Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by MDub

  1. [Offline] Pirate TFC - Build 52e. No Whitelist.

    Can you throw a post up when you have the latency issues worked out?
  2. I agree with Ryuugumo's devil's advocate statement above. Trust me, I hate the shit out of creepers.... Worst part is when you spend all that time making an anvil, and one spawns in your house (even when you have a zillion torches everywhere) and the bastard takes out your brand new anvil , but I wouldnt want them removed entirely. Destruction of the world isnt really that bad IMO. They leave a small hole in the ground, the grass covers it up quickly, and we all have more than enough dirt to fill in the 3x3x1 hole they typically leave. Provided you stick to well lit area's at night, and dont take your MC smoke breaks standing on your porch, creeper-player built home interactions are pretty rare. The only way that I would really like to see them changed, is to reduce the number of them that can be spawned at any given moment, or to set them in specific chunkes, like slimes. Having to evade one or two creepers is ok, but the times that TFC throws half a dozen, or more at you at the same time is just mean. With mob spawning being slowed down by 'living' in a chunk or whatever, its only going to reduce the already low rate of creeper home damage, and if they were to spawn only in certain chunks like slimes, then you have only yourself to blame if you build your home in a creeper factory edit - also please fix the creepers exploding on the other side of opaque walls.... that shit sucks
  3. A big 'Thank You' to the Developers

    Not to be confused with Apple, which sucks ass
  4. A big 'Thank You' to the Developers

    Agreed, much developer love!
  5. Issues Installing Server

    Also, to make the bat file, (explaining what renadi said) create an empty text file and type in @ECHO OFF "PATH TO JAVA INSTALL" -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -jar "PATH TO MINECRAFTSERVER.JAR" here its a bit easier to read, the first part in quotes is the path to your java.exe (if your on java 7, its in the location renadi has in his post). -XMX is the max heap size for java, and -XMS is the starting size (just dont make these greater than the amount of memory installed on the computer) and the last part is the full path to your minecraft server jar file eg "C:UsersMarkDesktopServerMinecraftServer.jar"
  6. Issues Installing Server

    If you had installed it correctly the first time around, and you started it, and it ran as vanilla, I think that means you deleted your META-INF folder (which you dont do for servers).... I could be wrong but I vaguely remember another post where this exact thing happened, and this was the only issue
  7. Hamachi Server isn't letting others in

    Does your router support UPnP? you could also check to see if the hamachi windows service is actually running (if not start it manually, then restart the app). Sometimes it kills on me when my computer goes into sleep mode, and I get a similar error.
  8. lol what ever guys, you keep on thinking that tending to lights makes a game fun... who knows wish hard enough and it might come true. -edit- and just as a side note, its not that replacing the lights is to much work, its that its WAY to much work when you consider everything else you have to devote so much time to in this mod. Making charcoal is fine (although I have some problems with the consumption rates in the bloomery). but this is just a bad idea, and anyone who thinks that running around in a game, stopping every 15 minutes or whatever to replace their lights, and doesnt see how this is just a shitty time wasting tactic which inherently draws out the process of doing virtually everything else, bewilders me.
  9. Yes I did read the post, and its not cool, its just time consuming, and not fun at all. I cant even imagine the complexity of trying to make mob spawn behavior behave in such a way that they can distinguish between the cave and the house you built underground. this coupled with the cave-in feature and how most servers seem to have a hard on for the 100% cave-in chance, no permanent lighting = shitty ass game mechanic. This keeps you on your toes in the same way a bitchy wife does... thats not fun, it makes you want to slap someone...
  10. IMO, expiry lighting sources is almost as bad an idea as religion in TFC. There are already a dozen or more mechanics in the game that require babysitting, and aren't very believable. All this suggestion adds is busy work. Claims that its an incentive to work toward the next tier of lighting are just pathetic attempts at justifying this horrible idea, by disguising the tedium with complicated tedium. I mean really, this mod is very immersive as it is, and its steadily progressed toward the point of just not being fun because of the enormous investments the player must make in order to do something simple. Im all for a challange but making my lights go out over time is just stupid, especially considering Bioxx's position on this being a SMP oriented mod. How would you like having the first thing you have to do each time you log onto your favorite server, be replacing all your lighting sources because you simply cant babysit them 24x7? In caves, the hardest part is starting out, and getting the damn thing lit up so that A. you can see what your doing, B. you can find your way back easily, and most importantly, C. to prevent random creeper death. I guess it may be a better idea after mob spawning is adjusted, but its hard for me to imagine a worse game killing mechanic than this, and even harder to imagine a context in which it does anything other than piss off the players. Maybe... just MAYBE you could offset this terrible plan by doing two things... 1. Make torches emit light while in the players hands, and 2. making a replacement permanent lighting source for the torches effectively limiting this crappy mechanic to the stone age or something, where everything else is already crappy.
  11. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    Im not sure I know who forkk is, and I have yet to actually use multiMC lol. The part of the tool that really irritates me is that, when I first wrote the tool, it was lightning fast (maybe an order of magnetute faster than the current version), then 1.3.1 came out and Jeb decided to so introduce the AUX class. This really broke my tool, when you used it on a 1.3.2 jar (server or client) because AUX is a reserved file name in windows, and the API I am using for handling the zip files would throw exceptions after failing to create any file handles on the file. It took me a while to figure out how to get around the AUX class, and the solution I ended up implementing slowed down the process considerably, because now instead of marking a ton of zip files for addition to the jar file and doing them all in one method call, I had to upack each files individually from the file with a randomly generated name, then save it in the zip file with the original name. This makes the API process each of the files in each of the mods one at a time, making for very very granulated loops that have to iterate thousands of times . Then TFC went to 1.3, and started utilizing the Mods folder, instead of being applied to the jar. Now the tool has to be enhanced to make mods which are intended to be installed directly into the jar, and those which use the mods folder in 1.3. At this point it just feels like another shitty complication, for a tool I wrote specifically to install a Mod I've lost interest in lol. Like I said, I loved this mod, and its pretty close to being awesome again. For now, I think ill just keep watching the forums and change logs, and perhaps ill update the tool later on. Thanks for giving it a go though anyway. and one more thing, Im not sure what version of the tool you are running but if I do decide to continue to work on this, your crash data could be useful if there is a bug someplace. If the version you used is new enough, in your My DocumentsMinecraftGenie folder (the tool creates this directory) there should be a Logs folder. I would appreciate if you could send me that so I can figure out what went wrong for you .
  12. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    the build here is very out of date, besides, the mods folder in 1.3.2 was something I had not anticipated, and have yet to address. And as a side note, i've sorta lost interest in TFC. I was a huge fan of the giagantic cave systems, and the hard mode survial thing, but the game quickly progressed into tons and tons of busy work, lost the virtually all of the caves, and subseqently has much less exploring, and spelunking . Perhaps ill come back to it if they find a way to make the game less about "how can we draw out the process of making X more" and more about "how can we make this challenging" but really the tool in question was designed and built to work with th eMC 1.2.5 jar, and does so very well, but the 1.3.2 build behaves much differently, and I simply havent had the motivation to make it work, what with not having played much and all.
  13. instaling crashes :(

    Did you get this fixed? If not, what OS are you running?
  14. Can't get into my own server...

    The environmental variables are only really needed to support the double click and launch functionality you outlined there (although file associations might play a role specifically with the double click deal). In addition, with the path variable including the exe for java, you need not provide the absolute path to java in order to execute a .class or jar file with it, from a batch file or from command line. For exampleWith the java path in your PATH variable from CMD or batch java -jar "Path to my jar file here" would work just fine without it you require the absolute path like "C:program filesjavajre6binjava.exe" -jar "Path to my jar file here" in addition, the path variable works with other executables too, like say you have put the following path in your path variable C:Program FilesNetBeans 7.1.1bin then from any address bar in windows explorer, or even directly from the run command you could type in netbeans.exe (an executable in the aforementioned directory) and windows would start it
  15. Can't get into my own server...

    As long as it works I guess
  16. Can't get into my own server...

    I dont think the -jar switch for the java executable will create a JVM around a .exe.... You should just use a 1.2.5 jar file...
  17. Can't get into my own server...

    I think either the mods werent installed (specifically Forge) or that launcher thing isnt working right.. I wasnt aware there was a .exe to launch the server.. Why not cut that out of the equation, install the mods directly to a jar file, and start the server with a batch file? (put this in a text file, and change the extension to .bat) @ECHO OFF "Path to java.exe with quotes" -Xmx1G -Xms500m -jar "Path to minecraftserver.jar with quotes" --Xmx is the max memory for the JVM, and Xms is the starting size for it
  18. Can't get into my own server...

    EDIT - cuz I read ur post wrong In my experience, if the client and server versions dont match, or there is a problem with the client, the user is reported as having left the game before they join, and its accompanied by that message in the server console. You may want to ensure your client and server are on the same version, and make sure your client version is working correctly, and that your server build version is what you think it is. Given that your server console shows you as having tried to connect, I'm pretty sure your issue with with the client. Its possible that they have mismatching versions. As for authentication against, when it is unavailable, or whatever I typically get an exception in my client, and not the End of Stream message, but this might have changed.
  19. Bioxx should add Bukkit support

    I question all of this lack of distinction between the server and client code. I've set up vanilla servers on 1.3.2 and then modded them, and the mods which I've tested out on 1.3.2 are still seperated into two categories (Server and Client). Its assinine to claim that in 1.2.5 the 'client' and 'server' versions used entirely different code bases. Any developer who doesnt understand and actually implement the reuse concept isnt writing much other than hello world programs. Most of this code was undoubtably reused, and the actual implementation of the underlying classes would be different. Regardless, because of the NEED for stand alone servers, Mohjang is still providing them, even for 1.3.2 because, simply put, people dont want to, and shouldnt have to run what is techinically a client version, because you have to be logged in in order to host a server, and that susequently means that the stand alone server implemention is STILL different from the client version, even is only slightly.
  20. Why isn't minecraft as awesome as this ?

    I actually own the full version of this game, and its pretty kick ass already. Yeah no survial mode, and nothing even remotely resembling a 'tool' in the game. I wouldnt say its complicated to use, and dude... the kick ass shit you can make in it . Its in phase I beta ATM, with three planned phases. Phase 2 is supposed to bring survival and whatnot (im imagining something like MC Classic) and phase 3 is a 'secret'.
  21. lol there are a few other people playing on the server, but it seems like most everyone is trying it out solo. Im not looking for a partner, but neighbors are cool
  22. IGN:mwolfert age:25 Years playing: many... prev. bans: no Im pretty good at just about everything on TFC, and im SO tired of getting stolen from and griefers... Looking for a decent place to play without rediculous rules, or griefers/thieves.
  23. alternative install ?

    You could also try out the one I wrote for windows. there is a link burried in there somewhere.
  24. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    Should be yeah (edit - tested it out and its correct), you need to extract the contents of the zip file there to a folder someplace and execute setup.exe. after its done installing you can delete the folder with the files you downloaded. The app should now be in your All Programs list on the start menu. It should update to the latest version on install, and on start. Im about half way done, prolly more with coding the editor for servers. You will be able to set stuff like max and min heap sizes, runtime priority, and just about every setting in the file through the tool .
  25. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    Alright, last post on this. I created an installer for the app, and set it up to check for updates automatically. If you install the app, when it starts it will check for updates and ask you if you want to install them. Release notes will be attached to the updates from now on.