just horrible.
  13. Shield progression

    Won't the rhythm be attack - back away - jump attack? That is how I usually engage in combat. I do agree with 0-tier shield, tho.
  14. [0.79.?] Progression flowchart

    You should add crucible to medium tier smelting. What does it mean, anyway?
  15. Loot for the Dungeons

    Hmm, a cache of treasure in the dungeon... Why not? I'd like to see piles of coins, ingots, and corpses (to kill). Then you breach the surface and bring your carts in and haul all the loot off. One part of the dungeon at a time, though. The woolen dungeon Bioxx posted was enormous.
  16. Full forum requires user account?

    Maybe because it is to protect the forum against unwanted [users|spam|publicity|hype].
  17. Future of Building in tfc2

    So... five years in a row, then? >.> I do understand your point, that specialization would encourage co-op. But, as a SSP player, I would personally value that either if I can place that burden to some NPC that would do my homework, else I'd be a little irked. But! That's when the challenge comes in, right? Try mastering all skills in singleplayer! Well, now I want that as a goal, thanks to you.
  18. Future of Building in tfc2

    Isn't TFC always aimed for that? By the way, how is the building physics, Bioxx? Is there no more change from what you've demonstrated?
  19. Future of Building in tfc2

    I think the size of veins in an island would be that big to accommodate for servers, so that they would not run out of newb-ore for long. Won't be fun if you take 'Mine' out of your 'Minecraft' first hours in a server. Even when you play singleplayer, you now know that your source of that type of metal would never run out once you find one. I envisioned that the progress of metal in TFC2 would be different than TFC1, partly because of the end-game procedural alloy (endless game ahoy!).
  20. Future of Building in tfc2

    I, for one, is in complete support of TFC2's direction. I completely understand that TFC2 is going to be different with TFC1, and I am happy with that. Building has not been my main concern, save for a basic base for storage, shelter, and sustenance. While Minecraft's main point is freedom to make beautiful constructions, I'd like it even better if I know that building a wonder in TFC2 is more of a challenge. It would be even better if the wonder is fully functional, not just for decorum (pardon my utilitarian thought).
  21. Future of Building in tfc2

    I meant that different islands would have different stone types, hence 'per islands'. The probability of not getting all stone types with 27 islands in hand is (16^-27)*(27!/(27-16)!), roughly 10^-11. So it's just a matter of traveling and transporting the stone.
  22. Zone Based Wildlife

    ... No ocean zone? I would vote for Dunk to smash anyone daring to cross islands by swimming.
  23. Future of Building in tfc2

    Well, at least you're almost guaranteed to have different stone type per islands... Wasn't there a lot of biomeper island? That should take care of the tree variety problem, I think. Just go around the island.
  24. TFC Myths

    The only way to die from thirst is to not have a block above you.