Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by crafter15

  1. I read that different rock types improve tool durability, and made a small test. Made a knife out of dolomite and another from rhyolite (worst and best respectively). Then I farmed straw until they broke. The dolomite knife gave me 66 straw. The rhyolite gave me 69. Some points were lost when I accidentally knifed stones.
  2. [Solved] HELP!

    Oh I see, I was confused after watching let's plays.
  3. [Solved] HELP!

    I use fancy graphics, and the stones are round like that. That's both before and after installing optifine. What's up with that?
  4. Charcoal pit keeps lighting itself

    I'm trying to make a 3x3x3 charcoal pit. I built a nice stone room, placed a firepit in the middle, it went out. Then I start placing the wood piles around it. As soon as I'm placing the last 2-3 piles, the whole thing spontaneously combusts. Where is the fire coming from? The pit is not burning, the Fire Starter is not on my hotbar... It also sets me on fire and burns down half the house every time it does that. This is some epic trolling. Also, it wasted a ton of my wood. Wood doesn't grow on trees you know.... Here's a screenshot:
  5. Charcoal pit keeps lighting itself

    I placed the pit first because it's very difficult to light it and place the remaining piles quickly enough. I intended to build something like the permanent building that is shown on the wiki gallery. I'm switching to the two-level cross design, it's appears to be nearly impossible to work with anything bigger. I hope that will be providing enough charcoal.
  6. They don't break if you miss. Dealing damage does break them.
  7. House tutorial - nice, easy, midgame

    Step-by-step guide (part 3): 16. Place 5 dark blocks at the corner, make a stair out of the bottom one and slab everything above, including 4 hits from the top: 17. The actual corner needs a lot of chiseling. Place a dark block next to the stair you just made and use the Detail Mode to chisel it like this: 18. Place dark blocks above the corner, and slab them: 19. Again, dark blocks to the top, stairs at the bottom and slabs above it: 20. Slab and chisel a block next to the stair, and make a line of slabs under the window. Repeat the above for all four corners of the house. 21. Make a slab line around the chimney, and you're done with the outer side of the house: From there on, it's easy to make further decisions. I built my forges in the basement (expanding downwards), but you can do it right on the first floor.
  8. House tutorial - nice, easy, midgame

    Step-by-step guide (part 2): 10. Slab the chimney, and the roof is finished: 11. Place two dark and light blocks in front of the door and slab them to make a stair. I did only two hits with the chisel on the side of the light blocks: 12. Place bushes and two dark blocks under the window, slab the two blocks: 13. Use the Stair Mode of the chisel on the bottom dark block, and slab everything above that: 14. Use the Stair mode on the dark blocks above the door (upside down), and the Detail Mode to chisel the corners of the blocks near the bushes: 15. Place 6 dark blocks above the door and slab them:
  9. House tutorial - nice, easy, midgame

    Step-by-step guide (part 1): 1. Build the basic frame out of dark blocks like this. You can change the double chimney if you like. 2. Build the window frames out of light blocks like this: 3. Build the chimneys with the dark blocks: 4. Place the floor planks and fill the windows with glass panes: 5. Connect the two window frames with light blocks: 6. Build a doorway: 7. Build an ugly roof out of dark blocks: 8. Place the doors from the iside of the house: 9. Now it's time to use the chisel. Get on the roof and slab (4 chisel hits) it like this:
  10. combat tips in the stone age for new players

    I had the idea of making a moat around my house, filled with thorny bushes. I did make it, but it went mostly unused. It wasn't all that great in practice.
  11. Is rock tool durability still different?

    Ok that makes sense.I had an opportunity to test stone axes while I was tearing down my old wooden house one block at a time. The dolomite axe chopped 50 blocks, while the rhyolite axe gave me 70. Not only that, but the first one needed like 1.5 seconds more for each block.I think that this difference should be mentioned in more detail on the wiki, because these are completely different tiers of items
  12. [0.79.?] Metal tools - priority and materials

    Those are valid points, although I think that an early saw offers more quality of life than an early pickaxe. The chests and bed are important early on, while mining is slow and takes a lot of time, unless you are lucky enough to have that exposed vein. Might as well get settled first and then worry about mining. Also, the biggest feature of the saw is the 3x3 crafting interface.
  13. You can use a gold pan to find the first ores. It's not an obvious mechanic. It's only useful for the early couple of tools, because everything else requires insane amounts of ore that you'll never get with the gold pan. What I do is dig up a stack of gravel underwater. Then walk along the shore and place a block of gravel, and dig out a block of dirt near the water to create running water. Then simply use the gold pan on the gravel and running water until I have enough ore.
  14. Fruit Sources

    I found a lot of the following in a northern areas that freeze in winter (swamp, river, TFC plains biomes): [*]wintergreen [*]elderberry [*]raspberry [*]blackberry [*]blueberry [*]bunchberry [*]strawberry [*]snowberry [*]gooseberry Hope that helps. I haven't found any fruit trees, which is strange...
  15. Quick question on bloomery/blast furnace

  16. Etho does TerraFirmaCraft

    Ah I was wondering why your name was a bit different
  17. Etho does TerraFirmaCraft

    So it was you! I couldn't check how to make leather because of you
  18. Forge doesn't work

    In that case I misunderstood the instructions. Those pictures appear to be more like guidelines, plus a youtube tutorial mentions that the chimney can have an unlimited height, kinda suggesting the same for the horizontal length.
  19. Forge doesn't work

    I can't create an underground forge with charcoal. 5 blocks of cobblestone, right-clicking 8 pieces of charcoal (2 stacks gone so far). When I use the Fire Starter, the coal block briefly glows, then transforms into what you see in the screenshots, the interface doesn't open. Here's my forge, very straightforward: The grass tile is where the chimney goes straight up. Here's the view from the top of the chimney:
  20. Forge doesn't work

    That must be the issue here, nothing worked until this length: I guess the wiki needs some fixing.