Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by MDub

  1. Spelunking.

    lol I simply dont understand any of Rooks objections to the caves. There are narrow passageways that go on and on and on. You can easily get lost in them. Granted they arent 1x2 or whatever utter nonsense Rook is suggesting, they do vary in size, and in length. Often times large casms intersect one another, and a myrid of the smaller cave tunnels. Some used to contain water (havent seen any on this build yet*), and the stalagtites make TFC caves much better than vanilla caves. The crappy mineshafts are gone, and ive personally seen alot of very cool, interesting cave formations on a number of different seeds. Crystal caves would be awesome, along with other small additions to the caves, but 1x2 tunnels is just a bad ides.. if I wanted boring ass hallways to walk around in, I would have stayed in my mines...
  2. Spelunking.

  3. Spelunking.

    Im very confused, there are giant epic caves with twisting interweaving tunnel caves opening into large chambers, opening up all the way down to the lava lakes on the bottom. While I would agree that back in build 40(?) or so there were more caves, they havent disappeared, you only need to look for them. Edit- You should try getting together 2-3 pick axes, make a stairwell to ~60y and just dig in a strait line till you break into a cave. Its bound to happen, and you might get lucky and hit it in a hundred blocks or so.
  4. Waiting.

    you could also maybe plan stuff out better. if you find yourself in a position where you have litterally nothing to do but wait on charcoal, then you have a poor strategy to remain engaged in TFC. Do things like make simple shelter, gather wood and rocks, start making your charcoal pit as you secure food and other starter resources, then light your pit and continue to do those types of things EG make chests for future goods, secure enough stone for a small house when you do have metal tools, gather wild crops/meat for food, ink for plans, anything.... Finding yourself in a position with nothing to do in TFC is because youre playing wrong, virtually everything about the game is designed to require your time.
  5. [Solved] Can't craft protection meters.

    I run a very similar setup to pux, core i7 3930k GTX660 FTW TI. I dont use optifine, and I very rarely ever experience lag. It does seem that sometimes, especially when traveling long distances, memory usage skyrockets, but its usually reclaimed pretty quickly as chunks are unloaded. During that time I get really heavy lag spikes when I assume the JVM does garbage collection. Worse case senario, it becomes really bad while im doing something time sensitive, and I simply log out then back in and it clears right up. If youre getting this type of crap all the time I would check that your machine isnt totally overloaded with running processes, and make sure to use x64 java. You could also try tweaking the GC options on your JVM by enabling or disabling incremental GC, or playing with any other GC options the JVM has.
  6. A detailed install guide?

    You know, im not defending rook here but, I didnt go off on the guy because I know that getting hung up on something stupid like installing a mod, when all you want to do is just play it, can be very frustrating. I assumed that Rook typically ISNT as big of a douche as he presented himself in his first post, just angry and frustrated. IMHO, lurking the forum looking for posts like Rooks where the poster says or does rude things in responce to frustration is much more so an act of trolling than acting like a 10 year old in your post. Yes Rook introduced himself in a profoundly stupid and rude matter, but the more experienced of us here on the forums could simply have ignored him, rather than creating this rather stupid flaming thread.
  7. Veteran ideas for better gameplay.

    While I sorta wish there was a stone picaxe, I understand why there isnt one, and for the record you can remove accidentally placed cobble stone by hand. It takes forever but the cobble blocks will be removed just stick with it. I like the idea of getting a reduced quantity of whool from sheep with a knife so you dont have to kill the sheep to get whool when you start, but I fear I cant really justify the effort for development, considering its really only 3 sheep for a bed, and believe me, there are more than enough sheep in TFC. And sorry to other dude but you most certainly can break a rock with rock. Ancients all over the world rough cut their monoliths using stone hammers to remove layer after layer of stone to free their blocks from the quarry. Finer work was done with other types of metal chisels and tools (eg bronze-arsonic). Also all of the UI interfaces need work not just the firepit. The shift clicking is one of the glitchiest aspects of the game. Placing anything inside of a firepit, forge or basically any crafting grid will change them somehow, so that they no longer stack with items of the same type. You can get around it by putting it back in the pit and shift clicking it out, but it defeats the purpose of the shift click because now if youre stupid and accidentally pick something up from inside of a firepit or whatever, you cant stack it with other items of the same time right away, and have to place it back into whatever it came out of, and shift click again to get it to stack...
  8. I never have any issues finding clay, aside from the occasional walking over the deposit right next to my house a few times before noticing it. Regardless of the spot I settle down in, I almost always find clay within a few hundred blocks. Simply find low lying land like bioxx said around 148 or whatever, and every now and again dig a small random one block hole with a shovel. Scanning river beds, and coast line is also an effective way to find clay.
  9. Typically when I play I make a small shack really quick and dirty aka shitty... I fill it with like 6 double chests a bed and a firepit. from there I get all my starter ores and whatnot and go for mining. Because of the way I start, I usually dont start actually building a home till im well into bronze + metals. So the most rewarding part for me is getting my real home up, and everything moved into it. It doesnt even have to be finished, just as long as it keeps the mobs out, and improves on my starter shacks
  10. A detailed install guide?

    My build is currently using 1.3 Universal
  11. A detailed install guide?

    TFC's install directions are easy... Step 1. place TFC zip file in the mods folder. Step 2....... Step 3 profit . The install instructions for the various mod dependencies are located on their respective websites. But anyway, the basic steps are. Build 75: 1. Start with a clean 1.4.6 .minecraft directory. 2. Download forge .486 and player API. 3. Extract the contents of these mods into your .minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar. (Forge first to avoid problems) 4. Delete META-INF folder inside your .minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar file. 5. Start minecraft to be sure forge and player API are correctly installed. (You will see a FML loading screen open up, telling you its setting up the environment, and can verify on the main menu that the mods are loaded) 6. place TFC and your other mod files into your .minecraft/mods folder. 7. Enjoy TFC. There are other ways to install this mod, using MultiMC, or MagicLauncher. Several of us here have also made tools which install the mods for you, but generally you shouldnt need them.
  12. Yet again trouble getting TFC to work

    You could give this a try if you both Magic Launcher and MultiMC have been screwing shit up for you... I wrote this to install the mods for me. I dont have any documentation, but then again... if you cant figure out how to use it then you are very sad . I havent had any problems building TFC with smart moving/REI's at all with this tool, provided you make absolutely sure you use the correct versions for everything (IE forge, player API and whatever else). If MultiMC works for you I suggest sticking with it. It is considerably more likely to be well maintained that the tool I wrote
  13. Has anyone ever legititetly found Kimberlite?

    For those of you wondering about the shape of the kimberlite veins:
  14. I agree that not being able to store x2 ingots in a chest is stupid. Consider when your making your anvil or armor or whatever and half way through you realize you didnt quite get enough metal from the bloomery... Now assuming you dont have any on hand, you have to lug around 6 double ingots in your inventory while mining to get enough to finish. Then when you smelt them up you have to juggle space for you double ingots, all the unshapped, the molds, ores, and charcoal... all because you cant put 2 ingots welded together in a chest? All the while still being able to stack the single unworked ingots.... Logic fail
  15. Quick Question about Error

    Just as a side note, I know for certain that any syntax errors in the file at all, will cause this issue or an issue like it. I cant remember the exact exception it causes but it does result in an invalid cast while generating the map. So if you make changes to the file before generating your TFC world, and you get cast exceptions while its building the new world, start there first.
  16. [b75] Losing ore in the bloomery

    I can confirm that this does not happen to me on build 75 :/. Last night I smelted up a ton of copper on kotoro's server for tools. As always I start by throwing in two and a half stacks of ore, then fill the rest with charcoal. Didnt lose an ounce.
  17. Shooting arrow crash

    Wow, that is one ugly crash log :/ For what its worth, I've seen other people I know have this same issue. Usuallly happens to them while in a cave, and they claimed it happens most often when either the arrow hits them directly, or strikes a stalagtite they are trying to take cover from. This has never happened to me, and I've gone out of my way to try to replicate it . Ill see if I can remember who exactly it was that talked with me about the bug and see if they found a fix.
  18. Has anyone ever legititetly found Kimberlite?

    while I have found diamonds, Ive never seen any kimberlite... I wasnt even aware it spawned :| I guess ill go wiki it. -edit ill be damned... it does exist! at least on the wiki. I imagine its like borax or other mineral types which are exceedingly rare. In all the time I've played TFC Ive only found borax once. Seems to me if its not Saltpeter or gypsum, and its a mineral.. youre probably not going to find it easily, if at all.
  19. [b75] TFCraft don't work

    For what its worth, I was having issues building TFC and actually getting it to work as well (on build 75, specifically getting NoSuchMethod errors when joining servers, from the player api). There might be something wrong with Player API 1.3. You could try using 1.2. Also both me and Kotoro have built installers for mods with TFC in mind. His works in Unix os's mine on windows (.net 4.5 framework required). You could IM either one of us to see what we have, or you could use Magic Launcher or whatever as a more mainstream utility.
  20. Mastery

    Im a master of surviving . I so rarely die on TFC ive been accused of cheating
  21. Lol im not sure what happened... its the second time where blocks ahve been skipped in world loading, ending up with a landscape of floating trees and grass and a giant pool of lava that everyone falls into. I had to create a new map again today . Anyway shes up and running on 73.
  22. Extreme lag.

    one thing you could do here, one is make sure that you have enough memory allocated to the JVM. On windows 7 go to Start -> Control Panel -> Programs -> java -> java tab, and enter in -Xmx1g (1g for 1 gig of memory, or say 2g for two gigs. Dont set this to a value greater than the memory installed on the machine!) in the runtime parameters field and check the check box. This might help... but you havent really said that you experienced any out of memory exceptions so it Might help. I hear other people have success with optifine, but I have no experience using it and wouldnt be of much help. Higher resolution texture packs can also cause problems. Also, if you are on a x64 platform, make sure you are using 64 bit java. You could also post your system resources here to see how they compare with other users' machines. This includes RAM, CPU, and GPU specs. Most of this can be gathered by clicking start - > search for run -> open the run window -> type in dxdiag, save the diag results (the Save All Information button) to a text file and post a link to it here so we can see it.
  23. Does this actually work with TFC? (-edit I see that Powerbeat tested) can anyone confirm? Maybe a bit of insight on how it functions in terms of claims availability, max number of claims (configurable?), and some answers to the questions above on chest and door protection? If this covers those bases, and I wouldnt have to worry about chunk claim spamming, I could have a use for it.
  24. Extreme lag.

    What sorta specs does your machine have?