Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by 1SDAN

  1. Does clay only appear in certain biomes?

    Here's how i do it: 1) Find body of water. 2) Look along it and all of it's routes. 3) Do #2 for about 3000 or so blocks 4) WE HAVE A WINNER! Really, I can find it easily. (If it's not on a server) But, if you can't find any, then um............................................................................................................... (2 DAYS LATER) Aha! How about diggng in random places near water!
  2. Tents.

    Well, it would work. IF this mod worked more realistic. Alas, this mod goes for belivability and you can build a superstrong axe within one day. When Mine Life comes out, normal stones you find in the dirt just won't cut it. You'll need either metal, or FIRE! And fire does scorch wood and may even start a forest fire if left unnatended. Plus, trees FALL! This makes tree felling dangerous, and also take until you can make fire. Ways: Find the elusive flint, or take a while to make one with one of the many fire starting options. Plus, torches burn away and fire can go out.
  3. New gamemechanic instead of the almighty WORKBENCH

    True, you are very true. But if a video game taught children how to survive in the wilderness through video games, we'd be much more equipped to fight a technological downfall. Also, what if the child is allergic to say, leaves or tree bark. Now how will he/she enjoy nature? Atleast he/she can enjoy fake and realistic nature. Canoe Pleze. EDIT: We can get as realistic as we want. Excuse my fonfd memories of my childhood but, We just need IMAGINATION!!!
  4. plant genetics = allsume

    1 word: EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Rocks vs. Cobblestone

    Not a server, it's a mod with a working title, it used to be called EarthCraft but then EarthCrafterMan found out there was a mod with that title. Looks like ECM's gunna have to fing a new name. Lol! p.s. Sorry about the revival, I didn't notice there wasd only 3 pages till now. EDIT: 22, there's 22 pages. EDIT: Mine Life (aka Reality Craft (aka Earth Craft) is a small mod known only to ECM and his friends, me and Gruntee. I was trying to make buzz. It's basically trying to make MC totally realistic, create a totally independent and powerful NPC AI, and remove the crafting via grid from MC.
  6. Apperently flowing water

    What if: Water is a collection of multiple blocks. These blocks range from a 1/8 water block to a 1 whole water block. In addition, there are blocks used to indicate moving water. AKA water blocks at an x degree slant. Using an advanced yet simple formula, the waterblock still) does the following: 1) Look to see if the space below this block is empty. 2) If so, fill it. ("Move" this block into the open space) 3) Search for any adjacent (except upper) spaces that are empty/have water with lower level than this block's. 4) If so, spawn a waterblock(moving) and lessen this block's water level while turning it into a waterblock(moving) (turn it into another water block). 5) Check for a water block downhill, if there is, turn this block into a waterblock(moving) 6) Check if this block is heated enough to evaporate/cold enough to freeze 7) If so, evaporate/freeze. 8) Goto "1)" Through a specialized process, the waterblock(moving) works in a finite watetype way without wasting nearly as much memory(i think, please correct me if i'm wrong): 1) Search for any adjacent (except upper) spaces that are empty/have water with lower level than this block's. 2) If so, spawn a waterblock(moving) and lessen this block's water level while turning it into a waterblock(moving) (turn it into another water block). 3) Search for any adjacent (except upper) spaces that are empty/have water with lower level than this block's. 4) If so, spawn a waterblock(moving) and lessen this block's water level.(turn it into another water block). 5) Check for a water block downhill. 6) If so, deposit this block into that block (Remove this block and increase that block's height). When water is spawned, it checks for any water around it, if there is, it takes that water's height. This removes the waves glitch. (P.S. I'd love it if bioxx added waves)
  7. Rocks vs. Cobblestone

    And this is 1 reason Reality CraftnTM is better.
  8. Apperently flowing water

    Simple, water moves through it like its a nonsolid block. When water washes into it, it well, works. Although, finite water will need a moving "thing" and rivers must connect to oceans and oceans need waves and rain needs to refill oceans. Oh, and ponds, ponds connected to rivers connected to oceans filled by wain. (Sry i has a speech impedement)
  9. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    1) Hmm, I always thought of redstone as crushed metal powder. Also, the redstone bit was a side idea placeholder. Number 1 was all about improving on the flag idea that came up on the last page. 2) I heard that, but at the front page it said no NPCs unless we get a good idea suggested. I: 1. thought it was a pretty good idea beta 4 maybe? (other guy: Not unless bioxx dies and/or gets replaced (assasin comes: You wanted me 1SDAN?(me: wha no. Why would I hire an assasin?))) But all joking aside, I don't care either way. I'm just playing TFC for a cuple months or so till I can make a super realistic ultra epic super in depth mod that will help act as phase 1 in making a java game: Escape PlannTM Edit: I forget wat reason 2 was lol
  10. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Ideas: 1) What if the kingdoms themselves were specially designated by, as some people said, a flag. And it: a. makes items in the territory a little harder to break for non faction members, but it also makes some stuff easier to break for both sides (Obsidian and wood (unless its part of a tree)), that way griefing would be lessened. and b. Alerts people of when they are entering the territory of the flag (more on that later). Two Flag's borders cannot overlap, and the new one will stop short. Meanwhile, one can right click on a flag to pick it up. (The borders do not leave until the flag leaves said borders) If one logs out while holding the flag, the flag will spawn next to where they logged out. A flag also has a special pathfinding mechanism so that when the flag's placed, it'll send it's borders out to the furthest place (within its built in limit (more on that later)) that one can go from said place to te flag with nothing in the inventory and no movement hacks. This way, flags won't be placed 50 meters up and no one can claim within X feet. When you craft a flag, it has a max reach of 1x1 chunk, and it'll take the following: xzz xzz x x = metal rod (crafted out of X metal (IDK how different metals would affect it) z = Cloth (Put wool in a spinning wheel to make yarn. Weave yarn a lot into cloth (you can use hands (slow), a weaving board (quick) or a weaving machine (lightning fast) (The yarn's damage value = it's % until becoming cloth (I'm thinking 1 wool = 10 yarn)(50 yarn = 1 cloth) Then, adding Redstone enchancers around it makes it become: 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 ect. Redstone enchancer: zyz yxy zyz Redstone Block (9 redstone ignots (take restone, smelt it into liquid restone, let it cool, and work it into an ignot) x = y = redstone torch z = Gold ignot (These redstone stuff could be used for more intricate redstone mechanisms and normal machines) (Redstone enchancers take a redstone charge, and then sends out a redstone charge in any direction) (Redstone blocks store redstone signals for x seconds AND can be moved by pistons (If you can get them craftable again) Also, flags must be swapped every x days so that it'll still work. That way: Having multiple flags: pros: Harder for enimies to take land cons: more of a hassle having 1 flag: pros: Less hastle cons: Harder to make, easier for enimies to take land. (Although with competent gaurds, HMF's pro and H1F's 2nd con doesn't apply) p.s. Yes, I know the redstone stuff sounds like redpower, but I don't think it's believable a flag doesn't do this stuff without a power source. Plus, it makes the recipe harder. Maybe redstone could even be a little more common in certain places (not all) to balance the, "lots of redstone to make flags better." Thing.) EDIT: I can't really find a good TFC server with some land that's a) not 1000000+ metres from spawn while still having: b.) some nonpicked over places. Really, it feels like the game is "Grief for Your Life." And thus I end up playing mainly single player. So I'd love something like this: Why not have "Spawn Chunks" (groups of x by x chunks where one respawns at a random (available) space within it to prevent spawn killing and to make it more exciting. Maybe 100 player group has their own designated Spawn Chunk at different parts of the map (maybe x to y chunks away) so that not everyone is placed in one small group. It's like, to find more communities you must to actually travel. Also, having a server option to disable the use of xyz coords in f3 would help too.