Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Miner239

  1. Clothing

    Maybe make it so that cloth have less heat retention, which is good for tropical/desert climates, because else you'll get heatstroke. Oh wait, I did state that on the OP. Did you read all of it? Nevermind. But you do need to stay sometimes to tan the hide, which would as well be the time to make a permanent base.
  2. Clothing

    Not shells, Djakuta, but plates. I believe that layering a few of them would be protective enough from minor damage. Arabians, I believe, have already used cloth for clothing since the sixth century? Sixth century is way before TFC(2)'s timeline.
  3. General Damage tweaking.

    ... but fish is already a very visible mob now. Snatch a bow from a skeleton and you can actively fish without a fishing rod.
  4. Clothing

    Oh, I'm talking about the wrong species, then. It's the cephalopod that has exoendoskeleton, a firm one. More reason to fish, you know.
  5. Clothing

    The Blockheads clothing is exactly what I'm aiming for. But surely we have more variety than that, don't we? We have wool, silk, paper, and possibly bark. Plates could drop from squids that can be sewed to any clothing to improve armor and elemental armor.
  6. [Offline] Play TFC With Me!

    Well, can you? Start one, then.
  7. [Offline] Play TFC With Me!

    Well, if you somehow can set up an offline server then I would gladly join. No authentication.
  8. The problem is not the event, the problem is how you face it. Yes, it does bother us all. But some of us decided that it was the part of fun, and we had fun because of that. Who doesn't like that last hit of your last double plate which would be your first bloomery?
  9. Ridiculous Suggestions

    Let's duplicate TFC, but cut out all the defining bits and add our own, then call it the community's CraftFirmaTerra!
  10. So... This pissed me off

    Hm. A debate. 'What looked like code poaching' is an opinion, not a fact. VintageCraft obviously did take some assets from TFC, vessel sprite is one, and this is a fact because it the exact same sprite. But then, Bunsan said that the license approves, thus perfectly legal and not bad at all(bad wihin my definition). If VintageCraft is stupid easy to survive, I can't imagine vanilla. Not that this brings any argument stronger, but then it's Minecraft. Play how you want to play it. People that can't take on TFC might try VintageCraft, or they who feels like it's no challenge might try MITE. It's their preference. And I think there is no such thing like 'stealing ideas'. Only 'having the same idea but slightly different implementation' exist, hence the duplicate suggestion threads, the copyright infringements of secondary goods, etc. It's good for them to be dedicated to a mod. If you want to have TFC your own way, which I'm sure everybody does, then feel free to fork it, just like what Emris said. People get angry because they don't understand why something happened. Now, tell us why VintageCraft angers you and we'll try to resolve it.
  11. Well, in Indonesia, we fought back. Harder. And used the war spoils if necessary(which is always). It is just the matter of whether the colonist fight harder or not to take claim of the land.
  12. Starting Guide for the first-time TFC player

    Note that large vessels exist and should also be in the first-month inventory. And probably make some, as you can process leather on stone age.
  13. Ridiculous Suggestions

    A laser turret would be nice.
  14. Clothing

    I have just learned about tissues in plants(highschool stuff), and bark really is water resistant. Unless you're talking about fiber extracting, which my biology teacher just did using a razor and her hand.
  15. Dump ability on crucibles

    Such is life. If you are too prone to mixing up bad batches of alloys, I suggest you to have the wiki open every single time you play TFC.
  16. When can we play tfc2?

    You can't wait? Go get it here. What are you waiting for? Just. Do. It. Don't let your dreams be dreams. *body gesture*
  17. Clothing

    I'm talking about the cork layer. I think we can extract fibers from cat tails by hand with the help of a knife.
  18. Random wordsQ

    This should really be in the Forum Games subforum, but whatever. leedle leedle super hot miami
  19. Dump ability on crucibles

    He doesn't want to be bothered by the useless metal and want to straight out dump the content of the crucible to nothigness, just like what you would do with a barrel's liquid, and not wasting clay for that.
  20. How you "pitch" TFC to new players?

    My pitch is that TFC is a more believably medieval Minecraft.
  21. Weighted Uncountable Material

    Of course, not all material would be weighted. Cut lumber, cut gem, refined ore, blocks, are not weighted, as they are countable. Some solutions to what you might concern about mechanics: Rock -> Cobble : Put rock on the crafting matrix. Jute -> Rope : Craft Jute and a spindle. Removes 16 oz. Leather -> Clothing : Cut as usual, material removed according to item made, removed after you take out the item. Flux -> Smithing : Remove a small amount every time you start working. Flux -> Limewater : No difference. Clay -> Pottery : Same mechanic as leather. If this does not satisfy, then I'd like to know how weighted item works that affects vanilla mechanics much. Besides, we also have this plugin that combines food on pickup. Why not do the same with what should be stacking?
  22. Future of Burlap in TFC2

    Hm, I think the sack could contain somewhere between 1600 oz to 160008000 oz. Maybe coupled with backpacks-type system, inherited from TFC1's barrel slot.
  23. Future of Burlap in TFC2

    I'd still like a silo for grain storage. Or just put it into a large vessel as liquid. All my suggestions aside, IMO burlap sacks should be used not only for storage, but also for transport. Carrying a sack full of grain on your shoulder should be plausible enough, no?
  24. the Crowd of Mobs

    Damage Indicators, Archimedes' Ships(redundant), Better HUD by Nukeduck, Craft Guide, Fastcraft, Multimine by atomicstryker(and the update checker), and Xaero's minimap.
  25. the Crowd of Mobs

    I ran through the crowd of zombies, skellies, and spiders later. Skellies missed me, shot others. Infighting ensues. And, a week, later... See that fancy minimap? See that red and pink dots? The red dots are mobs, while the pink dots are projectiles that they used to fight each other. It really looks like a medieval abandoned battlefield at day. The question is... Why the crowd?